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Everything posted by woweezowee

  1. it's only the fastest way to start from scratch.
  2. they are in the folder x-plane 10 -> output -> preferences
  3. you can't change the graphics card on an iMac. But yours should not be that bad and instead run XP much better. I would delete preferences and start from scratch. Do not use HDR and turn down "world detail distance" to medium or low.
  4. my only suggestion is to open a system monitor in order to see what is going on. Then adjust. Or fly anywhere else. I need to do that, too, XP10 eats a lot of memory and as you have read on the link I provided we are a bit unlucky with our Macs: The limit is not even 4GB, but 3.5GB. I'm mostly flying islands with version 10. When there is a lot of water around, the memory usage is much lower.
  5. not if manchester is too intensive. some regions are more "heavy" than others.
  6. start from lowest settings possible and "work your way up" (there even is a button in the rendering settings). This is also directly connected to your memory issue causing your X-Plane to crash. You can solve both issues with turning your settings way down.
  7. yes, you can have 1TB of memory, but X-Plane is still a 32-bit process and can only use 4 GB, even less on some systems. Please read and check if you are affected: http://developer.x-p...map-for-memory/ If so, you need to turn down your rendering settings until you stay within limits. Or wait for X-Plane going 64-bit.
  8. maybe you are running out of virtual memory. open your system monitor and check if you exceed 4GB.
  9. any error message that pops up? check your log.txt, maybe post it here.
  10. That's really already looking great, ksgy! But I have a big wish for you: That's a plane for FSE, of course . Please, besides working on the plane, do not forget that x-fse has to go 64-bit soon (hopefully). That's all I need: XP10 64bit with FSE and planes like this!
  11. great! (your pit as well as the app!)
  12. looking forward to this!
  13. haha, cool . thx for posting
  14. yes, it's the F33.
  15. nice, slow, low, approcach: and a crazy AI crash in El Hierro:
  16. a beautiful flight to bikf (…until xp10 crashed)
  17. Glad to read this. It's still on my wishlist.
  18. I see. That basically means that populating some more airports with the Lego Brick System and stuff like the video tutorials would have been free labour (of love)? No blame on Tom, but I can't see the major steps forward with XP10. For me personally that will not happen before 64-bit anyway. And I'm patient. But curious .
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