This is my last X-plane 9 video as my DVD is scratched and doesn't work. I hope you like it: UPDATE: I bought a new X-Plane 9 DVD 1 for $10. This won't be probably my last X-plane 9 video.
So I downloaded it for free while it was a payware converted scenery… Should I delete this video? Would be sad because i've put a lot of work into it but I can't use payware scenery which I downloaded for free... UPDATE: Found the solution thanks to killersardine2011. Going to buy imaginesim Washington Dulles so I have a legal copy
Yes it is converted and published on the .org site about 2 months about but the link is dead I'm pretty sure it was this link:
Here is a video about Washington Dulles. Does anyone now where I can find the scenery on the .org site. It seems that it's gone