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Everything posted by LKN

  1. Hi Captains! I'm not superstitious at all actually but hopefully I'm not talking too early!!! Indeed I downloaded the last update 72 hours ago... So far I flew her the last 3 days, even 6 hours in a row through several legs... Any CTD with my favorite bird, how come? (Yeap it sounds sarcastic but with a lot of joy included) ! Joy in the package because I may be able to start my "World Tour" today... FINALLY! ... the one that I began with the version 1.1.5 ... et oui, back in the days guys I wasn't a victim of CTD, I was a bad simmer cuz I got the giggles sometimes by reading CTD from others while I was enjoying my flights "à la cool", I know I'm deeply aware that's not a good behavior (Bart Simpson's spirit that I have inside of me) anyways at that time it seemed that my TBM was under protection of the stars, I was living in a Disney World until the reality hit my bird like iron eagles to make it crash so many times in a row when I did update to 1.1.6... I couldn't even finish a simple leg of 200 miles, CTD were hazardous somehow, sometimes it crashed with or without plugins sometimes not ...even by following the good advice letter by letter from this forum, it didn't changed that much in general, I've never being able to pinpoint the source (or sources) of CTD so that I gave up on her when I realized that I was spending more time to "Tweak and Tips" than to enjoy flying. But my TBM is like a woman you cannot forget so I got back to her step by step and I recently upgraded her with respect... It looks like she gives me good vibes in return, she is now super cool, docile (don't twice my words, I'm not claiming that women have to be docile to be loved!) but my TBM has to be! And so far she is, since she grown up to the next level 1.1.8 she added some maturity in her wings I do feel.... after testing her 3 days in a row, I'm getting to a comfortable sweet place, to my joy that was hidden somewhere inside the dark clouds... now cruising since two hours from Honduras MHNJ where I leased the TBM via FSeconomy $19,700 per month, I put my FSE bank account in red to get her (SAI AVIATION AIRCRAFT FINANCE) combined with my VA of Simbuddy... in order to get back in France MHNJ/LFQQ . Hopefully she will behave good otherwise it's gonna cost huge money for the divorce! My lawyers are not human (yes for the sake of appearance and socialization they look like human) but they are shake! Current first leg MHNJ/KNBG, cruising FL280 (CAT), GS 300kt cap New Orleans, stop by to have a lunch out there while my ears will be fed by a Jazz jam session... Yeap sounds good and musical in the air! Just sharing with you Captains by wishing you the same experience of joy with this new version... Bellow the snap of my TBM F-RORO at MHNJ early morning... Voilà! and cruise Happy Flying! Lknfly
  2. @Goran_M We certainly don't want anyone to permanently remove their plugins. It's just a way for us to determine what is causing the problem so we can go about fixing it. Oh I'm sure about it of course and you guys are definitely right to ask to remove temporary plugins in general in order to pinpoint sources or to eliminate step by step what could be or not the cause of an issue. I don't use Xenviro by the way, I made some test with the last version 1.09s during 3 or 4 days lately from time to time, otherwise I'm waiting for the 1.10. I only use Active Skyxp and FSGWR... because of FPS perf I had to remove Skymaxx pro and RWC not because of CTD. Really I've already removed all my 3 plugs during the last test of the last version 1.1.4c (I think) I mean it was only for one or two hours of test, I left the AP doing his job (it made a big change without my favorite plugs/weather, boring hhh but for the good of the test) I even removed engine weather only CAVOK for testing, I indeed didn't have any ctd but I didn't have a ctd with all my plugs during 3 days in a row as well! So in this case if someone explain me after testing how can I know where the issue is coming, I buy it. So, any CTD with or without plugins based on my humble tests, back to square one somehow. Also, for instance, with the previous version I thought I was in a stable way with my TBM that I even started my world tour, I flew during 4 or 5 days with my plugs/engine weather without any CTD before getting one from "nowhere" so that I allowed myself to think that if a plug could cause the issue I should had be warned before flying during hour, days "in continue" without any CTD... I didn't add any scene, any plug, any addon or else... So I think that it's easy to believe from my side that my plug are not the cause here, it could be but what could make me think this way? I have no clue to think it is. Cheers
  3. Hi Goran, I only have Better Push Back and the necessary one to me: Xp Realistic that never caused any issue with other birds or else so far. And flying without is a no go. But let's speculate for a minute that Xp Realistic is the main cause of CTD of my TBM which I guess you and I don't really believe because it will be known for each other if that plugin was the guilty guy? So let's imagine that is the one who creates the conflict of incompatibility therefore it will simply mean that I can't use both in the same time which will be very inconvenient to me. I'd of course like to stick with them! I really understand that the TBM has his own engine system which makes that bird exceptional and certainly the most complex and complete in our Xplane's world but maybe also more vulnerable about issues, matching it with Xplane plateform is not an easy way I guess... Well I'm not sure that Better for Push back or/and Xp realistic are here the cause of CTD. I already had CTD with the TBM without this plugin by the way... Well it could come from plugins indeed but on my side I don't have a plenty of plugs and the ones I have don't look like they are confrontational so it could come from my TBM as well ...? I have no idea my plugs seem to be gentle with m Xplane config, my Nvidia drivers are updated (they are always updated, got notifications and it works perfectly in any circumstance) Also I have the lastest FlyWithLua that I really do need that again didn't create any conflict so far. I pay attention for my own comfort not to add a bunch of plugins or scenes in order to fly hours without getting back to my desk in general... That is maybe the reason why I have a PC only dedicated for sim. (no stutter, no lost of frame with XP beta or ctd, I don't think it's luck it's just making a decision to fly with only Orbx and Ortho scenery, using Xorganiser to manage things to avoid conflict and so far no CTD anyways since I decided not to have a collection of plugs/scenes/freeware etc just some library freeware objects etc to put some life here and that works good) Oh I forgot that I just added the plugin Live Traffic but I had CTD with my tbm before I installed it so I believe that this guys is not on the black list as well. I use XPUIPC that I also do need for my virtual airline, so far it never creates any CTD except one because of my bad. By all means I'm inclined to believe that the issue don't come from my Nvida drivers, plugins or FlywithLua... It could be... but it looks like it doesn't feel efficient if I dig more into those ways: drivers and plugs, I'm not inspired to think that my plugs are the cause. Cheers and thanks again for your support, always fully appreciated! Lkn PS my config: Processor Intel (R) Core i7-6700 CPU @ 4.00GHz RAM 16,0 Go ,Window 8.1 Pro 64 bits, Nvidia 1080GTX, Screen LCD Philips 4K 127cm (50 inches),resolution 3840/2160 60htz, 8 Goflight modules,CH Product Yoke, throttles and rudders. Plugins: FlywithLua, Better For Push Back, Live Traffic, XP Realistic Engine weather: Active Skyxp, Xenviro, FSGRW
  4. Hi Goran, I don't want to duplicate my post (sorry if I've just already mentioned my crash a min ago) but I have the last Nvidia update 419.35 and I had the same issue? Same as SupaJJ; did two legs and the third one it just crashed.
  5. was reading topics on this forum before flying and now I join you hhh, just had the same crash: 2019-03-22 18:15:32 TBM900[except.c:282]: Something reinstalled our exception handler, replaced it with 0000000000000000 Yeap last Nvidia update 419.35, with or without Better for push back plugin or only Gizmo didn't solve anything on my side apparently...
  6. Hi! I did two legs back and forth without any issue and the last one I got a CTD: 2019-03-22 18:15:32 TBM900[except.c:282]: Something reinstalled our exception handler, replaced it with 0000000000000000 Lastest Nvidia Drivers 419.35. For information my plugin Better push back never hurt any guy on my side so I have no idea what could cause this bug that I already had in the past with the last version by the way. Tks
  7. Hi pilots! I didn't download the new update yet, just seen the email. Even if I was in "bad mood" lately with my favorite GA because she broke my World Tour due to CTD in a row, I just want to congratulate the team support to be so responding by providing many hotfix and updates in a short time in order to make our TBM experience better and better. This "statement" is valid even if I have a future CTD with the new update or not! Thank you! Lkn
  8. KLAS/KLAX I had hopes but until it happened again.... I give up till there is a fix or something tired of CTD which kill immersion and fun, just had an other back to the desk after one hour of flying, guess where? in final at KLAX! In final Captains, that is so ennoying and frustrating! It's not to argue or something but I have no CTD with nothing else so it can't come from plugins, aircrafts or scene etc imo! but that's just how I feel things that I share softly here... It's difficult to enjoy if it's to get a CTD like the Damocles sword above the airplane... Hopefully we may have a stable product soon because it's a very great one... So... no world tour with the TBM my bird is now sleeping in my hangar, under perfusion waiting for medecine, please Doctors!
  9. Oh noooooo! I started to be in trust with the last update to begin my world tour, no problem so far, no CTD from CYQB to California, I flew around Vegas and Cali during the last three days, and now I have the same issue???! TBM900[except.c:171]: Caught EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Backtrace is: 0 00007FF9225A1D32 C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll+e1d32 () 1 00007FF924FEF1B3 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+9f1b3 () 2 00007FF924FD1E26 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+81e26 () 3 00007FF924FE349D C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+9349d () 4 00007FF924FA48D7 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+548d7 () 5 00007FF924FE262A C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+9262a () 6 0000000053DE89F0 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvoglv64.DLL+bc89f0 () First time that one! I think I'm gonna do my world tour by bus! Kidding but frustrating Only one monitor, I didn't add any plugin or scenery, didn't change anything but updated the last version of my favorite bird some days ago... No CTD from other addon engine weather and aircrafts. Do I need to send my log txt knwowing that I don't have any apparent issue with scenes or else? so don't know what to do guys? How can I elect this bird to make a world tour this way? ... I have long legs to fly to go back in France across lands and seas that I don't want to get back on my desk after two hours in the air, u know what I mean.... Thank you
  10. Yes exactly, just for a small check, Socata Factory!
  11. I just did 4 short flight tests during 2h30 in a row over KLAS, Grand Canyon/airports, everything works well, if it continues this way without any CTD, I'll finally be able to make a KLAX to LFQQ (France) around 4900 mn, as planned! Thank you for this update! In love with this bird...
  12. What a terrible news today by starting Xplane! Yesterday after having updated the new version 1.1.6 I made some shorts flights and everything was ok. Today I wanted to fly again and after loading the scene I had the window tutorial as if it was my very first installation and I've noticed that all my data/airframes since months are just gone!?! All the flights history data, maintenance etc of my bird just disapperead! ... It never happened with previous updates and I didn't change anything in the way of updating the addon so? How can I get my airframes back, is there a way? Thank you, Lkn EDITED: I found my airframes back, it was confusing because the image of the airframe disappeared and loaded a new airframe like a brand new, in the first attempt I could'nt find my old airframe among other airframes, so fortunately I found the ones I need back in the airframe list!
  13. Hi again! I guess I have the right version now, gonna make a short test flight!
  14. I seconde that! Tks for the update
  15. Same here, just downloaded it a min ago and still on 1.1.4c, the window says: "my current version is 1.1.4c and the new version is 1.1.6" I've read this forum, it looks like there's no solution available now? It's still night in US in some parts so it should be fixed soon I guess it's a small updater bug or something...
  16. I'm gonna try 11.32rc2 now with the TBM900
  17. Hi Goran, I did some flight test with and without plugins... easy I just have Better for Push back, XPRealistic and 3 engines ad-don weather, anyway removing plugs, with or without I didn't have any CTD so far again which makes more difficult to pinpoint the source of this bug, especially if i encounter CTD only with my favorite GA... So I don't know what could be implied in such a hieroglyph and mysterious bug? 2019-02-17 01:54:31 TBM900[except.c:282]: Something reinstalled our exception handler, replaced it with 0000000000000000 no idea Captain...
  18. ok... I'll try to do the same flight as yesterday when it crashed after one hour half in descent to my destination LFQQ/EGCC... I also gave a happy try to xenviro 1.09 s version and since 10 days it never caused any CDT, and indeed it's parked out of the plugins folder... Sure, I will! Thank you again Goran!
  19. Thank you Goran to answer so quickly, I really appreciate that even if there's no solution yet but I'm sure that you guys are working on it. I'm one of this guy who have part of ortho scenes on an other SSD, of course because of heavy load of files but never had any issue with... Anyway it's still something, a hint or a step forward to pinpoint the source of this crash, not common but it looks like "many" are infected too based on what I've read. Wait & See... meanwhile I will let her in my hangar alone, waiting for a hotfix or something, can't make a world tour in those unsecured conditions, I try to be a safe pilot in real, same in the virtual world! hh Tks captain
  20. Hi guys, I'm sorry to post a bug that have been already discussed but I'm more sorry to have this ctd without reading any solution about it 2019-02-17 01:54:31 TBM900[except.c:282]: Something reinstalled our exception handler, replaced it with 0000000000000000 I've read that plugins or scenery could contribute to make it crashes but I don't have any plugins except "Better for Push back" that never caused any CTD, nor issues scenery, no AL, I don't have any sort of scenes added except ortho scenes that in any case have caused a CTD... Before this strange issue the question is when did happen my last CTD ??? back in a day! I don't remember it therefore I'm not gonna blame my stable configuration. I never have any CTD with the TBM900 so far, when I've read that many users had some CTD because of the new version of xplane, I wait for the last version v1.1.4c released in order to avoid crash of xplane 11.32. So that a couple of days ago, I downloaded the last version to enjoy flying my bird again, after 10 hours in the sky everything was working so fine on my side, I started making some videos in icing conditions, so great effects, exchanging them with two former colleagues/pilots/friends, one is my former instructor who flies the TBM 850, anyway that means that I was a happy boy since yesterday , I even had a project in my virtual life: making a world tour with the TBM! Looking for sponsoring hhh ... because 100% sure of my config then I'm not supposed to be worried after 3 hours in the sky to get back on my desktop and it happens again, twice the last 10 hours now! Again I'm not gonna start to blame Xplane or anything else because I paid a lot of attention not to add plugins and scenery etc just to make sure that I can be able to cross oceans in a peaceful way so trust me it's very frustrated to get back to the desk all of a sudden without finding a way to fix it because I don't read any solution so far (if I miss it, sorry about that) However, feel free to enlighten me and to help to solve this issue that kills my immersion and my pleasure to fly my favorite GA in xplane (it's not the end of the world but... maybe) Don't wanna make a world tour with my IXEG 733, she's too big, I like big ones too don't get me wrong about any discrimination here but she doesn't have the maintenance system and wears, I love her but the TBM 900, she's so elegant, so sexy, I feel her alive in my hands, I'm so intimate with her.... you feel me, don't you? Any help will be fully appreciated because my bird is in my hangar getting cold! Happy landings Captains!
  21. LKN


    Hi, I have this CTD for the very first time tonight! flying this bird since months and all a sudden a CTD??? same here: 2019-02-17 01:54:31 TBM900[except.c:282]: Something reinstalled our exception handler, replaced it with 0000000000000000 After waiting for the new update, I've planned to make a world tour tomorrow and I think I'll postponed it cuz I'm worried after reading this thread, it looks like there any solid solution to solve this issue, isn't it?
  22. Hi Captains, Everything was going so well after hours and hours of flying, all of a sudden, I had this horrible window announcing that I'll be back in a couple of seconds to my desktop : "running out something memory or running time something" I didn't have time to read correctly, just the time to say loudly :" NO NO NO NO!!!" and back to the desk right away in the middle of my last N-O! (from the no no no) feel me ... I've never had this before??? The last line of the xp txt log is: 2019-02-17 01:54:31 TBM900[except.c:282]: Something reinstalled our exception handler, replaced it with 0000000000000000 (nothing else, above lines don't show anything wrong by the way) What can I do with this scary enigma? Any help will be fully appreciated, Thank you, Lkn Xplane 11.32 TBM900 v1.1.4C
  23. Cool, tks, I'm downloading the v.1.1.4c, was waiting for!
  24. Thank you for sharing! Nice shot! I think that the TBM 900 on this video was built and inspired by Hot Star team because it looks like Her, the one that I have in my sim!!!
  25. LKN

    No rain effects ?

    Tks for sharing the information, I'll give a try!
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