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Everything posted by FlorianR

  1. does anyone know where battery 2 is located? on the pilots control panel I only see batteries 1, 3, and 4 (all the way at the bottom).
  2. resolution changes only takes place after re-starting x-plane.
  3. now I feel stupid and left out
  4. Hey, when clicking/dragging the manipulators in the XPFR B-17 (and all other planes with manipulators) my keyboard mouse jumps all over the place once I let go. Is there a way to work around that? Thanks, FlorianR
  5. yes, really looking forward to it!
  6. great review for a great scenery! 'nuff said!
  7. cant wait
  8. awesome !
  9. easier to model and program in XP too, I think.
  10. do it! I've only been to Oahu once, but now that I have more geographical knowledge of the island, i'm hoping to go again. You know, do some tropical flyin'
  11. Thanks, can you recommend a tutorial or website where i can learn to read those charts. I'm still trying hard to work with the basic approach charts, but this just makes no sense
  12. Ola, looks amazing! one question, where would you obtain images to texture the objects?
  13. when finished, upload the file to the org, to say good-bye! ;D
  14. looks amazing . perfect, don't change a thing.
  15. Are you sure it will be free?! Certainly looks like a high-payware aircraft. Beautiful texturing and modeling . Do you know if this will be released some time soon or is still in the development stages?
  16. yes, I realize that. However, I can't attach an image to show what I mean in the X-Aviation Contact Support Form. I'll try nevertheless .
  17. alright, i got the download to work. however, when i try to install the scenery i get this error message:
  18. im getting a --*Fail : Access Denied-- error :-\ when trying to download...
  19. looks awesome, I hope you stick to this project! One critique though, the tower texture looks a bit dark. check out this pic: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2393/1896933687_9d11c79de3.jpg
  20. thanks Cameron. that's exactly what I was looking for
  21. just looked through the screenshots and they all look amazing but couldn't find one of Honolulu Intl. airport and Waikiki beach. Would you mind posting some where you get the time. Thanks!
  22. yes, please! I wouldn't want one from anyone else !
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