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Everything posted by signmanbob

  1. The Saab is looking beautiful guys. I'm looking forward to seeing it released. It has been a long road with it, but the wait will be worth it.
  2. This simply looks amazing!! I love it...I want it...I need it...I've got to have it....yaaa baby....bring it on
  3. Very nice video. Leading (Cutting) Edge, you keep making planes like these, you will put me in the poor house
  4. I fly both FSX and X-Plane 10/64, but with aircraft like this Saab, X-Plane is quickly becoming the premier simulation. The cockpit looks amazing. You guys call yourself "Leading Edge Simulations" and with this Saab, you are really living up to your name. Could also rightfully be called "Cutting Edge Simulations"
  5. Sounds great Cameron! Thank you. I'm really looking forward to getting into this Saab and trying her out. It is looking beautiful. The link is broken on your preview video. Where can I find the video at?
  6. Simulate everything!! Leave out nothing!! I'm ready to read some manuals.
  7. About how many liveries will come with the Saab, and will there be extra livery packs available to purchase or download?
  8. signmanbob

    JRollon Releases BAe Jetstream 32

    JRollon's new 64bit Jetstream 32 is one of the most beautiful and realistic aircraft that has ever been made for either X-Plane or FSX. Sitting in the virtual cockpit "feels" like you are in the real aircraft. The sounds are great and the flight characteristics are just excellent. It took a little reading to get the controllers set up correctly, but they work fine now and I'm really enjoying this aircraft.
  9. Thank you. I'm glad to be here too. You guys just keep making X-Plane more and more fun.
  10. Talk about breathing a sigh of relief!! I was actually mad when I read about the cancellation. I'm thinking "Who the #@~* is the jerks wanting more simplistic simulations! God sakes X-Plane has seen enough of that!! No matter how many April Fools I live through, I seem to always get fooled.
  11. Wow! Great. Sign me up for the first flight
  12. It looks AMAZING!! Just remember the magic words for purchasing.......64bit, 64bit, 64bit.
  13. I just seen someone say on the Avsim forums that the CRJ is 64bit compatible from .org now. They said that they are flying it very smoothly. Is this true? I can't see anything here in the forum about 64 bit compatibility and I didn't see any update in my account either.
  14. November 2012? I thought that was recent. I did get the email, but my question is how can Aerosoft be supplying a 64bit version and X-Aviation not be, when X-Aviation is the original publisher of the software? That's my confusion. I guess it doesn't matter. I see that I can still fly it with the 32 bit .exe. I just wait and use it, until the 64bit version is released. Thank you, Bob
  15. I'm sorry Cameron, I don't understand what you are saying here. I just looked at Aerosoft's front page, and it says "CRJ for X-Plane now 64 bit compatable". I have just installed the 64bit version of X-Plane on my new computer because I seen this on the Aerosoft website. Is this not the same CRJ200? Should I have purchased the CRJ from Aerosoft?
  16. Hello, I have gone back and reflown the tutorial to be sure that I am doing everything right. Everything sets up fine with the flight and I take off normally, but when I get ready to engage the autopilot, I be sure to trim the aircraft and engage the autopilot. Shortly afterward, the aircraft goes nose down, then flips upside down and the engines get quiet as I hopelessly crash to the ground. The engines get quiet, yet the needles still show EGT. I have done several flights, but I am getting frustrated. I am using X-Plane10 with Windows 7 Ultimate 64x and 12Gigs of RAM. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you, Bob
  17. Still very hard to say when it will be finished. Cameron (who is doing the programming for it) is going to Oshkosh next week and he has been preparing to go for the last couple of weeks so the Saab was on hold. It will obviously remain on hold until after he gets back. Then he's getting back into it. I've had discussions with him about the project and what is going into it and it will be much more than planned. The autopilot has gotten a complete rewrite and a lot more systems have been done or are going to be done to the point where it's study level. As I said, it's VERY hard to give an accurate date for release, but I will say (including a safety margin) sometime WITHIN the next 3-5 months. That includes full testing, adjustments, fixes, etc...anything to give us a reason NOT to make any fixes after it's finished. Obviously, there may be things that we will miss, but we want to ensure that what we initially might miss is kept at an absolute minimum. In other words, an as fully functioning, bug free, fully coded package as we can possibly make. We'd rather make people wait for a fully functioning, bug free product and put a smile on their face rather than push out an over-glorified turboprop with over-glorified generics, riddled with bugs and have people complain. Goran, people will forget the wait, no matter how long it is, once they are enjoying the aircraft. But they won't forget a problematic simulation that has been released prematurely. Take all the time you need to get it as accurate as you can and to get it right. It will be a lot of fun to fly when it is ready.
  18. I'll be buying both as they become available. I'm really glad that you are not using the XP (excuse for an) FMC. I would much rather have none that that. I have RealityXP's GNS 530. Could you set up the sim so that this GPS will install easily to the virtual cockpit?
  19. Thank you Goran. That sounds great. I would love to have this Saab when it is ready. I made a shortcut on my desktop to this forum so I can keep checking. Bob
  20. Will this Saab have its own custom FMS or will it be able to use the UFMS realistically. The XP default FMS don't cut it at all. It is about the level of the FSX default GPS and not self-respecting FSX payware developer would use it.
  21. I see that this thread has been dead for a while. Is this Saab 340 still planning to be released soon? Bob
  22. Thank you John. That worked! I have my Boeing Country airports and my Realscenery now. I didn't know that you could rename folders in the Custom Scenery without corrupting something. That was real helpful. So now I know that scenery loads in the layers according to the way it is stacked in the Custom Scenery folder. So it must always be good to have airport on top.
  23. Thank you. I'll let you know if it works out.
  24. Actually Alabama would connect RealScenery's Tennessee to Florida for a real nice scenic flight. Mmmm...just a thought
  25. Hello, It doesn't seem to work with "Boeing Country". I have to remove the RealScenery "Puget Sound" file or KSEA is just runways and no buildings at all. When I'm out of the Puget Sound area my RealScenery kicks in beautiful. I wonder what I have to do to have both. ??? I tried taking the "texture" folder out of Boeing Country, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Bob
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