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Everything posted by thiengo

  1. thanks Ben... Community, I bought an Air Manager copy and it is a grate application.... A very easy and interesting feature is a database of instruments where lot of instruments are shared and can be downloaded directly from the app... easy to share, easy to download and easy to install.... and you can modify the aspect ratio easily too, so you can adjust your project to virtually any monitor screen size...
  2. I have tons of addons that disappointed me too... today I work in plugins to manipulate what the product isn't... some times I can overwrite original behavior some times don't. I am tired to ask for more real systems... every developer say to me I am a 0,01% fraction of consumers... and is not interesting to do a lot of work to made a home use sim.... Recently I was banned from a forum of a free helicopter because I insisted to solve a bug and when nothing was made, I wrote a script to turn original code and manipulate a new behavior... The developer cant work in a product anymore and I do not have a right to update nothing.... Other common developer phrase is about shared datarefs.... they programing everything in compiled and proprietary plugins and do not share the datarefs to be manipulated from other plugins or scripts... I am a cockpit builder and when I look for a product first of all is the level of systems, second is the flight dynamic and third is the manipulation of datarefs for hardware design.... it is the flight simulator market nowadays... We need more initiative from the community to work together in a product with LEVEL D features... free....open source..... I am doing a call to work in this.... let's do it community..... sorry my english....and the comma use LOL
  3. Hi Ben, Can you help me with a SASL and SLAVA version to run in xplane 10 64bit? My slava can not connect with SASL server.... and some guys told me it is version problem..... please... thanks..
  4. I am reading this old post and I want to note that problem do not occurred again, may be that a video card driver update must be solved the problem... thanks, keep flying. lol
  5. Fantastic... I know, in the past I pushed all with this things... Since the versions 1.0 I am a CRJ200 pilot, and a commercial pilot in real life. I am Listening that the developers have plans to do the CRJ200 more realistic, I am very happy with it... I ever said in here... The CRJ200 has everything to be a study plataform to real pilot and challenging "simers". The X-plane is a flight simulator aproved by FAA to be implemented in flight schools to rating the pilots in Instrument Flight Rules. To fly the CRJ200 bring us a amazing sensation of cockpit work load, but to do this better then now, more systems must to be implemented and the work are being done. Great job folks.....
  6. Hi David, When on VR pull to 10 degrees of pitch and wait to lift off, after, at positive rate of climb retract gear... if you will take-off with FD on, dont forget to activate half bank... after take-off maintain V2 +15 and pitch of 20 degrees maximum (wichever is less)... At 600ft agl AP on... from here flap retractions and acelerate to 200kias... at VT deselect half bank from AP/FD... Flap 8/UP after takeoff check... climb with 200KIAS till 3000ft then acelerate to 250 till 10000ft. When VR bring the pitch to 10degrees and stand... gently always.... have fun.....
  7. enjoy... Flight Planning.xls.zip
  8. this link is broked
  9. Amazing work. Turn the FMS more realistic is a big step to improve reality for the CRJ200... Collins FMS 4200 - Manuals How wants send me a email, I can not share this document (tiago@thiengo.com) Maybe a help to understand the CRJ's CDU implanted...
  10. When will the CRJ200's developers modify red lines on the manual to black lines? I want to see other systems implemented...

  11. sorry, now a adjust the album's visibility.... public only if you have the link....i guess it is ok
  12. Pictures captured in many moments https://picasaweb.google.com/thiengo.com/XplaneHelp?authuser=0&feat=directlink
  13. Augh!!!!!! I have to buy another graphic card.... with pixel shaders off the simulator is a shit.... ...and Continue the fog...
  14. Now i understand... it's a self defense tactical from x-plane to poor costumer. lol My graphic card doesn't support the amount of objects and do this to dont sacrifice the simulation. Thanks to all..... really thanks.
  15. In that moment i had 35~40FPS...
  16. take a look!!! Youtube... http://youtu.be/7vd1lTxCz_Q
  17. Hi! Since I update my xplane to 9.70 I am having a big problem with weather conditions. I mark the download box to adjust the weather with the internet and when I go to aircraft the weather is updated, ok, for few seconds, after this... the visibility degrade without reason.. I can see the horizon visibility decreasing and the immersive fog magically emerging around me. When I press ctrl plus period the weather transforms to the real conditions like in ATIS message and in the weather screen, but passed some seconds, the misterious fog comes again like in the Kong's island. Please, I did do a new installations of X-plane and update it to 9.70 without any plugins, even a third part aircraft. Hugs... -thiengo
  18. Another thing. you'll release the datarefs for people who build home cockpits or his own hardware (My case) ?
  19. Oh god. congratulations by your son...I am happy with news... And.. You must to consider spend a lot of time with your kid... great... soon, when you come back to develop the CRJ, i will continue asking for systems, functionalitys l0l... upsetting you. a good way... Now there is a Chellenger 300 with great systems simulated... but the imersion from your CRJ200 is insurmountable... is there a way to use UFMC or external VasFMC to controling CRJ200? (please, open a topic with possibilities and solutions to integrate a external FMC like truth and myths about that implementation and how can afect the airplane.) I can not stay 2 frases without disturbing you with questions.
  20. I bought the plane, and i loved. Great job.... I want to buy the UFMC, but i want certain that will work. I am a commercial pilot and work with general aviation, i have not contact with this aircraft, principally here in Brazil, where the CRJ is not pop. Here we found a lot of learjet.... I intend to build a bombardier CRJ home cockpit, but i am looking for a product almost functional. I am not lokking for FMC maintenance functions, for example... I dont care about charts functionalitty, i can use this in a tablet or in paper... l0l.... But.... FMC VNAV, Procedures, Performance, Position, Data Base consulting... can not miss... anyway... the challenger is amazing...and your aircraft is too. so, you could think in developer tools that work together and bring a fully simulation of a aircraft, i think is wrong, a team to develop an aircraft, dont hit the high degree of functionality and get nervous to iniciate a new project, another aircraft in half.
  21. I have a ask to do... please, dont do a half FMC, the fmc has a lot of features, and navigation isnt the only thing that a FMC can do.
  22. Waiting for information about datarefs and vasFMC, X-FMC or uFMC . I want to load all datarefs with status, leds, button switch position, leverls, anything to make a home cockpit with complete hardware . About FMC, is there any way to use a third part FMC solution to manager the aircraft autopilot and performance? -thiengo
  23. I am interesting in buy your airplane, but i am a home cockpit builder and i want an aircraft with fully functions simulated and capable to give its datarefs to read and write and a way to manipulate original panel to create how planes is necessary to simulate the instruments in another computers as cockpit instruments. Can i buy and do my home cockpit and write my hardware scripts based in IOCP protocol (Homecockpits)?
  24. Come on!!! CRJ200 has a lot of thing to finish. dont go to another project... please...
  25. Ok! no problem. I will fly the plane near of situation when did occur the problem... soon i will post informations. Thanks...
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