Since I've received no response, I continued to try and troubleshoot my issue and it appears I assumed facts not in evidence. The issue occurs when trying to use the simulation in VR. I read the product description on the website and did not read any indication that the 340A was not VR compatible. In fairness, it does not say it is therefore I assumed. Mea culpa.
When I load the simulation after launching X-Plane 11 I have simulation sounds through my speakers. However, I lose the simulation sounds after I start my HP Reverb. I can disable VR but I still lose the sounds if I switch to my speakers until I restart X-Plane.
Perhaps a note regarding VR compatibility in the product description would be helpful until such time it is. After years of chasing a more immersive experience in 2-D, I found the solution in VR. It's not for everyone but in my opinion nothing else comes close to the immersion of flight than the use of VR.