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Everything posted by giaco
I noted, about this, that when my fps became very low ( about 20 in vr) the engine stats to sobbing goning from the setting i have (usually 75% power) and zero up and down.
Great video!!! I think this is for sure one of the (and probably the) most complete and well done plane of xplane 11 and the entegra version is super also for vr flying. I really love this plane!!!! thanks Giacomo
ok, never mind, I just saw yellow numbers on the compass (instead of white) and I thought it was lighted from inside. today i did a night flight and i noted i was wrong Thanks
Thanks for the answer, but I think it's not what I mean. that knob I think controls the red light on the overhead near to the compass, what I mean is that the compass with its yellow numbers looks like it's lighted from inside by its own internal light (as normally is in commercial planes), and I was wonder if there is a switch to turn this internal light off. thanks Giacomo
Hi, is there a way to switch off the compass light ? thanks
thaks Great !!! that 's a fantastic plane !!!
Hi, may be is better to put this post in general and ot here but, I found an app to setup the cirrus fiights, this app requires to setupthe plane with the following data, and i hope you can help me speaking about the sr22TN it requires: TAS BEW (lb) ARM (in) to select if there is teh following options: (yes or no) air 60/40 seating tks fiki thanks
Hi , I applyed the patch written above, but for me, still the gtn750 is working only with the dfc90
ok, thanks, perfect
Hi, i don't understand why in the menu selection of xplane, I have 4 different planes instead of 2 sr22 avidyne (gtn570 does not work) sr22 avidyne dfc90 (results in a CTD) sr22tn avidyne (gtn 750 does not work) sr22tn avidyne dcf90 (everythings work fine) thanks Giacomo
I think that is a matter og gtn 750 setup, try do untick the setting the makes it as master system
Hi, first of all.. this plane i a fantastic plane and i think you did a really great job. i just noted (i don't know if it's me or the plane), i'm not able to switch the booster pump switch with the vr controller any ideas? thanks Giacomo
well... here again, i tested more and more and I found (it looks like) that the cause is not gizmo itself but the aicraft menu option "enable wear based failure", removing that everything looks ok.... for now i can keep disable but i would like you can take a look and solve it thanks
here the video 639101684_2020-11-3009-44-19.mkv No i found the problem... this behaviour is caused by the gizmo plugin..(both stable or beta) it i disable gizmo and i wait for a while, everythings is ok.... the strange thing is that i had already gizmo installed for other planes and i never had problem with them
I did some more tests. I focused on uwxp as the begin and i had this results: 1. not plane with engine on, cloudy day 45 fps i have stutters 2. switches off uwxp: fps aroun 55, stutters disappeared but started again after around 20 seconds (fps still the same) 3. switch on again uwxp: fps again aroun 40-45, stutters disappeared but started again after around 20 seconds, fps 40 looking at the "performance cake", it's like after a while, the m20 plugin starts from 0% of resources (when there is no stuttering) going to 33% and blinking every second from 33% to 17%
I did some tests. i removd all "not commercial" plugin i had and nothing changed after that i tarted to disable the plugin by the plugin manager and i discover that disaling UWXP, the stutter was removed, re-enable it again sometime the stutter came back some time not, but at this point, entering in vr from 2d, everytime i had a CTD. So I decided to remove completely UWXP from xplane, BUT... even without UWXP I had the same stuttering of the begin !!!!! i tryed again (without uwxp installed) to disable one by one all the others plugin but with no help. that's so strange.... for sure at the begin i thought was a fault of uwxp (even if i think i'm not the only uwxp user here) but now I'm really confused
this is what is happening togheter with my log file 714425776_2020-11-2921-41-09.mkv Log.txt
I noted that in 2d cockpit without any weather i have 19 fps when with other planes i reach 60 fps.... i noted as well as i load the plane, the fps are quite high and then they decrease in few swconds to 19 fps thanks
HI, I just bougt your plane, but, in vr, as soon as i start the engine i have consistentand "rhythmic" stuttering/freezing behaviour i checked the plugin menager and i noted the m20 plugin takes me 8 fps and according with the graphic more than half "cake" I have a lot of payware planes and a quite powerfull pc but i never ad this kind of experience....could ypu help me to solve it please? my specs: i9 9700k oc 4.9, 32 gb ram 3600, rtx 2080 ti, ssd samsung evo pro 2tb, hp reverb that's a short video of the plugin cake that show exactly how the stuttering is 331622139_2020-11-2917-27-04.mkv
Hello... just askinf if is there any short-term plan to inprove cockpit textures for the ovations... thanks
From my experience this Islander is one of my preferred a/c in xp. in vr the cockpit textures are much more better than a lot of other planes, all the switches and knobs are working in vr and the fps are more or less the same of the avarange of the other planes i have ( and i have a lot ...) speaking about the DME i think that is quite normal to update an old aircraft with a gps and not a dme because the gps cover the dme function and much more .... i really raccomend this plane specially for vr
Curiosity About Frame Rates and Toe Brakes
giaco replied to Steve Hunnisett's topic in Fairchild PT-19
Yes, 30 is good enough, only at 20 I experience stutters -
Curiosity About Frame Rates and Toe Brakes
giaco replied to Steve Hunnisett's topic in Fairchild PT-19
Vr split in half the fps of the 2d more or less. About my performances, consider i run effects hdr, textures and objects max, aa 2x and reflection medium -
Curiosity About Frame Rates and Toe Brakes
giaco replied to Steve Hunnisett's topic in Fairchild PT-19
I run on pc, i have i9-9700k oc 4.9, 32 gb ram 3600, rtx2080 ti, the fact is, at least for me, this plane in vr ( hp reverb) is 5 to 10 fps heavier then others payware planes -
Curiosity About Frame Rates and Toe Brakes
giaco replied to Steve Hunnisett's topic in Fairchild PT-19
For the part about fps i have more or less the same issue