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Everything posted by ayousry

  1. human butt kicker
  2. I do know what you mean and i have been using VR since DK2 , this little shaking during takeoff and rollouts, stalls..etc Wont do anything harmful believe me , its already there on the F14 in dcs and it adds a lot to the immersion in VR , id agree with you if the movement is with large displacements
  3. Hello first of all , a big thanks to the team for the amazing VR support, every switch is so natural to manipulate , (based on real life experience) , i have one suggestion though is it possible to make the shaking effects work in VR ? That would be the first ac to be introduce this feature to xp in VR , also i find rolling the ac is a bit sluggish , any recommended settings for the alpha yoke ?!
  4. Thanks thats good news , no rush but if you can kindly take the zibo 737 VR manipulation as a reference , it feels so natural using controllers (based on real life experience on 738 ) i can help with beta testing if you ever needed that
  5. What about VR native support ?!! i know there is simlabs tweak for that but it doesnt feel that good still!
  6. Cool thanks , if u want to send me a test version before release feel free
  7. There are some other issues too , like low clouds Near mountains , and fog appearing in one eye only, its hard to explain, if you tried one flight in bad weather conditions (ie low vis) you’ll see what am referring to
  8. i uninstalled skymaxx since it gave me some issues uninstalling it last time i didnt installed it again , but as i remember i read the manual and applied every setting recommended for VR i was using the zibo737
  9. Sorry for late reply ,am out of town will do that wn am back
  10. The group is VRAVIATORS , you are most welcome to join , and dont worry if they think we are few, MSFS is being responsive and it will support VR,what i dont understand is that (vr support) is mentioned in product list when the developers themselves believe that it shouldnt be since we are few , am sorry but VR users paid same price too no?! dissapointing really
  11. Cool Thats my mail ayousry2011@gmail.com
  12. I can provide all the log files and testing if you need a hand with that, i do have some free time, am on a fb group with almost 2000 people waiting eagerly for a weather plugin that really works in VR , and i can see you are so close thanks
  13. its VR supported , i paid same as you so i expect to hear a better helpful reply.
  14. Lost hope on skymaxx long time ago since it had cloud rotation and other artifacts in VR , thought Today wd give it a try after latest update, and wow what a difference...good job reducing cloud rotation and the very informative manual...sky is gorgeous. although all sort of problems seems to happen when i enter a cloud...i get white flashes in the cockpit (as if the clouds billboards is passing through the cockpit)and some double screen artifacts. is this something that can be fixed for VR? its a shame since everything else is amazing except those too bugs that breaks the deal thanks
  15. My experience was with flyinside , Problems was rotating clouds ,i tried your previous suggestions makes it better but still unflyable in VR 11.20b is now very unstable for me to give you a good review but ill try my best and Keep you updated
  16. Hi since xp11.20b is released and LR talking about SDK's that has been sent to developers already , whats the next step for SMP ?! thanks
  17. How is that?! Many people reporting same problem can you send your settings please?!
  18. Yes , still i see rotating clouds when i pass through them , only good when looking at them from the ground, also as i rotate my head some clouds disappear and some changes colours , i also tried to decrease the draw distance as suggested by you on another forum
  19. Its a shame that this amazing weather presentation is gone to waste for me since i only use VR , and i think most VR users will never go back to 2D too. also with the upcoming VR support for xp11 , what i think is that most developers will try to support it. anyways thanks for the reply and i hope you consider looking at it in a future update. as for the technical part , i cant debate with you ofcourse but to my very little info i see default clouds has no problems in VR except performance so i wonder why dont skymaxx pro cant acheive the same
  20. Hi i just purchased smp4 cause i disnt like the default clouds fps hit in VR while smp4 is amazing on 2d monitor , in VR its unplayable , clouds rotate as you move your head , and sometimes disappears Now is there any plans for VR support specially that native vr is coming soon?! thanks
  21. Just bought smp4, looks fantastic on 2d monitor but as am a VR user i was dissapointed Rotating clouds issue makes it unplayable at all plus sometime clouds dissapear and then apears agint when moving my head are you planning to support VR?! thankd
  22. Hi i ran the windows installer and was completed , now in xp11 when i click xaviation product activation i get a blank window and thats it!! the aircraft doesnt even appear in the list do xp10 and 11 use different lic or whats happening?! btw i have it already installed in xp10 i know its not comapitiable it but everyone is reporting its working in xp11
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