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  1. ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_alt_target_act in the documentation appears to move the altitude knob however it doesn't change the altitude window for some reason
  2. That just has the command no dataref without the dataref it wont work
  3. Hi, I have been trying and failing to get the altitude mcp dataref for the IXEG 733 for over 2 hours at this point, for some reason I cant find any specific dataref for the Altitude window on the MCP. I'm trying to interface it with Mobiflight with a custom MCP I 3D printed. I found two datarefs sim/cockpit2/autopilot/altitude_dial_ft or sim/cockpit/autopilot/altitude which appear to move when I dial the Altitude window with my Mouse how ever I cant edit these datarefs to move the window with commands, does anyone from IXEG have any commands for rotating the altitude by increments of 100' up and down. It doesn't appear to be a mobiflight issue as im able to use the sim/cockpit/autopilot/airspeed for the MCP speed without any issues. only Altitude appears to not work. Course and Heading have the Dataref ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_plt_course_act / ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_heading_bug_act which work for interfacing with but speed and altitude on the MCP dont exist with these datarefs ixeg/733/MCP/ for some reason. Also it says all fuel pump datarefs are depreciated for some reason. What are the new ones?
  4. Anyone know why I cant see the GUI for the IXEG? Im moving my mouse along the edges of the screen but I cant find it for some reason
  5. What causes the warning excess data? Is it to much information to display on the ND that it would cause it to be overly cluttered or is there some other reason?
  6. Thanks for the reply. I have notice the landing distance charts .pdf files. I was actually looking for something with a little more detail so I could get as much performance out of the aircraft during landing as possible. I actually found this performance calculator online (not affiliated) http://www.b737.org.uk/pilotnotes.htm#Classics its for a 737-400/500 but close enough for what im after.
  7. With the 733 does anyone know of a performance calculator or performance charts for landing? For things such as autobrake setting and flap setting? I have a few takeoff performance charts but nothing for landing with the exception of FMC performance for vref and the required landing distance chart provided by IXEG documents. Also just something I have wondered with the 737 classic and NG. Howcome on some occasions while hand flying the aircraft so AP off I notice the stabilizer trim moving on its own flowly like the AP is engaged. I notice this sometimes during takeoff and flap retraction and extension. Is it like some sort of stability system the aircraft have ?
  8. It does thank you, I just wasnt sure with the XP12 version of the aircraft the textures were going to be in different directories making any texture mod for previous version incompatible. If they remain the same then this mod should work. The integrated cue EADI mod is located here https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/69579-integrated-cue-eadi-for-boeing-737-300-ixeg-with-different-color-options/ not sponsored.
  9. Out of curiosity, with the XP12 version of the aircraft will the Intergrated Cue EADI texture mod work with it?
  10. I for one am looking forward to this. Take my money please I would love to operate this aircraft again in XP12.
  11. Just out of curiousity, with the Gizmo Plugin it causes issue with other addon aircraft (X-Plane crashing to desktop) im just wondering if this plugin issue will be addressed obviously not right now but at some point in the future once the IXEG is safely off the ground in XP12? Btw thanks for your hard work in IXEG team for getting this aircraft working in XP12 its really appreciated!
  12. Im glad about that response, to be honest I dont want xplane addons in msfs, I dont consider msfs as in depth of a simulator as xplane. When developers are having to port aircraft from one sim to another quality drops significantly. Inibuilds are good developers however the msfs a310 is incomplete/buggy, while im sure they will sort the bugs out eventually the decision by them to run on both platforms have left four incomplete/buggy aircraft one for msfs and three for xplane 11. Updates for one platform have to wait until completion of the other. I would prefer if addon developers would stick to one simulator and put the time and effort into one simulator so there arms are not stretched out beyond belief. If your prefer msfs thats fine but in a discussion about the 733 in xp12 I dont think it has a place but each to their own.
  13. Awesome News, do the engine start in a realistic manner? I have notice with a lot of other addons in XP12 the N2 rotation on start up is ridiculously quick about 5 seconds before it reaches 40% N2. It is obviously an issue with XP12 however I am just abit curious if this issue exists with the 733 in XP12 or if thats something that will be sorted down the line?
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