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Everything posted by woweezowee

  1. EDDF. Converted aerosoft scenery for Frankfurt-Main. Photoreal Ground by x-Real.
  2. I'd prefer you add it. For me, my Saitek yoke is just not exact enough (maybe read that as: "new") to keep some good level flight on a long route. I also seldom use the autopilots in small GA aircraft. However I get some fun out of (re-)trimming the planes. Meanwhile I use lots of rudder to counteract the tourque, but I guess that's not "right" either.
  3. you may want to check the links I shared here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=884.msg7292#msg7292
  4. aha, that's what this does. did not know: i alway have it full left at 0.
  5. buy rudder pedals or, you may want to reset all axis (e.g. delete the sims preference files) and see if that helps. but I guess it is somehow related to your hardware. And rudder pedals add really a lot to the fun! oh, another edit: it might as well be related to the plane you are flying in xplane.
  6. some things for learning: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_coordinator http://www.undaerocast.com/ http://www.flyaoamedia.com/blog/aviator-90/ http://stoenworks.com/Aviation%20home%20page.html
  7. no. you should keep the ball centered while in a turn. with no hardware for the axis in xplane it seems the sim does it for you. otherwise you would see the ball go out of center when turning.
  8. woweezowee


    that texturing is really nice, isn't it? cool video, good showcase
  9. ok thanks. I'm sure it is my Goflight settings then. no changes / Xp9.5
  10. you might have understood me wrong: I wasn't looking for v/s-sync or ALT select. What I meant is like: Still on climb out, like 700fpm or anything else, I turn on the autopilot. Without doing anything else, of course nothing happens. So I push the HDG sync to align to my course. I'd expect this to be the only function turned on now, so my plane would keep climbing with the 700fpm. Instead, as soon as HDG is pushed, the plane also captures the current (!) altitude - like if had also pushed the ALT button.
  11. very nice!
  12. One more thing, but again, it is possible it affects only me, because I use a Goflight RP48 and its button usually to operate the standard autopilots in xplane. Note: But I did not touch it while flying the sundwoner. I had the impression, that after I activated the autopilot, then HDG sync, that the plane also from that moment on tried to maintain altitude - although the ALT button was NOT illuminated (I double-checked that and kept fighting to climb further). But: Looking at my Goflight setup I saw that ALT hold seemed to be active. Long story short: Do the autopilot modes work independetely for everybody else? So I'd know it's my Goflight setup that interferes.
  13. I think I have a good guess as to what the problem was, and it was bounding across your runway. By that, I mean deer. The second picture shows the first of presumably several deer just entering your screen's field of vision. I have on several occasions noticed frame rates tank when deer or birds are drawn onscreen. I just keep that option turned off. yeah, I knew someone would mentiond the deer . No, it already was down to 19 before I decided to make screenshots without deer, and when it recovered, I took the second screenshot. That thread at the ORG Cameron linked to indicates that it is a problem with xplane 9.5 itself, and only that version. For me, it just happened to occur for the first time while flying the Sundowner. coincidence.
  14. Thanks! Keep us updated! no problems with the last flight. so my best guess is it was xplane itself. also had a nice and smooth landing this time.
  15. did not happen yesterday, so it also could be a one time hiccup of xplane. Just finished preflight and will be in the air in 5 minutes, I'll see.
  16. so true! I still struggle with the aileron/left turn issue; never experienced it that much in any other plane (including the MU2!!). I now "did it like with the Goose": Use the rudders and ignore the ball. The viewpoint still needs getting used to. you won't see anything but on the left and right side just before you're very, very low already. Slowing down isn't easy. And lowering the flaps it's goes down like a stone and breaks the V/S-needle. I am not a pilot, I don't know how it really should behave. But I have flown a lot of xplanes, and this is one of most strange ones. But I also just had another issue, kind of like I had with the Corvalis: Sudden drops down to a slideshow. Contrary to the Corvalis, with the Sundowner it did recover after a few moments. Well, actually it recovered too late to make a good approach. Don't know why that happens, as there are no "initial suspects" like Gizmo or else involved with this plane. It happened again after I parked on the taxiway: 50fps as usual in a situation like this: Suddenly, 19fps:
  17. well, I'm not a windows guy, guess I'm stuck with driver issues on my iMac. However I still can compare to other planes and panels with the exact same drivers. fwiw, I just testet the difference between extreme and very high and found it to be not worth it. Performance goes down heavily while the improvements are thin. Screenshots beeing near enough with FOV 50: Extreme: Very high: Just for comparison, here is the Falco with "very high" and a FOV of 65: But there's no need to go into lengthy discussions here, obviously no one else complains. You may want to check if it can be improved, however if not, the plane is still a nice one .
  18. thanks. looking forward to the updates you mentioned! just one thing: I'm on "very high" with 2xAA. Can't go higher than that without lowering other settings that I want to be enabled. It's only a very very few planes like the Sundowner giving me that "washed out" look of intruments. Anyway, I'll fly again soon and see if I can go down with the FOV setting a bit further.
  19. I just had my first 50nm flight from 0S7 to S97. Bad weather for sure, however here is my first impression: – very nice exterior model, very nice and detailes texturing - the instruments: While they appear very sharp when looking at them from near, the become more unsharp every inch one moves the view away until unreadability. I used a field of view of 52 and had a hard time figuring out the numbers. The instrument lights made it worse when turned full on. - no aileron trim? that's intentional? of course also because of the wind I constantly had to fight a left roll tendency. - the sounds: they are way too silent. Did hardly hear the engine and nothing of the flaps flying through the rain. - it's a very fps friendly plane - personally, I found the viewpoint to be very low. I found myself adjusting my seat up a fair bit. - I had a hard time on approach and landing (but I made it!): a) with the recommended 1800rpm the plane did not go low enough to start lowering the flaps the impact, going down, with the flaps set was immense. You recommend to not touch the trim anymore. impossible. - a pilot figure sure would be nice - I'd love to open the doors or lower the anti-glare shield. - climb out: could not reach the 2500 rpm. may be weather related. That's what I have in my head now - maybe more when I have the next chance to fly the Sundowner. Overall: Thumbs up and congratulations again on your first finished model!
  20. got it! looks beautiful! but I will have to wait until after work to take the sundowner for it's first flight. grrrr
  21. definetely getting it asap it's online and I'm on my Mac. Looking forward to the release!
  22. so then... congratulations for finishing your first plane! I'm sure it's exciting and will buy it asap.
  23. Can't buy REX (Mac), so my best guess is that this plane is my next purchase. Happily looking forward to it (and the Saab thereafter), only downside: It seems it is not included in FSE. Can someone please post the main specs of the sundowner so that I can have a look for comparable/matching planes? thx
  24. Will wait for the Mac version and buy it. Nice textures! But I wonder, does it also improve xplanes wheather system like, say, I could see dark rainy clouds from far away and avoid them while flying vfr. Or do the conditions still "jump" depending on the time setting downloading new metar?
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