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Everything posted by lov3

  1. Thank you for your reply Ben! Now it comes to my mind, I updated Windows, that's probably what caused it. Where can I see all my registrations? Because I think I got two names for the same computer now.
  2. So.. I've gotten an similiar dillema. I installed the TBM on my orginal XP11 installation. I forgot what name I gave that installation.. Then I made a clean XP11 install next to it.. Deleted the old one and installed the TBM in the new one.. I had to choose another PC name. But then.. I made another XP11 installation on the same PC. I'm afraid that if I install the TBM9 again it get's frozen.
  3. OH MY GOSH, Yes, that's definitely what I want! This is even better! I'll buy this in an instant. Once you provide an buy link, you can count on my money! I'm sold. I honestly can't wait, I fly in the 738 every day, this is what I needed!
  4. Any updates? Is there an superbuy link?
  5. OMG! You're the best! Where can I buy it? <3 Edit: Does it work out of the box or is some kind of software required to make it work with XP11?
  6. OMG! I'll buy it in an instant! Please keep me updated.
  7. Just as an suggestion, I would love to see an radio panel for Boeing aircraft.
  8. You could also modify the .acf with planemaker and just add a little bit of fuel capacity that realistic for the size of the ferry tank you are simulating.
  9. Thanks, there's some handy stuff in there. I'll definitely take a look at that. Thanks, searched the whole aircraft, found things like cup holders and armrests but no elevator trim, totally forgot to look at the yoke. Stupid.. Thanks for pointing it out
  10. Got it, I know were the indicator is and the shortcuts but I was wondering were the rudder trim knob is in the plane it self. Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi. I've looked around but I can't find the rudder trim. Were can I find the rudder trim? Thanks in advance.
  12. What @Goran_M says, and the forward landing gear doesn't have brakes, so there won't be a brake fluid line there.
  13. lov3

    Slow download speed

    Downloaded and installed the TBM900! This plane is just amazing and one of the best GA aircraft for XP11 out there! Thanks for all the help @Goran_M and @boredtechie, It's greatly appriciated.
  14. lov3

    Slow download speed

    Alright so after over 5 hours of waiting the download is almost done!
  15. lov3

    Slow download speed

    Alright, thanks for the clarification. I wasn't too sure how the system worked.
  16. lov3

    Slow download speed

    That's weird. So or my computer is just glitching out or my server connection is actually really slow. Btw thanks for testing it out!
  17. lov3

    Slow download speed

    I could use a VPN and try downloading through a American IP, and see if that makes any difference. I'm just afraid that I'll be blocked for piracy like others. (Read about that on Reddit).
  18. Looks awesome!
  19. lov3

    Slow download speed

    Nope, download started when everyone was still asleep, and no one in my household is download/uploading anything. Downloading other files goes way quicker even tho they are heavier. I think this a server side problem (but who am I to decide). I saw a post on Reddit dating a few months back were someone had the same issue. Besides, I just went out with everyone for 2 hours, let the computer on (not in sleep mode) and it progressed less than 20%. And just asked everybody, no one was downloading/uploading anything.
  20. lov3

    Slow download speed

    After more than 2 hours of downloading, it still hasn't finished. Download speed dropped to 42 KB/s, I think something is wrong with the download server.
  21. lov3

    Slow download speed

    Update: Download speed is now up to 108 KB/s but it is still extremly slow. Edit: speed dropped back to 87 KB/s.
  22. Hi everyone! For some reason downloading the TBM900 is really slow. I'm downloading from Europe. Is anyone else having the same problem with download speeds? Thanks in advance for your replies. .
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