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Everything posted by xZone

  1. I understand you perfectly, but people have different computers We always can play with the settings.....
  2. But, sundog, why don't you add a little bit more " volume" to the cumulus?? I like SMP, really, but I think they need to be a bit improved Something like that, for example https://pixabay.com/de/photos/cumulus-wolken-thunder-2943540/
  3. I totally agree with you
  4. ???
  5. Ok, that's not an issue, actually. What about the TerraMaxx, Cameron ? Still can't install it on Vulkan
  6. Landing lights were off What about the TerraMaxx - Vulkan ??
  7. I did but doesen't help I have sometime ( dark, evenings, mornings ) some bright clouds in the front of the aircraft, I don't know how to describe. It happen when I use external views, as well Like in the attached image. But I had it with OpenGL, also
  8. I have RTX 2080 Ti
  9. Okay, I understand In this case, I'll have to ( unfortunately ) uninstall SkyMaxx Pro
  10. As I said, I have no issues with all the other weather engines.... How comes ?
  11. I have the RTX 2080 Ti
  12. Did you find a way to fix this issue, guys ? With some other weather addon ( I don't name it here ) I have no problems
  13. Any ideas ??
  14. Thanks, Cameron LE : I can't install it, I receive this error
  15. Does it work with Vulkan ? I don't want to install it and uninstall it again, just in case it doesen't work Thank you
  16. Define " computers " please That's a software issue, not a hardware ...
  17. I will, but other players don't have this issue with SMP and Vulkan
  18. With Open GL i don't have the same issue
  19. Aahh, okay I deleted the X-Plane 11 and installed again I'm using Vulkan, I'll try right now the Open GL and I will report back in a few minutes Thank you
  20. I deleted the X-Plane 11 Open GL It was everything okay, before Should I try to delete the shaders folder or something?
  21. No, I don't use Reshade / Xvision I can't understand who's the culprit
  22. I have this issue with all the aircrafts Here is a printscreen I don't think it's a SMP issue, as well
  23. The clouds ( cumulus - fast ) look oversaturated, and after a while they look ok again, and again, saturated.....and so on Any ideas ??
  24. The clouds look weird / saturated
  25. Nothing, but they could look even better
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