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Everything posted by VirtualAviator

  1. I was able to reproduce the issue yesterday. I couldn't enter a GW nor a ZFW. Somehow, I was to resolve the issue. I can't speak specifically to what I did but it included downloading and installing a fresh copy of the aircraft. Don't know if this'll work for y'all but it might be worth a try. I also disabled XPUIPC -- I use X-Organizer; if you don't use it you'll need to remove the XPUICP folder from plugins. I don't know if this was necessary or not. I had chosen the non-KG option prior to, from the preference menu. Disregard the can't find preferences - I apparently suffered a brain fart when looking for the preferences menu. https://youtu.be/9xoVBRsYAWg Cheers,
  2. Interesting thread... Oouch!
  3. Link correction: http://www.togasim.com/ixeg/product_info/whatsnew_15.html
  4. In case you missed it, Tom of IXEG joined YouTube content creator Q8Pilot to discuss the direction (and some history) of IXEG, and the development of the Boeing 737-300. It's worth the time to listen and/or watch. Thanks Tom and Jan. It's developers of your caliber that helps make X-Plane the very best flight simulator (in spite of maturing pains) available.
  5. You posted in a forum that doesn't generally provide support. Also, based on your post there is no way to know what aircraft you are referring to.
  6. Ya ever get the feeling that the more you do, the more ya need to do?
  7. Thanks for the website located at https://www.togasim.com
  8. Anecdotally, it appears that rain effects are tied to clouds, that is; when flying under cumulus or cumulus nimbus clouds we get rain, no matter what the actual weather is. I can appreciate how hard this phenomena is to fix. Thinking about 1st principle modeling, it has to be tough to model when it rains versus when the clouds are saturated but not raining. My guess is that LR, (Austin Meyers) is thinking about this and trying to figure out a mathematical equation that can be dropped into XP12. We all want weather that is as close to the real world weather as possible. I'm sure that is not lost on Laminar Research. X-Plane 12 is a fantastic program. It's still in its infancy. Even so, it rivals flight simulators with nearly unlimited resources. I can think of a half dozen things that I'd like to see fixed. I'm confident those things will be addressed. In the meantime, I'm enjoying it to the max, even with the current rain effects .
  9. My lesson for today. Thanks!
  10. I'm still clueless. I must install what in the what folder? Is there some documentation somewhere? When it comes to Navigraph, I've never made any tweaks or changes.
  11. Not so much a bug report as a support request. I can't seem to get the NAV DATA to display the current AIRAC. Navigraph advised me to remove and reinstall Navigraph FMS Data Manager. I removed it deleted the folders and rerun it from scratch. The other plane that I fly shows the correct AIRAC, include the 738. I suspect i missed something. Any suggestions?
  12. I know it's early but here is the first thing I'd like to see on the wish list. Make the bump-out window resizable. Actually, not the bump menu, but the window it launches. Awesome aircraft guys.
  13. Fortunately, wipers are not considered required equipment. But no worries, while I can't speak for IXEG I have 100% confidence that they will fix the wipers in an update.
  14. Does anyone know if there is a way to turn off the attention all aircraft barometer announcement? I like it sometimes, but it breaks the immersion. If it can't be turned off, maybe LR will make it an option?
  15. X-plane 12 Public Beta 12.06b7 has been released by Laminar Research. For more information, visit https://www.x-plane.com/kb/x-plane-12-00-release-notes/#Public_Beta_8211_1206b7.
  16. Thanks for clearing that up. My mistake. I guess I won't rush home after all.
  17. Hmmm... I hadn't realized that the XP12 version has dropped. I can't wait to spin up the turbine when I get home in a couple days. Thanks for posting.
  18. TBH, I rarely use the tool. I tend to set trim to some value I can't recall at the moment or just accept the default value. Now that Pan-Aero is on my radar again, I may use it more often. Maybe then I can talk about my experiences by updating this thread.
  19. Trim is generally a function of Weight and Balance. The only simming solution I've found, thanks to FoxTrot Alpha Aviation, is the Pan-Aero weight and balance tool. The tool is specific to the C600/C650. Unfortunately, an Apple product is required to run the tool (i.e. Ipad, Iphone, etc.).
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the work you're doing is basically the XP12 port + work. Where the + (plus) is the additional modeling you've talked about. Sometime later, you're going to do a major lift on the project?
  21. Although I don't use all of these, here are some more. Perhaps, you'll find some useful: I’M SAFE – Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Emotion [preflight] CHAPS – Clear (clearing turns), Heading, Altitude, Position (where are you?), Set power [before maneuvering] A TOMATO FLAMES – Altimeter, Tachometer, Oil pressure, Magnetic compass, Airspeed, Temperature (water), Oil temperature, Fuel gauge, Landing gear position, Anticollision lights (strobes), Manifold pressure, ELT, Safety belts. [preflight] FLAPS – Fuses, Landing lights, Anticollision lights (strobes), Position lights (nav lights), Source of electricity (battery, alternator, volts, amps) [preflight] 5 C’s – Cram (full power), Climb, Clean (configure), Cool (temperatures), Call (communicate) [go around] As I discover more I'll add them. Hope y'all find this thread useful.
  22. The Citation X by Laminar Research is my 2nd favorite business/corporate jet (it would be my fav if it was model to the standard of the CL650). I created a C750 checklist that turned out to be rather popular, but nothing compares to the video below: The default Cessna Citation X, by Laminar Research, is worth the purchase price of X-Plane, IMO.
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  23. I get an email each time this post is updated. One day, I'm gonna click open that email and it's gonna say, "It's ready. Get it now!" (or something like that).
  24. I can't manipulate the menu items. After clicking on the drop down menu, I invoke the menu that allows the battery to be recharged. For me, it's not clickable. Log.txtLog.txt
  25. I was doing some touch and goes in a single engine piston plane and it dawned on me that I didn't include one of my favorite aids in the list. Forgetting to turn on my landing lights reminded me of this one: GUMPS, or GLUMPS - which I prefer. GUMPS - Gas, Under-carriage, Mixture, Props, Seatbelt GLUMPS - Gas, Lighs, Under-carriage, Mixture, Props, Seatbelt I had to mozy right on over here to include these.
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