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Everything posted by birdy.dma

  1. The win.xpl is Xassign from Barbarossa. I have deleted it and reinstall as Cameron have suggested Now i can enter in the cockpit of the CRJ, but as some others pilots, i have CTD using the fms. I enjoy the 1.3, waiting patiently a new realease. After a crash, a new launch of X plane ( 9 ) sit me in the last aicraft choosen before the crj. For me the default cessna,
  2. Thanks Cameron. Re downloading now. Its late for me, will try tomorrow.
  3. Philipp, I have deleted all win.xpl, then run the updater. No joy. Reinstalled version 1.3. It works. Reload the 1.4, and reinstall. No joy. I join the new crash logs. crash_log.txt Log.txt
  4. There is a pluginAdmin which contain a win.xpl for a long time ago. I don't know why. I have deleted it. Thats work. Many thanks. Again a new flight from Salamance to Valencia. Best regards.
  5. Windows 64 bits. As i cannot launch it, i have deinstalled and deleted manually the J rollon and crj folders. Then reboot and reinstall. No joy. I attach the crash log. I dont find where i am wrong. Regards. crash_log.txt Cycle Dump.txt Log.txt
  6. Do you know this web site ? http://www.smartcockpit.com/plane/bombardier/CRJ-100-200-SERIES/ Thanks, for the doc. I have downoaded the 4200 FMS doc somewhere. I can't remenber where the link is. Regards.
  7. From my side, the 3d scenery of Valencia was a vram killer. After disabling this scenery, i was able to fly without problem, and probably with the airportNav.
  8. Hi, Have a look here. http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/topic/2074-windows-crash-issues-with-111-post-here/page__fromsearch__1 topic number 14 and 15. Could help.
  9. GOOOOOOD. I am going to buy a second sceen to connect to my GTX580 for MFD and HUD of Falcon BMS, and now for future realese of the CRJ. Should i choose a 23 inches touch sreen for the CRJ ? Or this feature will only be usable with a second computer or tablet. ? I am impressed by your developements.
  10. I have just installed a 3 go 580gtx. Now i can fly with the 3d scenery of Valencia. About 2 go of vram are used. Somewhere i saw a post of Philipp about a new technology to display panels on a second screen. Will you use this techno for the CRJ. About real pilots: Bravo VETTEL.
  11. As suggested by Javier in the tutorial, i have on the top Openscenery x, then 00_valencia,LESA_SalamancaMatacan,valencia_3d. About vram, can you suggest me a 580gtx with 1.5 or 3 megs of ram ? Danke Philip.
  12. Hello, Crash occur when i was programming the star to Valencia. . Nothing special with plugins. crash_log.txt Log.txt
  13. In fact, to be comfortable and as close as possible to real, we need a second 23 inches multitouch display for pop up and panels. Here we could push, turn, twist with fingers as well with mouse on the main 3d screen. Secondly, we need to fly with a copilot thru the net. Is it dream ? Or is it doable ? Claude.
  14. Right. On page 10 of the manual it is checked. Pero no gordo problemo. Good job and good support. Many thanks to all.
  15. First glance inside and outside the plane, after reading the manuals, setting rendering options, and let's go for the tutorial. All planes aroud there are half in the ground. Not thr CRJ. Do i miss something ? Could be a scenery thing.
  16. Big step forward. Thanks to Big Jim and Big Ben.
  17. My first plane for my first flight ( christmas ) was the stock cessna. Then after a ton of reading and googling, i improved my flight experience with the Falco, and now your Corvalis. I dont' know anything with other plane. I know pilotview, but never use it yet. What i hope is a larger and much more crisp and detailed map on this mfd panel. So even zooming the map could be useable. Patiently waiting your improvements. Claude.
  18. Hi Jim. A nice improvement should be to have a pop up of the right display. The moving map should be more readeble and useful. It should also be displayed in color. In 3d pit some manipulators are not always in the right place. Sometimes i have to freeze the sim for some adjustments The area where we have to click under the displays are to small. The training tutorial is a nice idea, but it is not enough polished. When i leave the Corvalis for the Falco, Garmin and radios of the Falco are darks. I have to set cold and dark and reset the sim to recover them. No problems from Falco to Corvalis. Have a nice WE.
  19. Hi JG. Is it time to post the change log ? Thanks.
  20. Hi All, I know: no clouds with this kind of scenery. What will apen if i install REX ? Have a nice WE.
  21. Thanks. It works. I have repaired my Goodway, changing the old Java folder included in Goodway by a more recent one. Have a nice WE.
  22. Lis. I run Win 7 64 bits and X plane 9.67. Goodway is very very slow, and often never finish his task.. However, i have exported a flight plan in the FMS of the Corvalis. Very nice feature indeed. Greg. In a future release, can you give us a Goodway compatible version of your Corvalis ? Regards.
  23. Many thanks Greg and Lis for your quick and efficient answer. You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll right and left. Now, i know the tip. Too easy. I am really a noob. Cheers.
  24. Hi All, I have a GC 460 GTX and a 1600*1200 screen. I run Win 7. Either in windowed mode or full screen, i cannot read or click on the last range of letters of the Ready pad. They are not displayed on the screen. Is it me, or a known bug ? Can i create a flight plan with the free version of Goodway and import it in the Garmin ?. Thanks.
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