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Everything posted by mick431

  1. [shadow=red,left]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_360[/shadow]
  2. Really like the the idea of a ski version.
  3. Flew the old, nasty CRJ from KSEA to CYVR.
  4. 55 is actually quite a low FOV. I use between 60-90 for my FOV, usually 70-80. You'll find the view is perfect with the higher FOV.
  5. Will the float version be included in an update? Or a completely separate package?
  6. Are there any plans at animating them? I'm aware of the fact that it would be difficult to properly animate the joystick, thanks to the leather cover. The pedals should be a simple matter though, unless I've overlooked something.
  7. And another livery request : http://jetphotos.net/showphotos.php?regsearch=PT-TUB&view=true
  8. Looking mighty fine! You still using blender for your modeling software of choice?
  9. Rush, I saw that they said it would be on hold until other projects (Like the F-16) are finished, but no where that I noticed did they say that they aren't going to make it.
  10. Thanks for answering Cameron. To be honest I don't have interest in REX for X-plane if ground textures aren't included, as 30 bucks is out of my budget for just weather enhancement.
  11. I saw it on the REX website before it was released a few days ago. Glad to see they're selling it on X-Aviation. One question about REXPlane, does it include ground textures?
  12. First off I'd like to say I really enjoy this plane. It is the nicest aircraft I have bought for X-Plane to date. The only error I've spotted yet with 1.1 is that the fuel calculator's fuel used value seems to only be accurate if the amount of fuel is left at default. Anything higher shows a negative value. Here's a screenshot to show you what I mean:
  13. I also get this issue. FPS starts at around 45-70 fps in 2d cockpit when first opening, then an 30 minutes or so later it is around 30. Exterior gets around 30 when first opening, but goes down to 19 ect. 3d Interior also gets similar performance as exterior, but just a tad higher. Sometimes when I first open the C400 fps are 19, but putting my computer in sleep and then re opening it puts the fps back to normal. My system is a MacBook Pro with 2.5 GHz 512 mb Nvidia Geforce 8600M GT if that helps you guys any. Hope this gets resolved soon!
  14. mick431

    Project 3

    Have you considered doing the Saab 340 AEW and C? Link here
  15. mick431

    Project 3

    I think the F-104 is getting bumped to number two on my Must Have list.
  16. Are you guys gonna sell this on the Org store, X-aviation, or on your own?
  17. Alright, sorry to bore you with my replies, but you also have to be in orthographic mode for them to appear.
  18. Looks great! I really need to work on learning how to truly model in blender, I'm tired of just making boxes for scenery...
  19. Not only that, but for me it doesn't show up at all until there is some action.
  20. I know your sick and tired of blender, but one last thing... Mine don't show up either till I zoom out/in.
  21. Well first off, what format are you using for your images?
  22. Try this blender tutorial. It has a lot of great info. (Plus a link to another tutorial on how to set up 3D views)
  23. Looking really good, can't wait to give it a try! Seems there are quite a few 747's in the works currently, a payware 742 (?), the XPFW 744, and this one.
  24. There's always Ted Davis' Seattle/San Francisco package.
  25. Are the ramps/ect visible in overlay editor?
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