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Everything posted by xXNightEagleXx

  1. Fantastic! Thanks for this change.
  2. I was wishing that you were referring to UTC
  3. Wonderful news! Although i have to admit that i almost bought the other addon, i decided to give SMP 4 the deserved chance to prove what is capable of and since i have 50% off i will support them to see what the last 4.X will offers...I just hope that drastic weather changes is gone by itself without any external addon, at least in XP11. Cheers
  4. Indeed i did misunderstand.
  5. Why create a new one when you have RWC? Why not just improve it instead of "spamming" addons that just increase the amount of calls that XP has to do? I mean if it is all about fog and haze, why not add this feature? By the way, ventura sky is 598 lines, so the amount of line/work is not that big either.....so why not just do this little thing to give a huge revamp to yours addons?
  6. First of all, in my experience "never change visible weather" never worked as i would have expected or at least not all the time, even PilotQ8 in his review experience that and state that he doesn't know whether it works or not. The guy up here is experiencing that since by "never change visible weather" i would expect that surround environment up to a given range should not change regardless pop in or pop out. When i change the altitude due to a descent (specially from high altitude) there is always an abrupt overall visibility change (fog, clouds re-draw, etc...) some are move visible than others, well the result just kills the immersion. When i first bought RWC i was new to XP and when i saw the review with "never change visible weather" options, i thought "wow this will fix all my weather issues with XP", shame on me, because at my home visible weather mean visible weather and not only a few components. Don't get me wrong, i do understand today, that i have more experience, that the whole weather thing is broken into many components and RWC will not fix that, not due technical limitations but rather concept decisions. In my opinion this self given limitations, are wrong because once you follow the enhance the weather path you should aim to enhance as much as you can, otherwise you will end up with addons not giving all it can, unless another 3rd party addons fix/enhance yours....this is just plain wrong. I mean we are not talking about something like "SMP should stop providing 2d textures and starts with volumetric clouds", which is partially an unknown path. We are talking about fix whatever breaks the immersion and has been clearly shown that it can be fixed/improved. So why not just fix/improve them and have it all part of the same package of addons? I've always agreed with you when you talk about follow own concepts, because i don't believe that everyone should take the same path that leads to the same result. It is good to see where and what can be archived from multiple direction, but i would never agree with self concept limitations. NE
  7. Let's not talk about abrupt weather change that is partially fixed only when using with Ventura sky. I mean when I bought RWC I thought that those things would have gone (there's even an option in the settings) but it gets not even close. I believe that what is really missing in SMP+RWC is data interpolation and there is a risk that extending draw will not fix any abrupt change but only make it worse. I hope SMP 4 bring way better transitions, otherwise it will not fulfill what I'm looking for. I don't like the idea to install many addons (FLW, Python, noaa, Ventura sky) that takes some fps just to see RWC behaving like it should have done by itself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Haters will say that this look like a mashed potatoes field XD
  9. First i read this Then i read this At this point in my mind cameron was leaking a release date (obviously i was kind happy), but then.... ...nooooo!
  10. Since first videos XEnviro didn't convinced me at all, the only positive thing was the vast stratus only cloud at high altitude, taken that outside i saw nothing more. Once released all my concerns has been confirmed. Now with SMP4 (that has way more background) just around the corner, why jump on an expensive 70$ addon when you can just wait a few weeks and compare directly both, and this idea makes even more sense to those who already own SMP3 thus pay just 20$ to upgrade. At the moment xEnviro is a pure eye candy addons, that makes no sense in flight simulation (not looking for environmental simulator). What is the point to fly something where the meteo says thunderstorms but the flight is as smooth as butter. MAYBE in the future all these things will be sorted (perhaps in a version 2.0) but what is the point to waste 70% at current moment for something that will not improve flight experience but just visual experience (which it does not do it well either).
  11. Cameron, since SMP4 is gonna take full control of raining and stuff, would it also fully integrate with x-plane? I mean would the runway be wet when raining or like the other product where raining and non raining is about the same for x-plane, in other words just a pure visual effect and nothing more.
  12. Ok i found why i could...having the warthog one of the two position switches was assigned to 'toggle nose wheel steering'....shame on me
  13. Oh ok, i'll try to re-calibrate again, i thought was something related to old aircrafts because used to happen only with them.
  14. I cannot taxi since the aircraft is not turning to right. Any suggestions?
  15. Whenever i'm entering a route plan into the FMC and i by mistake hit a lateral button that is empty (eg. i'm about to insert an airway but instead of selecting the right line i select the line below) a gizmo window with error popup and that button pressed stop to work, so i cannot proceed with the procedure of inserting the flight plan. Thanks in advance
  16. Excuse me how do you change the amount of layers? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. There is just one last thing to note.I proceeded with further test, right after my first post, and i noticed that there was a drastic visual change between camera at runway elevation (just like seen in the images) and at higher altitudes (i guess over at least 5000) where the visual result actually resembled the metar data. Just wanted to add this last feedback. Thanks
  18. Thanks a lot Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Yesterday i had one of the best flight experience with SMP, a 30000ft flight with high altitude clouds. However today i see one of those moments where SMP does not shy as it could (i know it is capable of). I've attached the image below to describe the context with .... images.... however by words i can say that even at max xplane and SMP draw distance and a meteo data that describe at least partially what it is going on in front of my eyes, i don't see a visual appearance that resemble what i'm seeing. This mismatch is even worse than in game x-plane default rendering meteo system. This is not the first time i see this mismatch, but i've waited for a better example before opening a thread about it. I would just like to know if it is something on the pipeline to be improved? Don't get me wrong, i'm not criticizing SMP, i like it, i really like it, it is just that sometimes when in stormy/cloudy conditions i feel that SMP is not giving the best. PS: the default cloud details was actually 100%.
  20. I don't know if this can be helpful but the higher the draw area the higher the drop only when crossing clouds, obviously after about 16000 km i start to experience frame drops even when not crossing the clouds.
  21. I'm still having fps drop whenever I cross the clouds. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. same situation here, from 40-50 fps to 20 fps, specially when close to the clouds (even with external camera). The problem disappear as soon as i disable SMP.
  23. Cameron i've update my first post, that said basically what was happening was like i was flying over a square that did not moved as i moved. However this behavior is just gone, and it goes beyond my knowledge to diagnostic it. Thanks anyway
  24. Problem is that sometimes you can clearly feel at the edge of drawn area Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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