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Everything posted by ruyjo

  1. Beautiful video! The plane is great, so are the liveries
  2. Thanks, that means a lot to me
  3. This is my last X-plane 9 video as my DVD is scratched and doesn't work. I hope you like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FQj2-PDF-o UPDATE: I bought a new X-Plane 9 DVD 1 for $10. This won't be probably my last X-plane 9 video.
  4. Yes, it looks like nothing could make the camera shake. And it's also very handy, a girl for the external microphone
  5. Very nice, I'm impressed by the fact the camera is very stable
  6. ruyjo

    Manchester Airport

    Thanks samen. I'm currently working on a new 'short' video which is starring your A332 and A346
  7. Here's a new video. Enjoy watching! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDuSnH_cnsc
  8. I wish I had an Xbox, I have a ps3 though. Nice shots and video people
  9. ruyjo

    Washington Dulles

    Thanks, wont use close ups of static aircraft next time.
  10. ruyjo

    Washington Dulles

    Nice, I'm going to purchase it soon
  11. ruyjo

    Washington Dulles

    So I downloaded it for free while it was a payware converted scenery… Should I delete this video? Would be sad because i've put a lot of work into it but I can't use payware scenery which I downloaded for free... UPDATE: Found the solution thanks to killersardine2011. Going to buy imaginesim Washington Dulles so I have a legal copy
  12. ruyjo

    Washington Dulles

    Yes it is converted and published on the .org site about 2 months about but the link is dead I'm pretty sure it was this link: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=14020
  13. ruyjo

    Washington Dulles

    Here is a video about Washington Dulles. Does anyone now where I can find the scenery on the .org site. It seems that it's gone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC__GeY-3aU
  14. ruyjo


    That's awesome!
  15. ruyjo

    The Fokker F100

    yes it is
  16. ruyjo

    The Fokker F100

    Thanks man, I'll try to keep getting better
  17. ruyjo

    The Tupolev 154m

    Haha, nobody said that to me earlier, thanks alot!!!
  18. ruyjo

    The Fokker F100

    Dutch build I used Final cut Pro to edit. This is my first experience with final cut pro, and I'm very happy with it
  19. ruyjo

    The Tupolev 154m

    Thankyou, I really appreciate that. I agree with you that they make planes that look different: the Tu-154 is an eye-catcher
  20. ruyjo

    The Tupolev 154m

    Thanks, it's 'Someday' by Black Eyed Peas
  21. ruyjo

    The Tupolev 154m

    Enjoy the video, more than 2 minutes of Russian aviation
  22. I've already set them higher. First the graphics looked worse. If I want to set them even more higher, I need a superpc. Thanks for watching.
  23. ruyjo

    Chek Lap Kok!!!

    Bloom by Ryan Farish. Thanks for watching
  24. here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=53349
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00y23irOSXo Enjoy the video and feel free to reply on this topic
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