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Everything posted by Nova

  1. I'm mostly flying with the x738 and recently with the 742-F. And from time to time with MU, but thats it. No matter if 2D or 3D, i use FOV of about 65° if i remember right. Something like 20° more than default. It feels a bit more real, and you can use every nob you have to. If ATC tells me something like this "BER987, turn left heading 110, descend FL80, speed 250 indicated" i do the following. If i hear the words turn/heading/fly then i'm already planing to use the heading nob, when hearing descend, then i'm ready to set a new fl/alt. There is nothing wrong if you need some time when you get a direct. You have to go through the PF and find it first. Or even worse, you have to insert it. But directs are not critical. When approaching an airport, turning one or even more minutes later means, that you lost a few miles. Plus you may cross another planes route, which causes the some trouble to the controller. Or you screw his sequence up. And if shit happens, than it meight be tough to get you down in time. And it can't be wrong to know some basic rules, like how to calculate the top of descend ((current FL - goal FL) / 3), the standard 3° descend rate (GS*5) and stuff like that. Especially the last one is something fundamental, because every ATC expects you, to descend with at least 3°, thats how we plan it (im speaking about german controllers, but i guess its the same around the world). VATSIM is a learning enviroment, and noone will or should be angry of you for making something wrong. They will inform you, that you made a mistake, and what it's meant to be, but not because he wants to show you, that he knows better, but to give you the chance to improve. Most pilots i have told something were mostly thankful. There are a few, that don't like that, but those are the few, that fly shitty anyway and don't want to get better.
  2. X-Plane crashes? If you would not have said "X-Plane" i would have assumed you were talking about FS9/FSX. It's so "funny" if i hear people complaining about crashes at events, because of ram errors or what ever, while i have 0 problems even with 30 planes within 30nm. ;D (if its FS they are talking about) Some people i know, get all the orders at once, but only because i know, that they can do it: DLH123, identified, information C current/correct, expect ILS approach runway 26R, when ready descend FL110 to reach level at VAMAS, leave VAMAS on heading 200, after VAMAS descend altitude 5000 ft, QHN 1015. It was a pilot and controler from my FIR and he did all of it, with no say again. ;D Honestly, i wouldn't give more than 3 information/orders at a time. Most poeple would not be able to execute that right. I had trouble with that myself, when i was new to online flying. But as you fly more, you can get the stuff done more quickly. Nothings enjoys a contoler more, than a pilot who knows how to fly his plane, and executes the told orders right away and not 1 minute later.
  3. I only see a white square. ???
  4. And please SAY if you don't know how to execute the things you are told. I'm APP on EDDM, and nothing is more frustrating, than someone who reads back everything, but doesn't do it, or does something else, because he don't want to blame himself for not knowing. :-[ You don't have to know everything, but at least you should know your aircraft and its systems, most important the FMC. There are so many pilots out there, who are screwed up instantly when they get a shortcut, or a waypoint, thats not yet programmed. Or if the A/P fails, then they need a block height because they are unable to trim the plane right, to stay on told flightlevel or altitude. Oh, and don't trust your FMC blindly. Every time i clear the standard ILS approach for 08L via MIQ NBD, while coming from the west, people screw it up by 90% because the FMC doesn't know how to fly it. And if you tell them then, they get angry because you blame them that they did something wrong, but their FMC flew it, so it must be right. :-X Just my 2 cents
  5. I first though it may be 9.45 which causes problems, but 9.60rc2 renders the same. Any other plane is just fine. Plus im having tons of lightning issues with this plane. Flap shadows are flipped, same with fuselage and tail. Even the bottom of the plane illuminates strange. Engine blades are flickering a bit, tyres every 1/4 turn, but not just white, just a lot brighter.
  6. A haven't seen this posted so: The right wing isn't dropping a shadow. Only the engine is visible. Edit: Ohh, and winflex isn't working, until you takeoff. No matter how fast you are on ground, wings don't move up until you lose ground contact. Edit 2: And another thing: Winflex can be negative in air, if you trim too much. But why should the wingtips move downwards, when you trim? There are no controlling surfaces there, which could lead in such a reaction. ??? Edit 3: Wingflex is working on ground, but only if flaps are used. 1° is already enough. Never the less, its a bug.
  7. Where did you get that 332? The ones you can download from the org are still very bad. Not very much polygons. But this one looks like its way better. Have downloaded all the files of samen, none of them looks like those shown in the screenshots.
  8. Hmm, this is Beta? It looks more like Alpha This thing needs waaaaaaay more polygons. There are so many edges everywhere. And textures are behaving strange. But will be interesting what you make out of this.
  9. He has missed to mention one more thing: have a closer look at the engine exhaust. The air is flickering, due to hot air. There seems to be some really nice eye candy coming, but i doubt, that my current PC can handle all this stuff. So all this texturing for the Javlin or CRJ will be obsolete when XP10 arrives.
  10. I always found your reviews a bit too good. But maybe my expectations towards a product are too high. Never the less, it was a good way to get some sort of "big picture" what was going on/market situation. I for myself have been, and still am sometimes, a reviewer of Mac games for a german gaming community. Never had to deal with such a harsh criticism, although some people didn't always agree with my opinion. So hopefully you continue. I think, some are too scared to be compared to each other, since they know, that their product is not good enough. Never the less, they want to make money out of it, and bad reviews don't help. We never had to show the game publishers our reviews, although it's a common thing on the PC market, where reviews are held back, until the publisher likes the outcome. I really hope, your not going this way!
  11. Would look even way better, if there was at least 4xAA enabled. My eyes hurt everytime i see a screenshot
  12. Too bad you only have thos G/A aircraft in your catalog. Hopefully, the CRJ will be released next year, so this sale may come back.
  13. But to be honest, the products sold by the org, is mostly just a waste of money. The 742F Package which i bought, is...well, you really have to have low expectations to not get completely disappointed. Maybe its worth the 10 euro, but i have expected better stuff. Nonexisting 3D pit, pretty bad 2D pit, the exterior is really boring textured, and the landinggear behaviour ist very strange. You bounce like a kangaroo, no matter if your are light, or heavy. There may be some good things there, the BK117 for expample, but i have so much bad stuff seen from them, that im just not expecting anything good from them any more. Just take a look at their "best XXX" stuff. Most of this shouldn't even be mentioned once in a lifetime. It's just total crap. And if you have at least some sort of expectation towards quality, then things like this 787 are just not worth the money, they want from you.
  14. Nova

    Peter Hager's A380

    To have some heat blur in the video would sure add more realism, but it's just too much, like it is right now. At least for me.
  15. Nova

    Peter Hager's A380

    This video meight have been cool, if this annoying blur wasn't there. How can anyone see any details with this ****?
  16. Sad to hear that :-[ But thanks for the response.
  17. Hi Have you ever though of providing "demos" of your planes? I read in another thread, that gizmo allows you to fly 5 minutes until it shuts down the engine/s. So why not alter the code a bit and make it 10 or up to 15 minutes until engines get disabled. Shouldn't be a great deal to do so, since the 5 minute mark is already coded, so you i guess setting the proper variable would do it. I'm not a big fan of GA, but the Corvallis looks cool. So i would like to give it a try, and see if it's fun to fly or not. Im not asking for a demo where i can do a whole flight. Just wanna have a look at the out/inside, instruments, handling in the sim. I purchased the MU since, it fits a perfect niche for me (for IF flights with 100-200NM). This GA may be interesting for some airport hopping with a distance up to max 100NM. For 250 or more miles, i use the x737, or maybe the CRJ later when its released and not too expensive. So, what's your thought about it? Nova Edit: Oooh man, i nearly forgot of maybe the most important thing: I/the costumers would be able to check the performance of the aircraft on their machines.
  18. Don't get too excited of the A320 Expect it to be relased late 2011, or even 2012.
  19. Not very realistic :-\ Rain is dropping constantly, and not every few seconds, onto the shear wall. And when the wiper goes back, it would need more time to be covered with water again. However, it's a nice gimmick.
  20. Nice. A 2010 aircraft, shipped with 2006 navigation data. Those of you finding the irony, may keep it.
  21. You missed one line brake after the list of liveries. I'm not registered to Navigraph, nor would i like. Are you including an up-to-date database with the release or am i forced to spend money for another service, in order to fly the aircraft?
  22. I wouldn't even waste a though about that. Looks like you have way more important things to do. If the user wants to have the GPU on the runway, then so be it. It is his choice if he wants to do something unrealistic. Something i would find nice is the following: You can choose if you want to have a generator wagon or powered through a cable coming from the ground. And if the generator wagon was chosen, then it shouldn't just disapear if you cut the GPU off.
  23. There are severaly posts about it. But they have one in common: Release is aimed to take place in februray. I personally expect it mid to end march.
  24. And it hopefully comes with an up to date AIRAC. The default navdata from X-Plane sucks like hell, at least for Germany. About 1/4 of the fixes are not available. Had to edit the navdata.dat by hand to get it even near to a level where i can use it for online flights. And from time to time, i still need to edit it to insert fixes that are still not available.
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