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Everything posted by korkiley

  1. I do now! Thank you! I won't be so shy about asking next time : ) Kor
  2. Since version 1.1.10 the landing and taxi lights don't illuminate the ground. 1.1.11 didn't fix the problem either. I thought it must be something in my setup so I removed all plugins but the problem remained. I finally installed a second copy of x-plane but that didn't fix it either. Is anyone else having this problem? Any suggestions? I'm attaching my log.txt with X-Plane (11.41) running and also after I shut down. I'm not sure which is more useful. Thanks! Log_kor.txt - X-Plane running with TBM 1.1.11 running. Log_kor_after_shutdown.txt
  3. Thank you! Got it.
  4. I would like an invite too please. The last one has expired. Thanks!
  5. Could you please explain what the Rotary test is? Thanks!
  6. Hi Marcin, I haven't flown SusiAir for quite some time. This new update will be a good excuse for me to spend some more time flying for them! Hope you are doing well! Kor
  7. Ilias, Thank you for your great work. I'm really looking forward to this update. I also just discovered your blog. I haven't had a chance to read it yet but it looks very helpful and interesting! Kor
  8. OK. Thanks for clarifying!
  9. Hi Tselios, I'm confused. I don't see a new version out there. Isn't V 2.1 still the latest? Thanks for the great aircraft! Kor I hear you Ilias. I sure wish the Avanti II POH was available. And I can imagine the cockpit differences are substantial, as you say. I believe they upgraded the avionics. Are you still intending to update to the EVO someday.
  10. Smartcockpit contains a lot of technical information that would be a great resource for you as the designer of the simulation. But for flying the plane it doesn't have the kind of stuff that I always look for and is always contained in the Pilot Operating Handbook. That document is not included on smartcockpit. On the other hand, I found the P180 Avanti FMS 3000 Guide to be very useful. The Avanti's POH is the most thorough that I have seen and includes all the normal, emergency operations and many, many pages of performance tables that will guide a pilot in how to fly the aircraft most efficiently and safely.
  11. Chris, I should warn you that the POH from AVIALOGS is a 1992 edition so it is not for the Avanti II, just he regular Avanti. I don't think there are any major differences though--I hope : )
  12. 1. Assign Toggle thrust reversers to a key. Push the key after landing and advance the power levers to maximize reverse thrust. I find this to be the best solution. 2. I use the CH Throttle Quadrant for my power, prop and condition levers. With this hardware, there is a check box in the X-Plane 11 joystick assignment for the throttles, "Throttles are CH Products Throttle Quadrant." If I check this without the reverse thrust key assignment, reverse thrust is automatically engaged if I pull the power levers back beyond the detente built into these throttle levers. This method is more realistic but it is difficult to pull the power back to the minimum for landing without accidentally engaging reverse thrust! 3. There is a lua script, natural_reversers.lua that enables fine tuning a lever, even if not a CH Throttle. I had the same problem with his as with #2 though. It's great that you are studying as much as possible about the Avanti. I do this with all the aircraft I fly and find it half the fun of flying in the simulator. I downloaded the full pilot owners handbook from here. It costs $25 for an annual subscription but I think well worth it, even for one manual. Having said that, I managed to download all my other handbooks for free. I hope this helps! Kor
  13. Hi Ilias, I found the answer which was related to my suspicion. I guess in XP 11.10 they decided to allow the directional gyro to drift the way it would in real life. Although I had set it to match the magnetic compass, that didn't fix the problem. The fix that worked was to set a key to activate Navigation &Radios/Indicators/vacuum DG sync to magnetic north. My C208B was one that Carenado upgraded last year for XP 11, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it. So I'm good now. Thanks. Kor
  14. Sorry not to get back sooner. For parking, doing runups, etc. I use brakes max effort. For everything else I use the toe brakes on my rudder pedals, left and right toe brakes. I use headshake so I moved it out of plugins and experimented with braking. As I anticipated the "judder" was much reduced so I think headshake is exagerating that little bounce-back you get when you apply brakes to a full top. Usually I have no problem stopping although a few times I did.
  15. Actually, I have the 208B that Carenado updated last year for XP 11 but I think this is the first time I’ve flown it since 11.11. I’m happy that I don’t need to turn off Gizmo. I’ll need to do further testing on the 208B. Thanks. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. I'm wondering what I should do with planes I fly that don't use gizmo. Should I turn gizmo off? I flew the Carenado Cessna 208B Grand Caravan yesterday for the first time in a long while. I turned off Gizmo and I couldn't get the autopilot/flight director to work properly. It seemed really confused and couldn't get it to lock on to my flight plan and the heading mode wouldn't follow the course I wanted it to. This is the first time I've flown any plane since the Avanti. Thanks for your great work Ilias and I'm looking forward to future updates! Kor
  17. And also judders, in other words, it doesn’t stop smoothly. It jerks to a stop and then releases for a fraction of a second and repeats this pattern several times.
  18. I just tested the new scripts and the altitude sequence problem seems to have been fixed. Thank you!
  19. Tselios, I see you don't have a problem, but for me it IS happening when I use the mouse wheel. I'm on Windows 10 64bit. Kor
  20. I just tested to confirm this problem on my installation. When you increment the altitude with the Alt seclector knob on the AP group of controls, it counts in the thousand plus 100s until it gets to 500 at which point it skips to the next 1000. In general, I really like the changes you have made Ilias. I'm about to make my first flight. I may have more feedback afterwards. Kor
  21. Hi Cameron, Thanks so much for the fast work fixing the Piaggio P.180 Avanti II installation!


  22. Hi Marpilot, I'm unable to try yet. I have 100nm to go of SAV2001, the last of the Avanti flights for Susi Air Virtual. Kor
  23. OK. It's really available now! Kor
  24. Yes, I just realized that. I'll hold on then. Thanks.
  25. But I was able to download it from here. Thank you! Unfortunately I'm in the middle of a 4 hour flight so must be patient : )
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