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Taurion last won the day on January 26 2020

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About Taurion

  • Birthday 05/02/1968

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    Philadelphia, PA

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  1. A fresh, modern render of a beloved older plane, and TWO high-altitude airports surrounded by custom scenery? Sign me up :). By these, I mean flying Thranda Designs' Pilatus PC-12 DGS Series from Sedona to Telluride Regional, both crafted by X-Codr Designs.
  2. X-Plane 12 - Pilatus PC-12/47 - Sedona to Telluride Pilatus PC12/47 by Thranda Design Sedona Airport and Scenery by X-Codr Telluride Regional Airport UHD and Scenery by X-Codr
  3. A quick and simple hop from the Delaware River to the Susquehanna, reminiscing about Flight Sim World along the way.
  4. A quick and simple hop from the Delaware River to the Susquehanna, reminiscing about Flight Sim World along the way.



  5. Still in the Leewards, but this time at Princess Juliana, getting virtually checked-out to land at Saint Barts. After a fair bit of rain, I grab me VSKYLABS' Tecnam P2006T and set off to justify the endorsement. Along the way, I opine about the island sceneries and the P2006T...all to a groovy island beat.
  6. X-Plane 12.1.2 introduced a custom render of Saint Barthélemy Airport (TFFJ). Shortly afterwards I installed my Honeycomb Charlie Rudder Pedals. Sounds like an opportunity to check out both at the same time.
  7. Upon receiving my long overdue Honeycomb Charlie Rudder Pedals, I threw together this SUPER QUICK unboxing video. Apologies for the wind screwing with the audio. I was really excited and just wanted to get this out.
  8. Both Laminar Research and TorqueSim updated their wares, so I had to see how they improved them. Over the course of flying to New Haven to check out some fresh custom scenery, I point out how busy the sky can be when using LiveTraffic, I raise my glass to a fellow aviator dealing with a medical situation, and get a complete surprise when I'm in Long Island Sound. But before any of that, I open with a ground-level tour of StevePHL's render of Philadelphia.
  9. This log entry is all about Gutenshmeis' custom scenery, seeing how he released a render of Montauk. Come along as I detail why the airport is special to me and why this version of it stands apart. We'll launch from his Block Island scenery and fly there in the Just Flight Archer III. And, man, did dusting off this ol' bird trigger some feels about the state of simulated Piper planes. Anyway, once we get to Montauk, we're gonna transition into tourists and see all the little goodies Gutenshmeis placed into the scenery. Think of it as a virtual vacation and enjoy
  10. Come along through the crowded skies of Long Island and over the splendid vistas that make up Central New Jersey for a flight bookended by light profiles of the user-customized airports of Republic and Trenton Mercer. My altitude and navigation weren't as precise as I'd have liked, but the landing more than made up for any slackage. 10 out of 10, would recommend :).
  11. First flight of the new year takes us back to the Pacific Northwest! Launching from Spokane to Portland to sightsee enroute (following the positive reception of screenshots of this very flight). Along the way, I explain why my Flight Sim Logbook is a niche channel and how grateful I am to y'all who watch it. Thanks muchly
  12. Was invited to dinner by a friend and his wife and allowed a plus-one, so that's you. We fly the Cirrus SR22TN to Honesdale, PA (N30), and compare the recently installed VStates ortho scenery to satellite imagery. But the focus is on accuracy, not looks.
  13. One of the Cirrus SR's biggest selling points addresses every pilot's greatest fear: falling out of the sky. To that end, I'll demonstrate the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS). With not one but two critical control surface failures, you get to ride along when I pull the 'chute. https://youtu.be/yBh788jZwMg
  14. Afternoon, pilots. This will be a chatty entry since I didn't post anything at the end of last year. My first Logbook entry with the 2023 gaming rig sees me on a hand-flown jaunt down to Salisbury, Maryland. During which, I explain my absence, detail the specifics and pitfalls of the upgrade, and TWICE manage to sneak-in the world's worst Al Bundy impressions. Lastly, I publicly and sincerely apologize about MS Flight Simulator 2020. https://youtu.be/gTfDm0Ft2PY
  15. Starting the Piper Archer III with a flooded engine. https://youtu.be/uygq4OvaCz0
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