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Everything posted by joeslick112

  1. Awesome!!
  2. The problem may be your Nvidia driver. I heard from others that newer drivers don't work well with XP10 especially Open GL. I went back to 347.88 works better with XP10.
  3. Great update....Clouds look good too.!
  4. Hopefully by the end of this century.
  5. Its the customer's feedback as well as others that seem to feel the same way and as the developer should know is all. But having attitude and as a customer I don't appreciate.
  6. We all should not have to set our settings to minimum to run SMP because of the pauses, bascially we are not complaining but suggestion that in the future updates of SMP 3 that this should be addressed. Besides most of us and myself are running XP10 and SMP3 at average/moderate settings on decent PCs. Mostly of us came from or still use FSX/P3d and with the various third party weather injectors , Opus, REX and FSGRW to name a few seem to work well within FSX/P3D.
  7. SMP3 is a great improvement from the present versions..greatly appreciated... but the pauses are annoying when the weather info is being updated using NOAA plugin.
  8. I believe all of us are experiencing some sort of pauses while SMP3v is updating clouds/weather updates. I personally disabled the plugin in NOAA while flying to keep real weather from updating. Seems to help stops the pauses.
  9. Adjust the gamma setting down around 1.6 or so in your rendering's screen.
  10. What's the best weather engine to use with SMP3 other than the default XPlane weather engine?
  11. Two questions: Will the annoying pauses when the weather is being updated be fixed? Two I don't mind paying for the update for V3 but will future updates be extra?
  12. I'm having trouble getting the FMS window panel to pop back into the cockpit pedestal. Just maintains on top and unable to close after using. Plus I forgot how to edit PDF and MFD panels to remove the frame border around them. Thanks
  13. I already tried this and still continues to sink/does not respond. Any good tutorial to watch how to get the auto pilot to work? Can't figure it out.
  14. Ok I clicked on/off the yaw dampers and still can't get the auto pilot to respond/continues to sink.
  15. How do you get the auto pilot to work in v1.1? Engaged the yaw dampers, activated the engage auto pilot button after setting the v/s button and the aircraft continues to pitch downward.
  16. I was wondering if there is a way to reduce the amount of illumination from the landing lights/shining in the cockpit at night. As soon as you turn them on the cockpit lights up alot.
  17. What is going on with this CRJ200 1.1. I installed it on win7 64bit and X plane freezes up when loading the aircraft. Still have not been able to use it since buying it last week and getting upset spending $60 on a buggy payware aircraft. Attached are my log reports. Log.txt crash_log.txt
  18. Just purchased CRJ200 version 1.1 and when loading X Plane/crashes to desktop (win7).
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