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  1. Fuell loaded and start the sim with ENG running. Battery on failure menu is 100% but no joy. All indications are "dead
  2. I load the fuel etc. with the basic XPLANE system but i have no BAT pwr and GRND power all are "dead" Unable to start the APU so what do i wrong. Also the selections in the configurations menu doesn't work. Any help about this problem. Regards
  3. Hi all, I need XPUIPC for my CFY motorized throttle. Somewhere i have an old version and will instal it to test it. Tregards
  4. For your info. I have the CFY Motorized Throttle Quadrant and no problems. The XPUIPC is version is Regards Jo va Bra
  5. Hi, I restarted Fly WithLua (due to the latest update) and everything is now working normal. Thanks and regards J
  6. I have a landing gear lever with an up and dwn position. In the button section i assign the Landing gear up and Landing down buttons but it doesn't work. Only the "Landing gear toggle" is functional. Is there another option to activate the seperate up/dwn function and not only the togle function Jo va Bra
  7. I have installed the latest update but i have no sounds in the cockpit. If i open the cockpit door and start the groundpower unit i can hear it. If i closed the door no sound, only some cracking sound. Same if i started the engine and the engine is active. Is there a sort of mute funtion. I have no sound problems with other aircraft. Regards
  8. Hi Mark, I have the BRUNNER yoke so what is your problem with the trim function in this aircraft. For example; i have only trouble withe the ZIBO mod 737-800. If i disconect the Auto Pilot the aircraft is total out of trim. If i disconnect the AP the aircraft dives like a jetfighter. Regards
  9. English version.
  10. Hi Litjan, All different Boeing fight sims (X-plane and FSX-Prepar3/4D) i have are working i mention. This flightsim is the only different one. Thanks for your reply. Regards
  11. Hi all, In the most B737 aircrafts you can check your inserted route in the MAP display via the STEP function in the LEG page before the INS is completely aligned. To check the route you must to wait.even when the HSI rotary switch is in the PLAN position. For me this is a abnormal situation if i compare it with other Boeing sim's Regards Jo va Bra
  12. What is your problem? Jo va bra
  13. I am also a happy owner of the Brunner CLS yoke and i like it very much. It needs some fine tuning for different aircraft types. If you have any suggestions pls let me know. I have also ordered the brake/rudder pedals. Regards John
  14. Cameron did you read my story about: "After update strange instruments display"! Is there any solution about this weird problom Regards John
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