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Trell B

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Trell B last won the day on September 29 2019

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About Trell B

  • Birthday 11/22/1984

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    General nerd stuff that ordinary hood ni**as don't do. I also avoid ComiCons.

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  1. "I've been complaining about this sh*t since last year..."

    ...and you've been getting warnings for inappropriate language for the last four years (and this is the 4th such warning). The list of other warnings is also long enough for this one to come with a significant time out.


    Unless you want to be found out, hunted, and shot., i would suggest you stop Policing my fucking language on X-Plane.org. You will not tell me what i cannot and can say. You are not my mother or father.

    Fuck around and find out.

  2. Three years later.......nothing.....
  3. I hope you guys enjoy these.
  4. At the time I posted, I was new to X-Plane 11, coming straight from Prepar3D after raging out because of P3D's constant ooms and CTD's. I never looked back......tried FS2020......just more FSX with Eye candy generated on top of it. Went back to XP11. In love with the Zibo......the only plane i fly. The main reason i purchased XP11? I got back complete control of MY cameras, resulting in shots like these:
  5. When will we see the XP 11 release of the 767 conversion?

  6. I too have this issue.
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