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Everything posted by dbw11

  1. I currently have XP11 & 12, P3dV5 & ^, and MSFS on computer. Yes i have a lot of drive space mainly M.2. New machine last spring after 5 years with the previous one. In the not too distant future XP11 and P3dV5 will be removed as more add-ons are available for others. I like V5 for the aircraft and weather. Wx radar seems to be the best developed on this sim and as a retired Cdn pilot I find for me WX radar adds to the immersion factor. I suspect V6 will end up being just as good. The majestic Dash8 works well and on short final are the Xtreme prototypes Lears and somewhere behind that is the MadDog. Plus for those in Canada there is good add-on scenery from one coast to the other and up into the high arctic. This sim will come together nicely as time goes on. MSFS....The scenery is great and the add-on selection is very good for both aircraft and scenery. that said for me the aircraft are missing something except for those at the top of the food chain without naming them. WX has gotten much better or time. It's good but for me is missing something. XP12....After taking a break from XP12 and spending time on the other sims then coming back to it I am blown away by the aircraft available and some of the add-on scenery. If I had to choose only one sim it would probably be XP12. Different strokes for different folks. A couple OEM aircraft are worth mentioning...the Citation 10 is interesting but having never flown one I can't speak to its accuracy but it seems well done on the whole. The other is the King Air C90. The last years of my career were mainly in a gov't office but I was checked out on the 90, yes the one with the gutless -20/21 engines* modelled here, got upwards of 100 hrs/year including annual Level C/D sim training) and when i first fired up the XP11 demo I was really surprised just how well it was done right down to the cockpit being almost identical to the one I flew (eventually upgraded to the G1000 - I did miss the old analog).Add-on aircraft for XP12 are very good. *Having flown turbine RW in the 70s, 80s I was no stranger to temping out on a warm day and the need to be smooth when extracting max performance available. XP12 does pretty much everything well and I'm really enjoying it. Quite enjoy this 7370300.
  2. I expect sales will be steady and more people become aware of just how good this aircraft is in XP12. The market for "glass cockpit" XP11 & 12 is pretty much saturated with offerings plus there are more than a few who enjoy an analog panel. This creation is well worth the price and the satisfaction is there of operating it well.
  3. Wx radar is something that adds a lot to the immersion for me. I bought this aircraft a couple months ago and while i knew it was good it has become one of my favorites. Just curious how good the wx radar is in XP12. Hope you're getting some riding in.
  4. I just bought this today and have done a couple of short flights and am really impressed. It was a post from this thread that caught my attention. Retired pilot though not on the 737.
  5. Any chance of another invite to Discord please. Sorry to admit I can't find it. Age thing maybe.......
  6. Greetings, Confirm is we have already purchased the XP11 version we may request the XP 12 WIP version? Thanks.
  7. Will the aircraft follow the approach LNAV and the vertical component to be controlled manually by the pilot?
  8. Greetings. Request an invite for the hot start discord please. Thanks.
  9. Where can we find the landing ref speed? Thanks.
  10. Just wondering how it is coming along. I am a recent purchaser and retired pilot who is really impressed by your aircraft. No rush - just curious.....
  11. KirkR, Many thanks for your response. This is a very good creation. Support is excellent. Sharing of info on the forum is great - respectful, just nice helpful people. So glad I dusted off the credit card finally and bought it. Retired pilot so I'm really getting into this machine. All the best, Dave
  12. Got it. Thanks again.
  13. In the challenger how do you turn on synthetic vision?
  14. Used to put a checklist between the throttles so as to not forget.
  15. Many thanks. Lots to learn on this aircraft. Airframe settings for the altimeter…..I didn’t see this selection and will go back and look for it. APU observation…..never even thought of it but you’re right. Thanks. Your advice is most appreciated.
  16. Great creation. Just bought a couple days ago. Looking forward to the XP12 release too. 3 Questions.....I've looked but so far have not stumbled across the answers... How to you change the altimeter setting subscale from HPA to In HG? ATS - it fails on climb out. No idea why? ATS power settings - I've read after take off there is a way through the FMS to select climb power for the ATS. I have found the power management page but other than a take off limit there's nothing else populated. So is a selection to climb power required or does the ATS do it automatically? Could this be tied into my ATS failing on climb out? Many thanks for any responses. Dave
  17. Is there a way to simply bypass the FBO experience and get in the aircraft engines started and ready to taxi or take off? It's probably an interesting experience to participate in this but more often than not only so much time is available to go for a flight. This is the reason I've been holding off buying. Dave
  18. dbw11

    TBM900 Autopilot

    Point understood. Many thanks. Cheers.
  19. dbw11

    TBM900 Autopilot

    Greetings. Thank you for your reply. The last three attempts at flying had flights 1 & 3 behaving normal. Autopilot functioned fine. Flight 2 - the AP was essentially non functional. Strange I agree. That said the remainder of the the XP sim and addons function fine so I will hold off on a reinstall of XP. Thank you for your support.
  20. dbw11

    TBM900 Autopilot

    One other point - I am unable to engage the FD at times.
  21. I have autopilot issues too (noted above) and I have done the new airframe creation route and the problem remains.
  22. dbw11

    TBM900 Autopilot

    Hello Goran, We discussed briefly about a week ago a couple issues I have with the latest version. Hadn't flown it at all since the last update till recently. This version the autopilot will not follow "heading" or "nav" though it does capture altitude. I have spent considerable time trying to figure out why including redownloading. I have real world G1000 time in a king air so I am somewhat familiar with the G1000. Not sure where to go with this. I have wondered if I am simply missing something but the TBM is not that complicated a machine though we are all human. Also in another communication I mentioned just how easy it is to crash this aircraft on touchdown. Never had these problems on the previous version. I quite like this aircraft so please do not take these comments as a complaint. In fact if god were to smile on me and provide a winning lottery ticket i would like a real TBM900/930/940 in my hangar. Cheers, Dave
  23. Is it possible to get access to a download for the previous version .... 1.1.12. I hadn't flown the time much in the better part of a year and I'm having issues I'm not smart enough to fix. Besides the previous one worked fine for me. If not I guess I'll park this one and wait for the next update.
  24. Thanks for your reply. I realize you are under pressure from the Avsim CL650 forum. I can assure you I am not driving the tbm into the ground when landing. Maybe I can see if I have a previous version of it stored, blow this one off, and try it. I've hardly flown the tbm since the last update for this reason.
  25. Thanks for your patience....Is there any way to make it less sensitive to crashes. I just did a landing i know* would be fine in the real world but once again it burst into flame. *Retired 40 year pilot.
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