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Ch.Cole last won the day on February 28 2021

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  1. You can change the UNS units to lbs. Otherwise, you need to enter kg.
  2. Great, thank you. Anything about the GPSS-Roll-Steering Button (GPSS/HDG) and the GPSS turning "early"?
  3. Hi, I'm still wondering about the above questions. Can anybody help me?
  4. Did you doublecheck your button assignments to make sure there's no button or switch assigned to move the view?
  5. Just for reference, I just had a crash with the same Error, but for the first time, and I fly the MU a lot... 12.0.9-rc-5
  6. Just as a follow up: I did a test, and I managed to get sufficient pressurisation at FL280. Is it possible that you reduced the RPM below min cruise? One of the peculiarities of the MU2 is that min cruise is 97%. When I reduced it lower to test, the cabin altitude increased. So maybe that was the issue?
  7. That's indeed strange. What are your power settings? maybe the engines can't provide enough bleed air pressure?
  8. Hi, I'm looking for a command to "press" the ALT button on the transponder (GNS-Version). DataRef came up blank, at least I didn't find a way to change the mode. I'm ok with a lua-solution. I also have a question regarding the GPSS-Roll-Steering Button (GPSS/HDG). Is it intended/realistic behaviour, that I can't change it and don't have an indication, unless I already have the AP active in HDG-mode? Lastly, GPSS behaviour: If you follow a flight plan and do a "direct-to", the GPSS turns even before your "accept" by pressing the "enter" button. Is that correct?
  9. Ok, funny stuff... I removed all other plugins I use and added them back one by one... And even with all plugins added, it kept working...
  10. So I reverted back (reinstalled and deleted the other plugins), and the issue still persists...
  11. Yeah, I gathered that. I had it suggested for the Saab, I think. I'll try to roll back...
  12. The issue might be with the new plugin, that splits Gizmo64 into two different plugins.
  13. If you happen to use "FlyWithLua" as a plugin, it's quite easy to do
  14. I have an issue where the fuel indicators all read zero, now matter what I set when starting cold&dark. Engines don't start. If I start with "engines running", everything is fine. Also, "Fuel Qty Test" doesn't have any effect. I have Gizmo v23.02.27.1254, which shown an error in the console.
  15. I encountered the same issue. When you move the white "lock lever" up and down again, you can use the mouse. The plane initialises with the dataref xscenery/mu2b60/showhide/hide_condition_lever_manips set to 1. Moving the lever lock a bit sets it to 0.
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