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Everything posted by flyinhawaiian

  1. FYI, having flown Bonanza's quite a bit, I can tell you the gear adds a LOT of drag. I'd say its under-exaggerated in other ACFs, but I remember the A36 dropping like a stone once you throw the gear down
  2. That's a hell of a gift! I've never owned anything BUT an Apple computer, all the way from the Power PC to the iMac, G4, G5, Mac Mini and now Macbook Pro. I gotta give a big thanks to Mr Job, thank you for "thinking different"
  3. Ahh, I just took my liveries out of the folder for the reinstall and put them back in afterwards. I'll leave em in there next time.
  4. Nevermind! haha, just got the email! Great work!
  5. Lookin forward to it! Is there a readme of the change list we can see?
  6. Checkin in to say hi! Any chance on a solid progress update? I'm interested to see how things are coming along!
  7. Finally made it to KMCO!
  8. So I hooked up my roommates Saitek Pro Flight Yoke, throttles, and pedals to my computer, mapped it all out, was going to do a short hop from KVRB to KMCO in the Challenger 300, pick up some "pax" and fuel, then blast off to N'awleans, but Xplane had different ideas. Had AirTrack set up to vector me for the ILS 36R at KMCO, taxied out, liftoff was no problem, positive rate - gear up, 1,000ft L ENGINE FIRE! Bells, whistles, warning lights and the ECS lit up like a Christmas tree. Its really funny how real world training kicked in. I immediately retarded the left throttle to idle, flipped the "RUN" switch to "OFF" continued down and activated the fire bottle for the left engine, and increased the thrust on the right one. I then preceded to keep flying the plane, and started a left turn to come back around to land. Mentally, I called my mayday and also tuned 7700 in my transponder. Flew a nice, high downwind and lined her up for the single engine landing. It wasn't my prettiest approach, but we made it back down safely. After I taxied off the runway, XP gave me a left side hydraulic failure too, so I had to turn the pumps on to taxi back to the ramp. I had turned on the "Mean time between failures" option on and set it to 2,000 hours. Totally random, but XP simulated a bird strike (hence the engine fire, probably a compressor stall) and gave me a "real world" scenario to deal with. Coupled with my real-world training, albeit not in anything as complex as this, the experience actually made me sweat a bit and was a hell of a lot more fun than any straight-line flight I've done before. That, was definitely cool!
  9. Thanks for the update Cam. Do we need to have the 1.1 or 1.1.1 update already installed or can we go from v1.0 to 1.2? I never bothered to update mine with the problems 1.1 and 1.1.1 posed for Mac users. It didn't seem broke to me, so I didn't go and "fix" it...
  10. Worth it? Thinking about purchasing it, but haven't seen too many screen shots of other's who have bought it, and have only seen the review on the XPlane10 blog. Any reviews from here?
  11. Personally I would like to see a better sound quality throughout the range of products in Xplane. My father, being in the sound industry, has helped tune my ear to what sounds good, and what doesn't. His "house" speakers are a pair of Genelec studio monitors (for reference to how he likes his sound). Its preferable to put the highest quality sound (and visualization) into the products, and allow the end users tone them down to the level that they are able to achieve. Case in point is how many musicians now put out music compressed beyond all belief, because most of the end-users are going to be listening to them on crappy iPod ear-buds with only high-end freq-response and simulated low-end kick. You lose the entire middle (read: the meat) of the track and the depth that you'd get from nearly every band 20 years ago isn't there. Once in a while someone mixes it correctly and the difference is shocking. Hopefully we can get some of the same back into Xplane...
  12. I've flown Bonanzas in real life, so I might give it a try and write a review. I'm real picky when it comes to flight models. The one thing a sim can never replicate is the "feel" you get in the seat of your pants while you're flying. So long as the aircraft reacts and performs in a manner to simulate the real thing, that's good enough for me!
  13. This... also my chief concern too
  14. Honestly, I liked vatsim at first, but its too much of a hog on the computer. I can't run XP9 with vatsim running and not get the grey fog of fury. I'd rather fly in clear skies than with pseudo ATC.
  15. Nevermind... I took out the vatsim plugin and it fixed it. imagine that!
  16. No idea what's going on, but I click the application the load screen pops up and about 3 seconds later, it crashes hard. Here's the crash log: Process: X-Plane [904] Path: /Users/jefffink1/Desktop/Games/X-Plane 9/X-Plane.app/Contents/MacOS/X-Plane Identifier: com.laminar_research.X-Plane Version: 9.67 (398) Code Type: X86 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [134] Date/Time: 2011-09-12 17:54:35.484 -0400 OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) Report Version: 6 Interval Since Last Report: 514845 sec Crashes Since Last Report: 6 Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 13 sec Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 6 Anonymous UUID: 2D12F4E4-C692-47E0-872A-99DD5A236CC7 Exception Type: EXC_ARITHMETIC (SIGFPE) Exception Codes: EXC_I386_DIV (divide by zero) Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 XSquawkBox_VATSIM.xpl 0x2306e820 XSBServerList::GetServerList() + 634 1 XSquawkBox_VATSIM.xpl 0x230264d1 XSBNetwork::XSBNetwork() + 1625 2 XSquawkBox_VATSIM.xpl 0x23023ec8 XSBPlugin::XSBPlugin(char const*) + 112 3 XSquawkBox_VATSIM.xpl 0x230243f0 XPluginStart + 344 4 XPLM 0x1f87eb74 LoadOnePlugin(char const*, int) + 524 5 XPLM 0x1f87f58e XPLMFindAndLoadPlugins(char const*) + 1036 6 XPLM 0x1f87dbab XPLMInitializePlugins + 187 7 com.laminar_research.X-Plane 0x00814942 XPPInitializePlugins(char const*) + 3090 8 com.laminar_research.X-Plane 0x00639f60 MACIBM_init(int, char const* const*) + 6560 9 com.laminar_research.X-Plane 0x006cc741 init_sim(int, char const* const*) + 33 10 com.laminar_research.X-Plane 0x006cf8bb main + 27 11 com.laminar_research.X-Plane 0x00611902 _start + 216 12 com.laminar_research.X-Plane 0x00611829 start + 41
  17. Yep... heard that too. I think they're all gonna be operated under Pinnacle, so it'll be a mix of everything. Right now, I'm lookin at Mesa/Colgan, Whiskey, and PSA as my first choices. Eagle would be nice, but since AA is spinning them off, who the hell knows where they'll end up. Rergionals are sketchy, to say the least right now...
  18. Well I do have that wonderful bird, and its been good for my cockpit familiarization for a bunch of the regionals. I've been toying with taking a CRJ fam course, but it depends on what sort of deal I can get on it...
  19. Sigh... looks like I'm gonna be spending more money on XP in the near future... Good timing since I'll be putting my application to Mesaba for a FO slot in the next few weeks!
  20. And here's the result of my first flying video. Enjoy and hope it inspires you!
  21. One thing that bothers me about some of the modeling in Xplane is the lighting or at least simulated lighting. Airbus, I think that is an absolutely GORGEOUS cockpit and the shadows you've baked (i'm assuming) into the panel are epic. That said, the rudder pedals seem to have a direct light source on them in the daylight. I see many panels or cockpit features modeled beautifully, but then there's no depth to it. Are you planning on toning down the pedals at all? Most times (IRL), they just blend into the background down there...
  22. Leading Edge Simulations Saab 340 For me, I'd say its the Saab 340. As a pilot looking to get into the airlines (or at least a high-performance a/c in the professional world) the lack of true study ACF in the sim is frustrating. Xplane allows me to simulate real-world scenarios in real-world conditions as well as advanced systems, so long as they're programmed in there. JRollon and company did a great job in showing what CAN and SHOULD be done with every detailed ACF to be released in the future. Its funny to look at a picture of a CRJ cockpit now, and know what the buttons and switches do (for the most part) and know that I have a head-start on certain procedures, and if nothing else, cockpit familiarity. Hopefully (and I'm sure it will), the Saab delivers this as well. Still waiting for my paycheck to get the Challenger 300 by ddenn to do more of the same. Also looking forward to: B733 Classic Xplane 10 (although not as much as the above 2 since the current model - albeit dated - suits my needs at the moment) What releases are other people most looking forward?
  23. Are there any plans to bump the current, beautiful, Florida scenery up to "Enhanced" standards? I love flying around and recognizing the area around me, but its all a bit let down when I get close to terra firma. Thanks and keep up the good work!
  24. FINALLY!!!! Ahhh man I've been waiting for this one since the CRJ came out!
  25. So much truth here. I'll never forget my first two solos (soloed in gliders first). Being there alone for the first time, the realization that you are a PILOT, is a feeling like no other. Takes a while to sink in, but come to think about it, the fact still hasn't sunk in for me. Brings a smile to my face every time!
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