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Ben Russell

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Everything posted by Ben Russell

  1. ...prefer the cleaner "no x-a stuff" version personally.
  2. I started in Visual Basic. Became obsessed with "Knowing C". Learnt C.. ..and a whole pile of other stuff along the way. Turned around and made myself a script engine with VB-like ease so that I don't have to use C anymore to enjoy programming.
  3. Do you want to learn C or make stuff for X-Plane? I'm obviously biased, but you have a long hard road cut out for yourself. If there's something in mind that you want to make and you need some pointers I'd be happy to kick-start you into Gizmo scripting... If there's something you want to do, but can't do in Gizmo, I'd love to hear about that... I don't think C/C++ is a language worth learning unless you have very specific aims in mind. Python is far more useful for all but the lowest level tasks. That said... With your error, you want to add a Framework to your project, specifically the OpenGL.framework, you should be able to find it in /Library/Frameworks/ I believe. The menus / process to add it in Xcode should be easy enough. (Expect to be fighting these obscure error messages for quite some time.)
  4. Because that's not what I want for it. Long term objectives at play.
  5. You loaded the SeaBee, which loaded SASL. Gizmo was already loaded. Boom, you're dead. Long standing known issue. Fix: Disable Gizmo before starting X-Plane. Next!
  6. http://www.wimp.com/everystory/
  7. 2.01 gb - the demo, gizmo, a couple of acf files - that's about it.
  8. ...Your 9 year old CPU and associated bits are definitely the problem. A simple review of the CRJ threads would have given you early and fair warning about this. People with (far) better systems than yours also have performance issues. Your hardware is nowhere near the recommended minimum specs.
  9. I was working on this too: http://x-earth.appspot.com/ ..wish I had more time to spend on X-P stuff.
  10. Gizmo. Toybox. It's already begun.
  11. you guys think you're having a bad day? spare a minute to think about these guys...
  12. You're probably using an old version of OSX.
  13. You can probably download the official developer release for $200 / year subscription fees to Apple. Don't know, don't care, not following it.
  14. Complicated products dont mix well with X-Planes replay mode. The "solution" is to use a chunk of system ram and sacrifice FPS to saving data you may never want to see. Then we have to write a whole bunch of code to make sure all the data you may never want to see replays properly. It's a little like putting 3 months of editing work into a movie of a 1 week family vacation. Personally I'd just get used to X-Planes replay mode being broken and quirky, you're going to see more and more of it as systems complexity increases.
  15. ...ooh ooh, you missed a spot!!
  16. This is easy to do in a script..... tell me which axis of the joystick setup page you want mixed, i'll make up something simple.
  17. Serial # should be printed/etched on the bottom of the machine, it is on my MBP. On my G5 tower it was inside the case-door, but still very easy to get at. On my iMac G4 it was on the base.
  18. It is critical that the word "Gizmo" does not become auto-translated into "DONT BUY THIS". I have done everything I can to ensure this happens. - DRM removed: check. - Licensing simplified: check. - Available to all, for any purpose, free of charge: check. - Ensure future compatibility with X-Plane for as long as practical by going COMPLETELY OPEN SOURCE: check. - Attempted to ensure ongoing practical maintenance bug fixes and improvements by putting a minor nag box in: check. Please try and ensure your customers have a smooth experience so that we can all build on something into the future. Thanks.
  19. ...so after six pages of going around in circles saying "please make it clearer to your customers Jack and Joe" - I am notified of this "new"(?) Org Store listing for the Dash: http://store01.prostores.com/servlet/x-planestore/Detail?no=287 ..same old lack of detail. Do you guys(Jack, Joe..) seriously just not get it or what? Don't even bother replying, I just don't care. It's obvious you don't get it.
  20. function OnBeforeReboot() xp.commandOnceByName("sim/operation/fix_all_systems") end Gizmo automatically resets all the sim/operation/override/.... datarefs you're likely to use.
  21. Personally I would prefer if _all_ Producers/Stores worked off the same basic "go and buy one Gizmo serial" system. The "preferential treatment for X-A" removes headaches for X-A and it's producers at the cost of increased headaches for me and everyone else's customers. Them's the breaks. The cost isn't absorbed in other systems because I can't track their true sales figures and I want to work on Gizmo, not DRM and sales-systems. The serial number system in place now is as simple as it can possibly be.
  22. Beyond the logistics of 'instant serial creation' there's the issue of revenue split percentages. $10 out of a $40 sale, is 25%. Add in the store/publish rates of 20-25% and suddenly the artist is looking at only getting half their sale price. That's not going to work. I make small fee on a sale of an X-A aircraft. That buys them both DRM protection and "no nagware for my precious customers". That's why the keys dont "stick" - I'm only looking to make a decent amount of money so I can give the product the attention it needs... we're still a long way from that though.
  23. The approach I'm leaning toward right now is to take this: Polish it up just a little more... ...and sell it with a Gizmo License for $15. So you get "an airplane" for $5 extra. All the content and work is owned by me, so I get to wear all the costs. (The content already exists anyway.) It's cheaper than some of the stuff in the other stores, and it'll have a whole bunch of "whatever gizmo stuff I feel is cool" attached to it, aka custom systems... Will it be a study sim? Definitely not. It'll be my fun project, and an offer to get something you can enjoy while still giving me a decent pay-out. Thoughts?
  24. I consider them a junk and broken feature, wish they were hidden. They add nothing but confusion.
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