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Everything posted by amerrir

  1. Guy's Comet (beta), RAF Lakenheath:
  2. Thanks Tom! A restored B-17, Arizona:
  3. Well done guys, those shots are looking gorgeous! And I'm sure this will be flying as good as it looks... Now, any chance of a paint kit? There are soooo many great DC-3 liveries.
  4. Seems to be missing from 10.03b2.
  5. I don't know why the Lancair was removed, and hadn't looked at it in the original beta. But I did have a back up of it, and I can only guess it was removed because the '3D' cockpit looks like this:
  6. Guy's Comet (beta), looking gorgeous over France:
  7. It's certainly possible with a custom scenery, which I guess is what the FSX link you've given is... These shots are from Societe Islands by XPFR, Heron Island by DaveDuck is another that springs to mind.
  8. Wow, this is a nice surprise! (as is the no DRM choice). A good Tiger Moth is something XP really needs - I still fly the Stampe a lot - so fingers crossed you'll be doing one of those soon too.
  9. Even though business jets aren't really my 'thing', the Challenger is one of my favourite aircraft. It's a great combination of quality, innovation & optimisation. I tend to only fly it now when I have time for a long-ish flight, with a cold start, and a shut down at the end. The aircraft really lends itself to that approach, rather than the quick blast I usually only have time for... Having reached Almaty, I've gone back to it this evening & am en-route to Shanghai:
  10. That makes perfect sense. I've been a Photoshop user since v2.5 in'93. The only updates I've missed were v4 & CS4. I hate to think how much I've handed over to Adobe in upgrade costs, especially as I pay European prices. Apart from once, when the UK price was almost 250% higher & I ended up ordering from a shop in NY...
  11. Ddenn's Challenger, Paris Le Bourget - Almaty, FL420 over Poland;
  12. Duchess leaving Lodrino: Paint available here.
  13. Thanks! Another Duchess paint I've been working on - this time based on a real aircraft livery:
  14. Playing with the Duchess paint kit, St. Lucia:
  15. Well, that can only be a matter of opinion. As this is a thread about the Challenger, I'll just say that if it was the same price as the CRJ, I'd buy the Challenger every time. Of course, that is just my opinion, but I hope I can express it without being accused of bias, as both are now available at the Org. BTW, I bought the Duchess last night, and first impressions are very favourable - great job! I'll PM you with more feedback later.
  16. I've just re-read Cameron's post, & he sounds happy enough about the situation - and that it was always planned to end up this way. I'm glad about that - I'd prefer to read that than hear he'd been stabbed in the back by his business partners - so it's all cool, no? I'm sitting here in London, been listening to Police & Fire sirens all evening - do you guys get news from England at all??? Riot's all over the place, buildings burning, shops being looted... Go on guys. Keep up the anger, keep up the hate.... :
  17. Thanks for the clarity Cameron. I'm sure you'll appreciate that my response was to Tom's comment: "I've spoken with Cam about this and we both agreed....all they had to do was abide by the terms properly, then they're welcome to sell wherever they like...but they didn't!" I obviously have no idea about the degree to which any XA/developer agreements have or have not been broken, other than Tom's reference to speaking to you, and that 'they' didn't abide by the terms properly. I'm really glad to hear that Javier, Philipp & Nicolas have all acted in an entirely proper & professional manner. Thanks again for making that clear to everyone. I look forward to seeing more high quality add-ons in both stores.
  18. Tom, I was talking about old wounds re- Javier/Nicolas. If an agreement has been broken, it's between the developers & XA, not the Org/Nicolas. And that would speak volumes about the agreements XA have & the relationships they have with developers. How much do you know about the discussions between the developers & Nicolas? If you don't know everything, how can you judge who is incompetent or deviant?
  19. Hopefully it's a sign of old wounds healing & less division in the community as a whole. Javier has been back at the Org for a few months, and of course Philipp has always had a good relationship with the Org. Love & Peace indeed.
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