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Just curious If any products ( mainly hotstart challenger 650) will have any special discounts over this weekend through cyber Monday. Hope everyone in US had a nice Thanksgiving. Dave
@Ben Russell Hopefully this helps out. I spent a good 45 minutes today loading into the sim multiple times with various plugins. As I had thought, the culprit is indeed the RealSimGear plugin for their GTN750 Hardware. I first loaded up the aircraft with just a few plugins, mainly to shorten the log text. I kept in the GTN.ini file in the aircraft folder without issue. The result is log_1 no error. Then I moved over the RealityXp GTN750 PLugin, which permits the use of the GTN750 realityXp software . Again no error popped up. The result is log_2 no error. Then I moved over the RealSimGear GTN750 PLugin, which permits the use of their GTN750 Hardware ( Touchscreen Panel ) . Now I get the errors on loading. It takes about 5-10 seconds for their plugin to initialize. I'm thinking this somehow interrupts Gizmo's loading time resulting with the errors. This error displays regardless if I have the GTN750 activated or not. I tried both ways. The result is log_3 With the error. ( RealSimGear Plugin compatibility issue ) The attached Zip file houses all three Log.txt files and two fresh Screen Shots of the error popup window. The developers at RSG are very good with Customer support and I'm sure would be more than happy to assist you with the software compatibility . https://realsimgear.com/ If the GTN750 becomes a feature built into the 3D panel as an option for Version 2 of this Aircraft, you can bet I will Purchase the next version on day one. : ) Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, Dave. saab.zip
Thanks for the Reply Goran. Just bringing it to your attention in case anyone searches and finds this thread. Hopefully Version 2 will natively support the RealityXp GTN750 Software natively, as in the 3D cockpit. That may already be in the works, I just didn't read to much about what V2 will being us yet. I know VR will be one of those upgrades. : ) Thanks Ben regarding the Gizmo Development. The only new plugin I added which caused this error is the actual RSG plugin for their hardware. (RSG: GTN750 ) Or maybe RealityXp PLugin. Sliding back over my backup before I added these has no errors. In the next couple days I'll remove all plugins except those I need for this aircraft. Igodispatch primarily. I'll load up without issue and will save that log. Then I'll move over the RSG plugin and will again run a log for you. Then you will be able to single out the plugin it's not compatible with. Maybe it's the GTN.ini file it self causing the issue... I'll see what I can come up with. Other than the logs, are there any logs or files I should provide for future Development? I'll get these to you asap. Again, to anyone else, the plane functions okay, just throws up an error. just exit the error window and fly with the GTN like any other. Thanks for the Customer Support. Dave
1st off, There is nothing wrong with your Aircraft. But after installing the RealSimGear GTN750 Plugin, I think it has a compatibility issue with Gizmo. I get errors upon loading the aircraft. The only changes I made to the sim was installing the GTN750 plugins both RealityXp and RSG Hardware and plugins. This version of the aircraft doesn't come with a GTN ini file by default, so maybe that is the issue... Anyway, I can simply close out the error window and use the GTN750 without issue. The Aircraft handles the same as always. So no big deal, but if anyone has a understanding of what is going on and how I can fix it, that would be great. If I should pass this on to RSG please let me know. Attached are the Screen shots of the error and the XP Log.txt file. Thanks. Dave Log.txt
I am a paying customer who was only providing the information which the developer needs. In any ticket system i attach a log and the steps to reproduce the issue. I didnt do complete research on this topic because I'm reporting a bug, not taking part in a history lesson. Truth be told, when i first saw that this update was being released with two pages of fixes and new options i knew there would be bugs. It just comes with the territory. so for the first week i did read up on all the bugs. I did NOT DL the 1.6 update because of my prior expierences. I knew that within a week or so, there would be a hot fix. And i was right. So i downloaded this aircraft today, did a single flight and found what i figured would be a new bug since the hotfix. What i did search for was the needed information for reporting bugs. The developer has a post referencing this. Where he says "you start a separate thread for that particular issue". I did this. I wasn't looking for a fix. I was reporting a problem. If you have a written protocol on the steps of reporting a bug which includes one doing a ton research first, please direct me to that documentation, I'd love to see it. If you don't want me or another customer to be offended by your comments, then maybe post your thoughts on this issue in a new post and not part of mine. It comes across as demeaning even if you are not intending it to be. Valued customer? Dave
Using the Stock GNS530, I Attempted to fly the LPV Approach into Telluride. The RNAV Y 09 APPR into KTEX should have a glide path, similar to an ILS glide slope. The gtn displayed the VNAV, light, however there was no verticle guidance. this approach in other aircraft does have a glide path. This was my first flight with the updated model. I was in GPS mode, not vloc. So it should of worked. You should be able to reproduce. Let me know if you need anything else. Attached is the log. Dave Log.txt
@iGoApp Cool. Thanks. Dave.
I guess this answers my above question then... I guess there is nothing more to DL other than this file and overwrite? I haven't used this plugin in over a year. Should I DL again, then over write the above file? Do you have a link to the DL? Dave.
Please post again when this is ready to use again. I assume it's not working on any platform, windows, and mac? I have windows and an ipad for this. Question, will we need to DL a new plugin too? If so where do we get that once your done building the code? Thanks Dave.
Huh. Okay, well I guess it's just how the city pair worked out for these two flights. I'll try another flight or two and see how things go. Thanks.
So I'm not sure if any changes were made regarding how the clouds appear at various altitudes. The last build, 492 had a good spread of cloud layers. Now it's back to pretty much a single layer of clouds. Plus I'm not sure I like the new cloud colors. In time I could get use to it. Maybe as an option down the road to select the cloud colors? idk. But the main issue is the clouds are at one altitude. So I'm going to re-install 492 using the previous installer. I have flown two times with v143. Both flights only displayed a single layer of clouds. I use FSGRW and real wtx connector with it. I had FSGRW set correctly under settings to pull from it. I think you are doing a wonderful job with keeping this product up to date and always improving it. So please don't take this as a complaint, it's not. I'll just wait till your next update and will try it again then. That's why everyone should keep their old installers, so you can bounce back and forth. Thanks, Dave.
Ah I see. Outstanding. Thanks for the quick reply! Dave
I am confused with this statement. If a weather station is reporting an overcast layer at 1000 feet. That means at 1000 AGL there will be an overcast layer. So like Denver Int. for exp is 5000 something MSL. So an overcast layer would actually be at 6000 MSL. So how will this new code work with METAR reports? If I was landing into KDEN, I would look to break out at around 1000 feet above the runway. Has this changed? Thanks for the Update, and I'm ecstatic that this is working with 11.5. However, I do not run Betas, but it's good to know once it goes to release, my weather will still work. : ) Dave.
Cool. Thanks.
Will the update... when ever that happens.... include VR adaptability? I have A Pimax 5K. And it can't be used with this aircraft. I think there has to have some sort of VR code for it to work. Not complaining at all. The plane flies okay. I just think it will be cool to try it in VR one day. : ) . Happy Monday. Dave.
@Goran_M. Hello Sir. I alerted you just because I know you also work on this AC and I haven't signed up for Discord yet. Maybe you can pass this on? One of the main reasons I updated to this new build was due to the updated Fse Weight & Balance Release notes state, "Re-worked portions of the Payload Manager to allow displaying CG and manipulating exterior elements even when an FSE flight is active" This still does not allow us to manipulate the weights after starting a flight within the Fse plugin. Yes it shows the CG, but so did the last version. The problem is still there where as the CG shows proper, but Fse adds all the weight to the tail section of the plane making taking off and landing a bit of a hassle, due to the CG is way off. Fse doesn't care about weight, only fuel calculations. So true, you should block out the fuel caps, but allow the PAX menu, so we can load the AC how we see fit. Eg. Fse says 6 PAX, But I would like to fly with the weight of 4 pax and distributed the weight how I see fit. Maybe on one of the next hot fixes Saso can make it where we have access to the passengers to set the weight where we want it, not what Fse says it should be. Also, when I clicked cancel Flight on the Fse plugin menu, it hung the sim, then eventually caused a CTD. So don't try to cancel a flight or bad things happen... Other possible Bugs I figured I'd mention. * micro stutters with this version. The FPS is roughly the same as before, so that's good. * The Synthetic Vision no longer displays the "Pathway". On a positive Note. The Back up Gen test now works without breaking stuff lol. And other than a few hiccups the flight model feels better. And the Texture work is great. Thanks for the update guys. : ) Log.txt attached. Dave. TBM_Log.txt
Has this update ever been applied?. I've been reading a bunch of interesting posts about this airport scenery. Scratching head to determine if i want to buy this, now very dated scenery. But the screen shots and videos I've seen show it to be pretty nice. So I'm on the fence. Dave.
I am making a Dev request for the next update. When using this aircraft with Fseconomy the weight and balance window is totally blacked out. This will cause the plane to be very tail heavy and no way to correct it. I would personally like the ability to go back into the weight and balance window after starting fse to re-adjust the weight portion to result with a better CG. Also I'd like the availability of adding cargo or what ever to the trip. I use this strategy with my REP Aircraft all the time and it works well. Fseconomy does not care about weight, only fuel. So this works better. Thanks for the consideration. Dave
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Thanks. Cool. NP. Dave.
@skiselkov Hello. I Purchased this AC a couple days ago. Today marks my 3rd flight with her. Brilliant Aircraft!. I've been saving up for it, and not disappointed. I do want to point out, that for some reason this "bug" still exist. I downloaded the AC on Sunday August 11th. So it should be the latest version. Is there a web page I need to go to to update the AC to a different version which the store download gave me? Last night I flew the AC and this part broke ( Standby Alternator ). I replaced the part after the flight. Today's flight. 1.5 hours on the same part resulted with yet another broken part and I needed to replace the entire part. Repairing for cheaper is not an option for some reason. I am running XP11.34. I have not updated to 11.35 yet. I assume that the part is breaking when, like the others, i am going through the checklist and test the backup Gen. It appears to work correctly on the MFD. I make sure the amps are LT 80, and it still breaks it. Anyway, I guess I'll skip this test for the time being. Thank you. Dave.
For me, this has always been a problem. The only fix would be to go to the Better PB and request he fix the issue. I no longer use it. I use either XP PB or more often, i use the Map and turn the aircraft sideways at the gate so i can just power out. Dave
Rofl. Yeah. Might be best to just reload the aircraft on the ground using these quicker methods than i was using until we can get to the bottom of it. Dave
NP. I'll take a SS and I'll save the log.txt. Thanks. Dave