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Jens W.

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Everything posted by Jens W.

  1. Yep, for me too.
  2. Thanks Jan! How does the nose wheel steering work with loss of Hydraulic System A and without this switch? I tried it with the IXEG and steering with the tiller does not work only with the rudder pedals. Is this the way how it works? Best Jens
  3. Hi, does the 737-300 not provide an alternate nose wheel steering? I could not not find the switch to activate the alternate system Jens
  4. Sounds good that you may have found the cause already Thanks to the whole team for the great user support! Best Jens
  5. Sure, I thought the causing part of the systems may be clearer (FMS) so you could step depper and debug to optimize the code. It would be so nice to have these stutters removed. Jens
  6. Hi all, I get micro stutters too, especially on ground while taxing they are noticeable. X-Plane 10 is running on an i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz with a GTX 970. No stutters with other planes. Today I have installed X-Plane on Linux (same machine) to test if the stutters are related to Windows 10. First I DID NOT apply the workaround (copy NavData to Navdata) to fix this error: error: 55.532: Run(timer): fmc_delayed_reset: [string "ixeg.733.fmc.gui.lua.ra1"]:1217: attempt to index local 'file' (a nil value) error: 58.464: Run(timer): fmc_periodic: [string "ixeg.733.fmc.gui.lua.ra1"]:1217: attempt to index local 'file' (a nil value) Yep, and I was very happy: No stutters! I could taxing and flying very smoothly. After fixing this issue: I've got the same stutters as on Windows :-( Question is: Can this FMC script be the source of the stutters? Best Jens P.S: If you need further help (testing patches), let me know!
  7. @Litjan I have noticed the issue about engine fire and reverser too. I assume it is already on your bug list? Best Jens
  8. Thanks Morten!
  9. Which control reponse settings did you recommend for XP 11? For XP 10 it is 25 % according to the manual. Is there a difference between XP 10 / 11? Best Jens
  10. @Hullu-poika Good question! I have the same feeling. Best Jens
  11. I need to describe my scenario a bit more in detail * Gen Bus 1 and 2 failed * AC and DC standby bus are powered from the Battery Bus ... working! * Battery Bus failed directly via failures menu - > No Standby power ... working! * Battery Bus failed indirectly, as the Hot Battery Bus and Switched Hot Battery Bus failed -> Standby power still available I have the feeling that the Hot Battery Bus Failure does not work. Maybe the bug you have found Or I have something missed. And thanks for your great work! Best Jens
  12. According to the FCOM the normal source of the "Battery Bus" is "Main Bus 2", alternate source is the "Hot Battery Bus". If the Main Bus 2, Hot Battery Bus and Switched Hot Bus failed, no Standby Power should be available. Right? I have tried it, but Standby Power is still active. Best Jens
  13. The last weeks I have spent to step deeper in the electrical system of the 737. The only issue I have found so far is the following: According to the FCOM TR3 can backup TR1 and TR2. If the TR3 disconnect relay is open, TR3 can only backup TR2. My test: * Bus transfer switch is set to off (so TR1 can not backup TR2) * Transfer Bus 2 failed * Assuming that DC Bus 2 is still powered by TR3 as backup source * But indications which are connected to DC Bus 2 (e. g. Right OIL QTY) are not working Did I miss something? Best Jens
  14. Hi, if I do an RTO the parking brake gets activated. Is this normal? Best Jens
  15. Thank you all so much for your hard work getting this update ready! I like the new checklist
  16. Hi, today I tried the "Auto Trip and Standby Check" from the Supplementary Procedures. At the point "Pressurization mode selector .... Check" the AUTO FAIL and STANDBY light illuminates correctly but the outflow valve does not move from the close to the open position as expected. @Jan: Did I miss something or it is a bug? Thanks! Jens
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