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Everything posted by kutyafal

  1. First of all congrats on a superb bird! I know lots of work went into this, followed the streams as it was developed. After flying a few routes I have some suggestions to make interacting with the cockpit a bit easier. If this is not the right place to make such suggestions I appreciate pointing me to the right place. So here goes the list: - add the ability to change the zoom of PPOS view on the ND (MFD) via holding RMB and scrolling with the wheel like it's done for the chart display. If only on popup that will still help but would be even better in the 3D cockpit display. - add ability to save and trigger several popup sets not just the current "toggle all popups" command. I.e. I'd like one set for CCP1/DCP1 and another for CCP2 and MFD2 for charts. Yes, my eyes are not the best.... - add the possibility for click-and-hold scrolling of speed, heading, course and altitude knobs. In rough weather it's hard to keep pointed on these knobs when the plane is being tossed around. In these situations click-hold scrolling seems the most reliable. - is there a command to quickly jump back into the default seating position without having to click on the seat? That's it for now. I can't wait for what's in the future for this experience. Thanks!
  2. Yeah, I set the "hold" speed to 20 and the single wheel roll/click to 1 and that gives me good control of 100s or a quick enough zoom up to the 20s. To each is own but for me this is much better. Thanks for the tip on editing the obj file!
  3. I think a good compromise is to offer faster speed when the mouse wheel is held down. Once close to the wanted value it can be fine adjusted with rolling the mouse wheel. Regarding editing the obj file, I'm willing to do that but what parameter to edit and which file?
  4. Hello, liking the new version so far but for one thing. The altimeter preseletor scroll speed is way too slow. Can you add some acceleration when the mouse button is held down? It takes almost 20 sec now to scroll to 23000 ft.
  5. kutyafal


    Hello, I would also like to know if it's possible to integrate the GTN 750 into the GSN530 bezel. The popup works fine but I would really like the integrated functionality. Thanks!
  6. Bumping this as I just got the GTN 750. Has anyone figured out how to integrate it into the 3D cockpit? Or at least is there a way to make a click spot to have it pop up so I don't have to use the menu or key combo? Thanks!
  7. First of all I LOVE the plane! Just one minor issue. I'd like to assign the second throttle lever on my Thrustmaster HOTAS throttle to BOTH condition levers if at all possible. I see no use for that to take up two levers when they (almost) always need to be operated together. In the rare case I want to operate them separately I can always do that with the mouse. However, currently I see no way to assign the same controller axis to both condition levers using the built--in gizmo. Is there some workaround for this via a config file or something, or if it's not possible currently could you guys consider it for next patch? Thanks!
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