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Everything posted by Blahmeh

  1. When I am in the cockpit view the default zoom view is fine (70 or 80), but when I press "C" to go to the external view, then "W" to go back to the cockpit view, my field of view is reset again back to a small value which I find uncomfortable (about 60), I have only noticed this in the IXEG.
  2. In retrospect I am not sure the link above I posted relates to the same issue ... I will leave it there in case it sheds any new light.
  3. Is there nothing that can be done to workaround this, are there any other developers having the same issue? What if Laminar do not fix it? The issue has been outstanding since April last year with them, and Ben's comment suggest they will not do anything? https://developer.x-plane.com/2017/04/x-plane-11-01b1-fixing-cockpit-light-levels/ Could the gauges not work the same as the other displays which are working? Not sure if this is related but the test button does not light up the panel to the left at all at any time of the day, however the N1/N1/TAT are time of day specific: I waited a few minutes and "TO" and "27" appeared by themselves, I had set the game simulation to sunset by chance and noticed this happen. In time is 21:30 GMT & the sun is just above the horizon with the full disk visible in the evening. Engines not running.
  4. Found it, it was X-PLane NOAA + X-Enviro together causing the issue. I guess I should have one or the other but not both. If I untick just the 'Wind Levels' in NOAA GFS Weather 2.4.2 (with X-Enviro still ON) the twitchy instrument speeds settle down, but the shaking sounds persist, if I then re-enable IXEG camera shake the sounds settle down as well.
  5. I'm also getting excessive shake, cannot be that bad in reality? Accompanied by the sounds of shaking & some of the instrument numbers varying rapidly e.g. mach number & speed tape overspeed markers. The whole plane shaking uncontrollably from take off to 370,000 feet. Disabling the camera shake resolves this, perhaps a slider may be useful? (My heading is 122 deg, and winds from 177 @ 29 kts)
  6. I am using a joystick hat to control the altitude, but when I hold the button down the altitude goes crazy, once I release then the altitude corrects itself and displays the new higher altitude correctly.
  7. I never use the "ref airport" in the real plane either, if I ever did they should probably arrest me!
  8. I created several 3jcabin sounds for myself, I borrowed some sounds from fspassengers which I purchased for FSX a long time ago. They trigger automatically at various stages of the flight, and repeat after you turn around onto another flight, pretty awesome really. The hostess even asks if there are any good bars when you are on approach , or what the weather is like . I cannot upload the tracks for copyright reasons, but the important part is the folder and file names which 3jcabin sounds uses to trigger at the correct points. Potentially you could replace them with your own sounds, attached. 3jcabin.txt 3jCabin-sounds.lua
  9. Now, if only I could remember NOT to click LSK6L and have to restart!
  10. I selected PASI on POS INIT, then on this screen my intention is to click LSK6L to copy it to the FMC clipboards so I can paste it into LSK1 as the 'Origin'. STEPS TO REPLICATE Select POS INIT Enter PASI as the REF AIRPORT Click RTE Click LSK6L Error
  11. It is the lcd text displays that don't work, also on the autopilot disconnects and warnings the text does not display. Off to fly Zibo for a while... http://prntscr.com/hww3em
  12. The plane has been working fine all Christmas, then today the gauges are non-functional. I have tried restarting, starting with engines on, cold start, turnaround, ready for take off, steam gauges, and non-steam gauges. I am on 11.20vr1 http://prntscr.com/hwvtoc (I am expecting to see the "30" written above N2 over engine 1) The plane works fine as long as you ignore the gauges! (digital gauges after left engine start http://prntscr.com/hww1k5 )
  13. Oops wrong forum!
  14. Haha missing out. Thanks the issue has been there a long for me.
  15. The plane has been working fine all Christmas, then today the gauges are non-functional. I have tried restarting, starting with engines on, cold start, turnaround, ready for take off, steam gauges, and non-steam gauges. I am on 11.20vr1 http://prntscr.com/hwvtoc (I am expecting to see the "30" written above N2 over engine 1) The plane works fine as long as you ignore the gauges!
  16. When clicking LSK6, having entered PASI on the previous screen http://prntscr.com/hwrpmw
  17. Do you also have to have XP10 installed as well perhaps... Update: I just bought this, it installed OK. I then re-ran the installer, and can only replicate your error if I leave either the e-mail or password field blank. Maybe re-download the installer and use a different browser and don't use a download manager, and temporarily disable anti-virus?
  18. Very nice looking screenshots Cameron, especially the shots with the Cessna. I look forward to buying this as soon as it's released. If only I could purchase SMP3 + v4 together the same was as with X-Plane 10 +11. I love flying through clouds in the Cessna!
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