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Everything posted by mizra108

  1. Ive noticed that while flying and leveling off in a climb or descent, the airplane’s altitude alert never illuminates and or sounds even when requirements stated in the fcom are met.
  2. So ive been looking at the fcom for the -300 and found the MZFW to be 106,500lb. Interestingly, the gui allows you to load the airplane beyond that. So this makes me doubt if perhaps what im seeing in the fcom does not coincide with the modeled version of the -300.
  3. Ahh yup you are right! Thanks!
  4. R Gen drive temp indicator is dead also.
  5. Flaps indicator test button in the ovhd panel INOP Fuel qty indicators test button INOP
  6. Ohhhh, got it and now that makes a lot of sense! Thanks for the clarification and great work. Best add-on for xp11 so far
  7. Ok, it does work as long as you dont put an assumed temp on the N1 lim page. Say you start with a N1 of 92.1% in the N1 limit page, it works and the carot value shown matches that of its position on the N1 scale. Then, I select 67C for assumed temp and the N1 limit for TO is reduced from 92.1% to 87.1% in the N1 limit page but the carot (which at this point are set automatically) does not move on the scale to show the new value (87.1%), instead, It stays at 92.1% but when I go and pull the N1 ref Knob, it diaplays the correct reduced N1 value of 87.1% (see pic attached)
  8. Yep, i just downloded 1.33 and it works fine now. I was having the issue in 1.32. In terms of the aerodynamics, should I leave experimental flight model On?
  9. Woops, was not aware 1.33 was out. Will download and report back. Do I need to select experimental flight model?
  10. Will the N1 reference bugs displayed value in manual be fixed? Ive reported it a few times. For example, when you pull to set the N1 bug ref manually the small display that shows the selected value does not coincide with the value in the N1 scale.
  11. Forgot to add, the airplane version im using is 1.32
  12. Im running XP 11.50rc1 and i loaded the airplene with fuel in all 3 tanks (9800lb L/R and 2710 in CTR). All 6 fuel pumps turned on before takeoff and noticed during climbout that all 3 fuel gauges are not moving (fueL not being consumed). I then turned off the CtR tank fuel pumps and then fuel started to be consumed from the wings. Its as if its not letting fuel flow out of the CTR tank.
  13. Hi Jan, I am having the same issue. I’m in planemaker in the viewpoint section but have no idea what values to put to center the view as it was. Any guidance?
  14. Is there a way to tweak some kind of file or be able to save the last position of knobs and switches before shutting xp11 down so that when loading up a new flight, everything is as it was left?
  15. Great, thanks Jan! Also, it would be great if the speed ref dials on the ASI be pushed against each other to the top when starting cold&dark. Just an opinion. in terms of the DME flags, I ask as I saw them at some point way back. Here is an image for reference. I just thought they looked great. Details
  16. Hi there, When starting the airplane cold & dark, the Airspeed Indicator needle is not at zero. Shouldn't it be positioned at zero? Also, shouldn't the DME indicators in the RMI also be flagged when cold&dark?
  17. Hi Jan,I'm fascinated with the update and enjoying my fav aircraft in XP11. I wanted to point out a few things which seem like bugs but perhaps you can explain better: 1. I thing the mechanic forgot to put the upper R screw on the Pilot's ND (see attached image) 2. The N1 reference bugs do not coincide with that shown on the FMC N1 LIMIT page, but instead, it goes into the yellow arc by itself. Is this a bug? (see attached image) 3. While flying, the IDG oil temp indicators on the overhead panel do not show any temperature nor temp rise and needles are deflected completely as if the engines were off. Is this normal behavior (see attached image) Otherwise, amazing job to you and the team and thank you for the long awaited update! Mark
  18. Hi, anyone knows if the 737-300 came without an alternate nosewheel steering switch? I see the fcoms and they show it but i dont see it in the ixeg737 model.
  19. Hi all! I was watching one of the videos in the ixeg youtube chanel where it showcased the power up of the ground service bus but I am not able to find it. Does the plane still have that option?
  20. Thanks for the feedback. I think I was not clear in my explanation so let me try and explain it better this time: if say, R-TO N1 limit for T/O is 86.4% as calc from the FMC for example, and I want to manually place the bugs at that value, when I dial in 86.4%, it does not coincide with 86.4% in the N1 gauge scale, but rather, it lines up with 98.1% in the scale. Another way of seeing this situation is that if I were to set T/O N1 at 86.4% and, say I want to line up the N1 bug dial manually with that thrust setting, the bug value in its window shows 74.7% I would attach an image but for some reason it is giving me an error when uploading.
  21. Ive been using IXEG 737 and over the last couple of updates to XP11, Ive noticed minor bugs happening that would really like to be taken care whenever the next update to the plane comes out. 1. Oil temperature continuously rises as you climb (FMC N1 thrust set) when reaching the the lo FL300s, they pretty much redline and stay there even throughout the cruise portion. They dont cool off until you are in the descent. 2. N1 thrust rating bug values and positions in the N1 dial dont match the actual N1 value of dial. 3. IDG oil temp gauges in the ovhd panel are almost always stuck at 0deg in both the In and Rise positions. Sometimes, only the L one comes alive and R remains stuck. 4. Fuel temperature seems not to be working or fuel not being heated up as fuel temperature starts at say 16C at the beginning of the flight and then decreases steadily throughout cruise and gets to the negative temps. Anyone else experiencing these small bigs or do I have something wrong?
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