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  1. Good job!
  2. So, with my issue I can see that running in Windowed mode will help with the general problem of the menu bar...however I have found that this particular scenery KDEN causes the menu bar to not show in either mode. When I remove the scenery (by deleting folder from scenery), then I can see the menu in Windowed mode again. I do understand that this is not necessarily your issue...but clearly thee is some potential conflicts based on what different devs are doing....and Laminar...heh heh.
  3. Also, running in windowed mode did not bring the toolbar back.
  4. I reverted back to 11.26, cold and dark, and was happy to get the side bar back, only to install the newly released KDEM airport and now side bars are gone again. After reverting again and installing the airport again, the side bar is consistently not present once added. Obviously, it's a larger issue perhaps more related to xplane , but it might be wise to see what can be done to ensure under either condition the menu is accessible.
  5. I think the 930 variant would be the perfect followup before something different. Might as well own the TBMs...across the board. ..
  6. Yes the rain effect is absolutely gorgeous.........if you ever see it! But it probably has too low a threshold. Cheers.
  7. Compliments to the Chef! Very balanced, smooth, with a touch of spice.....and not too costly! Delicious! I`ll get back to simming now :-D
  8. X c lent.
  9. First thank you for an awesome product. After some initial issues I am up and running and this is the best TDM Rendition to date but the personal touches really exceed anything else out there. So...... in my haste I skipped the first use tutorial but wish to now go through it. How can one get it back once it's skipped? Regards.
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