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Everything posted by woweezowee

  1. I turn it up to the 12 o'clock position but have no idea to which rate of climb this corresponds to.
  2. any other ideas or worklflows that I could try?
  3. the jetstream over x-italy
  4. it does not work. I'm pretty clueless as to why
  5. I know it, a lot of torque like the MU-2; so far so good. I asked about it beeing wrong eventually because somewhere I read about putting trim to the second marking and somewhere else that Javier postet he wanted to "tune it a bit down even further". So to me it sounded like: Now you need marking 3+ for take off when it actually should have become less with the update… just wondering. No "error" on either side.
  6. On departure I have to trim left way more than to the second marking, even more than the third, in order to achieve level flight. Is it like intended or is something wrong with verion 1.03?
  7. Always an "oldie but goldie": http://stoenworks.com/Aviation%20home%20page.html Scroll down to the "tutorials" section to find info on navigation as well as stuff like old-school approaches etc
  8. thanks. After those answers, I don't know what I did wrong. It "should" have worked like I initially thought, but then I got confused because of the warning and searched for a knob to set altitude 1000 above cruise, … So forget the confusion and just will try again.
  9. ok thanks. But I can't change "the thousands", so that I could tune something like 17.000ft… right? That is what I was wondering
  10. This is how it works, right? I'm too stupid to set it correctly in the Jetstream, always get the "Cabin" warning when flying 9000+ feet. Can anybody help me out with a screenshot for e.g. flying at 15.000?
  11. my issue vanished again, lucky me I did nothing but having a fresh run with X-Plane. (exiting with different plane and all axis ok, restarting xplane -> all axis still ok) P.S.: I spoke too early, it's a 50/50 chance. But well, whatever
  12. But RPM should stay in "the green" during flight, wich is between 100% and 90% approximately, right? So actually one does pull back the condition levers only by a tiny, tiny bit?
  13. Cameron, it is unreliable, I really tested thoroughly. Just stating the facts.
  14. well, unfortunately prop and mixture are always lost now. that's not as bad as it was, but spoils a bit of the fun anyway. In order to be a great feature that makes sense it should run reliable.This might be one of the seldom cases when "as real as it gets" means "getting on your nerves as much as possible". However, I really appreciate the idea and the offort that went into it.
  15. Andy, I am at work so need to hurry up with my comment and can't even read the answers already given: What I did, in short: * unplug all USB devices * do the whole "usual" practices of resetting the Mac. This includes what was formerly known as resetting pram (different name since Intel switch, same procedure: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1379) as well as shutting down the Mac, removing the power cable, wait a minute (that resets yet another thing I can't remember now, lol), replug power cable, restart Mac, replug USB devices. * say goodbye to your existing X-Plane preferences, delete or archive them * restart the Mac * re-configure your X-Plane. I did all that in serveral combinations - in effect my USB stuff is basically plugged to my computer like before, also a big hub included, and the hub in the Saitek yoke itself. BUT X-Plane recognized the stuff on the different postitions as shown in the screenshots now. ok, looked fine and did work yesterday evening. HOWEVER (!!!). While switching planes and checking all things out, it happened once that PROP and MIXTURE were NOT restored but completely lost in all planes. This was solved by just assigning them again while having loaded another plane, not the BAE.
  16. My devices for speedbrakes etc. and the CH rudder changed their position now: wich does the trick to avoid the BAEs plugin confusion:
  17. Looks like I was able to solve my throttle issue. It took re-plugging all my USB stuff and thrashing/re-doing all my preferences in an trial and error process. Did not fly yet, but thing look good while experimenting with changing planes, restarting etc.
  18. But this does mean no signs, traffic lights etc., right? I did not like this very much in the Reno package, to be honest. I enjoy www.x-italy.it much more (see the gallery shots, e.g. pic 3/9).
  19. Those posted mid 2010? Right. I forgot
  20. no XP osm streets there?
  21. I never had such an issue. The only thing was that once you had to plug in your USB equipment always in the same order on Mac. I'm so used to it that I still do it today, although the whole hardware stuff was reworked some betas ago. Summarizing: There's not a single strange issue with 10.20b11 but for known bugs like "the twighlight" bug and unfortunately the BAE Jetstream joystick issue, but that again only with the version 1.03. All 64-bit plugins do work, including all of those by STMA, wich I am beta testing. Flawless! BTW, what your video does show: The throttle is also assigned to the top-most axis setting in your X-Plane. And that's exactly one of the problems that lead to my issues. @ kerbaugh Do you also have the Saitek TPM? If so, that might lead to what could be the problem. I have the Saitek yoke. This one goes into my computers USB port. Into the yokes USB hub go the throttle quadrant (that I use for speedbrakes, carburator heat and flaps) and the Saitek TPM, wich is my throttle, prop and mixture. Unfortunately I'm totally out of time to do further testing myself.
  22. I packed my stuff for today, will try next time I find the time for x-plane.
  23. you do try in 64-bit as I do?
  24. and shift-4 and also 3D cockpit view if the plane does not restrict movements to the cockpit.
  25. steps 1-5 … 6. and this is after loading another plane, the Baron again, with prop and mixture running, and then exiting X-Plane. Re-Starting X-Plane now prop and mixture were lost, the wrong throttle/speedbrake thing was there, too.
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