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  1. Thank You @airfighter: Sir Winston Churchill once said “Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing…usually only after they have exhausted all other possibilities. “ Or, if you prefer; Q: How do you make a flight simmer dizzy? A: Put him in a barrel and tell 'em to pee in the corner. I am proud to announce that I have spent the morning trying my best to prove both of these statements to be true and correct; I have succeeded. I came to realize that I must be two people because no one person could be this dumb. I got Avitab but could not get the Avanti menu. I checked Gizmo's drop down menu earlier and rifled through it finding nothing related. It wasn't until about my third time in the barrel that I saw the post on what the drop down should look like. Ah Ha moment. I had Gizmo set to “Disable Tool Tray” long ago since it was distracting. With the Gizmo tool tray restored and in place with one click I had the Avanti menu. From there it was easy to set to HW (Hardware) and I was off and running. The Condition Lever works perfectly now. I think the greatest thing I've learned from both flying and simming is humility. I still have a lot to learn... Again, my thanks and gratitude. To prevent any further unease with humility I present a visual of my triumph. Respectfully, Roger Halunen
  2. One of the great quirks about the forum is when you quote someone it always appears as the header. It's kind of like walking into a room and farting loudly before you're able to speak. Please accept my apologies. I digress. Superb A/C, just superb. Everything in the green and flies like a dream. Here it comes. However, the condition lever is still buggy on my rig. The real reward for me was to read the complete history of the build to see if it was only on my side. @airfighter, you must be exhausted. Is it true what they say about developer's: "The pay maybe lousy but at least the hours are long". I remember flying this in MSFS2004/FSX and had it been your creation back then you'd probably be comfortably retired by now and be know as a FS Icon. Great work. To sum it up, no big deal. I'll man up and move them with the mouse. Again, my thanks for a one of a kind aircraft. Cordially, Roger Halunen Log.txt
  3. Howdy @maxflaps: In addition to Win 7 and 950 (2GB) with an outdated driver you may want to update Gizmo 64. You're running: G64: 0.000: Gizmo64 Script Engine v18.02.27.0200 Windows G64: 0.000: built: Feb 27 2018, 02:00:08 Loaded: C:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/64/win.xpl (gizmo.x-plugins.com). Current version: You can download it here: https://gizmo64.com/ Oh, one more thing. To completely uninstall the A/C go to: Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features\ & uninstall. This will remove all the registry entries from the last install and allow a clean install. Good luck and good hunting. Cordially, Roger Halunen
  4. Greetings Cameron & Coop; Pocket Rocket v1.1.1 w/ Gizmo 20 Beta is GTG on my rig. Around the pattern, two touch & go, one full stop. The PR abnormalities appear stable. This thing is a heck of a lot more fun with working brakes. Thanks to all of you for the good work! Roger Log.txt
  5. Disclaimer: For those of you that don't read the full Log.txt and just scoot to the juicy parts I'm testing with Win 10 2004 Build 19041 Beta and X-Plane 11.50b9 Beta. Any/All/None of the issues mentioned could be related to running Beta software not related to Torquesim PR (Pocket Rocket). Until both Betas are stable, finalized, and released can you be assured of consistent/reliable test results and performance. And now for something completely different. Setup Cleared Shader Cache Scaled Back Settings from Mid-High to Mid. Data Output On – Frame Rate Initiate Sim Calibrate Controls Select PR @ KLVK Rwy 25R Start Flight Load time slow due to shader cache rebuilding. Once A/C appears it freezes for a few seconds for what I can only guess is the plugins initiating. Once running Frame Rates and CPU/GPU Usage climbs, systems come on line, and everything spools up. Stop right here and celebrate; no crashes and the SVS is working. Good job guys! Spoiler Alert: The Exhaust Effect requires adjustment. It's obscuring the lower quadrant of the windscreen all the way past the leading edge of the wing disrupting both forward and side view. No, it's not the dreaded blurries, I checked. I forgot how much fun this thing is to fly even though I'm a RW Citabria KCAB and SF 260 driver. You only need about a third of the resources available and anything more will put you behind the A/C. The trick is to always stay ahead of A/C for proper operations; the further the better. My CPU/GPU Usage is about twice what is for everything else in my hanger and Frame Rate about half with no stutters or blurries. Heavy lifting. Your results may vary. Ran a standard pattern and set up on final. Here's where I remind everyone that having brakes is a good thing. As the saying goes, “Old Brakes Are Hard To Habit”. Throttle to beta, flare, settle, touchdown, reverse prop, brakes? Brakes? BRAKES?? OS! Out of reverse and into Beta and it's off like rocket. Pull the Fuel Conditioner back to idle and the prop to feather driving the ITT Temp to skyrocket. Rolling, rolling, rolling. Go to fuel cut off. Rolling, rolling, rolling. Pull the Parking Brake. Stop. I had crossed the runway threshold at minimums, ate up 5250 ft. of runway, careened off the last possible intersection at the end of the runway and rolled a third of the way back down the taxiway. Just think how much time I saved on the Hobbs. I guess that makes up for what wear/tear I put on the tires. Lucky I wasn't in the tailwheel version because the lateral forces would have been fatal. Added Gear & Brakes to my Data Output and confirmed my suspicions. When you put pressure on the brakes the number climbs accordingly until you hit the stops and the number immediately drops to zero. I fixed all Failures via the X-Plane GUI and tried again. Same results. I switched A/C to Default C172 and brakes tested 100%. Back to PR, no brakes. Now you can call me a coward but I do really prefer to have working brakes. Restarted the sim and flew several more pattern circuits with same results but I did get my stopping distance down. Friendly reminder; always memorize your emergency checklist so you'll have something to think about while you're fumbling around to find your hard/electronic copy. Other than that Mrs. Lincoln what did you think of the play? To sum it up, other than the aforementioned issues which I know will get corrected, I want to thank all those involved for the hard work, blood, sweat & tears they took to make a really great A/C. Roger Log 2.txt Log 3.txt
  6. Greetings again Coop; I found your posting late last night so I haven't had time yet to put her through all her paces. After installing the patch I only took a quick initial run. I started the flight at my test airport KLVK with the default C172 and was getting my usual 40+ FPS and stable. Switched A/C to Pocket Rocket. Slow A/C load. When she appeared, without a crash, the engine was running and SVS was functioning. That's the good news; unfortunately my FPS dropped to between 18 - 20. My last recollection of PR performance was 27 - 30 FPS. I tried engaging/disengaging SVS which resulted in no change in FPS status. After a quick perusal around the cockpit I shut down the sim so I could give you a pristeen initial load/startup log for you to chew on. Today I plan get things cleaned up, tuned on my end and turn down my settings since the X-Plane log shows heap usage/heap budget issues with PR. Once my side of the street is cleaned I'll try different scenarios/system tests and provide you with the logs and reports . My usual Beta test method is to slap it, steal it's lunch money, give it a wedgie, and send it home crying to Mommy but I'm so happy to have the PR back in the hanger I think I may take a tactical analytical approach. More to follow. Film @ eleven... Roger Log 1.txt
  7. Copy that Coop; Thanks for status clarification. R
  8. AC appears in menu/ Select AC/ Initiate Start Flight/Immediate Black Screen/Program Not Responding Message/CTD. Removed/Reinstalled AC. Same result. Clean 11.50 install updated to 11.50b4. System up to date and AOK. Attached Log Text Reads: Backtrace is: 0 00000000813FDE38 C:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\Pocket Rocket\plugins\pr_systems\win_x64\svs.dll+000000000002DE38 () 1 000000008140D4EA C:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\Pocket Rocket\plugins\pr_systems\win_x64\svs.dll+000000000003D4EA () 2 00007FFA09FB7BD4 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL+0000000000017BD4 () 3 00007FFA0AF0CE51 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+000000000006CE51 () After a decade plus of new releases and beta testing nothing surprises or disappoints me anymore. It comes with the territory. It'll be nice to get a hotfix since it's a great ride if you treat her right. In the words of Sir Winston Churchill, "American's will always do the right thing. Usually only after exhausting every other possibility". Keep the blue side up and the greasy side down unless you're doing frivolous aerobatics. Cordially, Roger Halunen Log.txt
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