Hi y'all, For those of you who are bothered, as I was, by the balance of airport lighting in v9, here is an alternative. I've been using this file for a long time and am pleased with the results. This is simply an edited lights.txt file that adjusts the relative brightnesses of taxiway lights, runway edge lights, centreline lights and the airport beacon. No longer shall taxiway lights be the brightest thing in the X-Plane world! (I exaggerate, but together with the next-to-invisible moon that casts no light at night, those blinding taxiway lights used to bug me quite a lot. Haven't found a way to fix the moon, alas.) The file goes here: Resources/bitmaps/world/lites/lights.txt * Happy flying. * As always, please back up and keep the original file rather than simply replacing it with the modified one. lights.txt