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Everything posted by I9311I

  1. Not sure, actually, Should it be automatic, or should I change the values in here?
  2. That’s what I’m saying. The speed restrictions, higher than 250, will be loaded and showing correctly in the LEGS page, yet VNAV descent will still automatically go to 250IAS at TOD.
  3. What about SID crossing restrictions when given a maintain altitude that is higher? Do they insert the crossing restriction altitudes one at a time, then change and climb on FLC?
  4. VNAV works great except on descent. It always defaults to 250IAS or less. I find myself manually setting the speed on descent for crossing restrictions frequently in the 280 range, then sometimes forgetting about it. Is that a bug or is it how it works in the real aircraft?
  5. It would be great, if possible, if it would be included in a future build to call Jenny on a quick turnaround to let her know the new number of passengers instead of having to go into the FBO. For me particularly because it messes up the pop up windows I have, and it’d be more convenient in general. Thanks.
  6. How do I fix this? (Yes, I have the top tier Navigraph...) https://gyazo.com/2b05545445217c97b59440649ce00647
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