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Georg L

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Everything posted by Georg L

  1. Hi! I had the first CTD yesterday upon completion of the flight. I was in a hurry and forgot the GENs ON before shutting down the engine. APU GEN was on. Because of the power switching the displays flickered and suddenly it was CTD. Not just to desktop but it had the Xplane crash report window open. Attached are the latest logs. Best regards, Georg L CL650_Log.txt Log.txt
  2. I suppose the passenger deal has a little bit to do with how far they stretch it from reality. Having flown a bit of corporate the whole life orbits around the passengers so it doesn’t make too much sense that the door would be closed before they have arrived.
  3. Thank you! I have only flown up to Piper Malibu in real and that also requires it obviously. Never operated a larger aircraft yet so I don't know the specifics. Very interesting to hear of those aspects. In the Malibu I always checked where people sit and took CG into careful consideration. In a commercially operated A/C I can understand the tolerances are much higher.
  4. Hi, First of all the aircraft is mind blowing... totally surprised of what you have created. I wish you the best of luck with sales and further development of this plane! I am using Foreflight for real world ops and I've found it to be useful in Xplane also. Although you currently don't have a proper CG or loadsheet tool built in yet, I thought I could get the data from Foreflight if I had a sample weight sheet and required details to create the profile. It would also give me MAC% and I could use the trim calculator in PERF. Do you happen to have this sample data to share? Thank you.
  5. Are you intending to use it in inter-European ops? I'm a real life controller and I can say that I have only seen a few Classics that had the J1 (VDN based) CPDLC in equipment and actually working. They were the old Air Baltic birds. I don't know how much the Classics use it in the US within the FANS system...
  6. Thanks for all the help. I will try the Gizmo beta. Yesterday I reduced scenery density to High, went from 4x FXAA to 2x and disabled SkyMaxx. Was able to complete a full flight nicely with IXEG.
  7. Did you find any solution to this? I'm having pretty much exactly the same issues flying IXEG 737 with SkyMaxx.
  8. I see... I will try to investigate as much as I can. So sad that I can't be sure in having a stable IXEG plane to plan flights with. I guess I'll also try Xplane graphics settings on a little bit lower level and I'd like to try the Gizmo beta for debugging memory if that's possible. I couldn't find the Gizmo beta online, can anyone direct me maybe?
  9. Thanks for the help. This clarifies the case somewhat. Since I currently only tested with Skymaxx and IXEG activated, it seems like I need to dump Skymaxx to fly it... is there no better solution this time?
  10. Hi again! I did some more testing and this time I was able to run it with SkyMaxx for quite a while until the crash happened. I changed weather a few times etc. I had like 6GB of GFX memory and 45-48GB of RAM available at all times before the crash. Here are the logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rzzueffy0c5r3lc/GizmoLog.txt?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/g69ykqrnnhquyxr/Log.txt?dl=0 These last lines in the Log.txt seem interesting however... SkyMaxx Pro: Cloud conditions changed. Current target visibility is 28968.191406 G64:1579.306: Memory Allocation Error: Run(gfx): OnDraw_Gauges_3D: not enough memory G64:1579.312: Memory Allocation Error: Run(gfx): vortex_test: not enough memory G64:1579.315: Memory Allocation Error: Run(gui): toast_Windows_OnDraw: not enough memory How can a memory issue occur if I just had like 48 GB free RAM?
  11. I am running X-Plane 11.41. Could it have something to do with GFX drivers for example?
  12. Thanks for the reply, Litjan! I just ran some further tests and now it was able to stay running with SkyMaxx nicely for a long while, free GPU memory was around 6 GB and free RAM was all the time 45GB or more. However, I switched the EHSI to PLAN mode, increased distance to Max and boom, a CTD instantly. I think it might have something to do with the FMC perhaps instead? Here are the fresh log files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rzzueffy0c5r3lc/GizmoLog.txt?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/g69ykqrnnhquyxr/Log.txt?dl=0 These last lines in the Log.txt seem interesting however... SkyMaxx Pro: Cloud conditions changed. Current target visibility is 28968.191406 G64:1579.306: Memory Allocation Error: Run(gfx): OnDraw_Gauges_3D: not enough memory G64:1579.312: Memory Allocation Error: Run(gfx): vortex_test: not enough memory G64:1579.315: Memory Allocation Error: Run(gui): toast_Windows_OnDraw: not enough memory How can a memory issue occur if I just had like 48 GB free RAM?
  13. Thank you. The log.txt shows nothing that refers to the crash...
  14. Hi I have now spent a couple of hours trying to figure out why X-Plane crashes after about 10 minutes of running. You don’t really need to do much, just start the systems up and soon it crashes to Desktop. I have taken off all Plugins from the folder except Gizmo and IXEG does not crash. I put back SilverLining + Real Weather Connector and the crash happens. I really doubt it’s a memory issue because I’ve flown 100 hours with no crash on Hot Start TBM900 with all Plugins running. I have 1080TI 11GB GFX card and 64GB DDR4. However, on the Skymaxx forum the developer replied and said it could well be a memory issue. Still I wonder why it only occurs with IXEG and no other planes... Thanks!
  15. Thanks for your reply. I will check it out. No idea why I've never had it happen before, only with IXEG. Is it the best to monitor RAM usage before the crash through Skymaxx dashboard?
  16. Hi I have now spent a couple of hours trying to figure out why X-Plane crashes after about 10 minutes of running. You don’t really need to do much, just start the systems up and soon it crashes to Desktop. I have taken off all Plugins from the folder except Gizmo and IXEG does not crash. I put back SilverLining + Real Weather Connector and the crash happens. I really doubt it’s a memory issue because I’ve flown 100 hours with no crash on Hot Start TBM900 with all Plugins running. I have 1080TI 11GB GFX card and 64GB DDR4. I’d really like to use SkyMaxx with IXEG and please tell me you have an idea what could be causing this :)
  17. Hi! Any chance someone could create a private livery of the actual 737-300 flying under Las Vegas Sands Corporation? The regs are N788LS and N789LS. Thanks so much.
  18. Hi, So thought I'd get things a little more precise and wanted to know if there is an actual list of all the systems and equipment on this particular 733 that IXEG is modelling? For example the radio models and types, autopilot, APU etc. For example something like in this 737 FOR SALE ad: http://www.controller.com/listings/aircraft/for-sale/1341561/1989-boeing-737-300 Also, what is the proper equipment to use in the ICAO flightplan? Perhaps you can list it according to the new flightplan format codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equipment_codes Correct me if I am wrong: D DME F ADF G GNSS I INS S Standard Equipment composed of VHF RTF, VOR and ILS, unless another combination is prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority. W RVSM approved S Transponder — Mode S, including both pressure altitude and aircraft identification capability Thanks so much.
  19. Any news on the update issue via hotfix?
  20. Hi, I don't know if this is a bug or real aircraft behaviour due to its old fashioned technology but I was approaching Stockholm ESSA today to runway 19R via XILAN arrival and the Top of Descent was calculated nicely, aircraft was descending in VNAV at about 2000 FPM. Then I decided to try a direct to STAR point which reduced some miles off the original STAR. This is regular practice in real life. Now when the direct was entered, the aircraft leveled off and the vertical path indicator on the EFIS monitor showed as if I was about 2000 ft lower than needed. Shouldn't it actually show that I'm above and increase rate of descent?
  21. Yep. This shouldn't be the issue in my case since I always used the VNAV climb which should automatically transition I believe. That's why the V/S increased a bit more above FL300 I guess. I don't mean the climb rate was that bad but it was also very weird that it needed the level offs. Perhaps it's somehow related to the autopilot behaviour and it's ability to hold the IAS or Mach on climb.
  22. Thanks! It could be that most of the 737-300's I see climbing are doing short haul hops but then again the need to level off temporarily and gain more airspeed seems a bit too out of the envelope... It can certainly be the N1 limit too. What do you think about the VNAV not really holding the exact specified IAS on climb? Is it supposed to behave like this?
  23. Hi, So I made a flight with the 733, upper winds were pretty calm, about 20 kts tailwind. The ZFW was 46 t, 7 tons of fuel on board. I had a cruise FL calculated to be FL360 and so said the FMC as optimal. Cost index 20 and the aircraft climbed pretty well until about FL230, then the climb performance was reduced a lot and it kept going up at around 500-1000 fpm maximum. Sometimes it completely halted the climb to gain some airspeed again. Very often the IAS was about 20-30 kts less than requested by FMC. Above FL300 the V/S went up to 1500-2000 fpm occasionally, then reduced agin to 0 or 500-1000. I'm asking this because I'm a real life ATC and we have several 735 and 733's flying around. I always see them climb about 2000-3000 fpm up to FL200 and then it continues to climb 1000-2000 fpm all the way up to FL360. They never reduce the rate to 0 to gain some IAS but perhaps rarely keep going at 1000 max when they are heavy. It just seems their climb performance in real is much better on higher levels. Any ideas? Otherwise just awesome aircraft and certainly above the rest in so many ways. Thanks, George
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