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Everything posted by mokny

  1. Me too. With Ground Handling you only got the "Minimums" callout and nothing else. Without GH, everything's fine.
  2. Will do so Not by all means. Handflying that plane is great - No need to discuss that. I was just curious what's happening. Due to struggeling with the AP I overshot the point for the leftturn and was just staggered about what's going on. Next time I will be prepared.
  3. Ok, in that special scenario a high workload in single pilot operation, in case you want to make the turn with the A/P engaged. I did not think about the CWS-Option. Will try that. Thanks.
  4. Wow, that was quick! Thank's a lot. Yes handflying it is really more fun, but usually I disconnect the AP at the downwind! Thanks for clarification!
  5. Hi, no clue if it's a bug or not - I already searched here but I did not find sthg. Scenario: LOWI LOC/DME East 26 VOR LOC 111.1/255° and GS established, descending with the glide to 3700 (Single Channel) Now the the visual runway 08 -> Heading preselected for the left turn Now I clicked HDG SEL but nothing happens. APP stays active. The same for ALT HLD. The only way was to disable the AP completely and continue hand flying (more fun, but that was unexpected :)) Tried a second time, same result. Am I doing sthg wrong? Cheers, Till
  6. They won't mess with Scientology..
  7. Little Fun-Fact: Retracting the flaps from 40° to 0° takes exactly the same time as the guitar solo of the Top-Gun Anthem. So guys! Don't tell me that happened by accidence
  8. Use the default TOGA command.
  9. Yep same here. Deleting the below 10000 restriction causes this.
  10. Fireing DataRefs too quickly with FlyWithLua to the 737 crashes X-Plane. Check this thread:
  11. So here we go, I was just writing a LUA-Script to get my Warthog working. If you set the datarefs with "do_every_frame", X-Plane will crash with some stack overflows in the Gizmo-Log. After changing the interval to "do_often", no problems on the last few flights. In case s.o. is interested: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ############################################################################################ - -- IXEG B733 -- ############################################################################################ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if PLANE_ICAO == "B733" then -- Datarefs dataref("TRANSPONDER", "ixeg/733/xpdr/xpdr_stby_act", "writable") --dataref("TRANSPONDERSEL", "1-sim/transponder/systemMode", "writable") dataref("STROBELIGHT", "ixeg/733/lighting/strobe_lt_act", "writable") dataref("NAVLOGOLIGHT", "ixeg/733/lighting/position_lt_act", "writable") dataref("BEACONLIGHT", "ixeg/733/lighting/anti_col_lt_act", "writable") dataref("TAXILIGHT", "ixeg/733/lighting/taxi_lt_act", "writable") dataref("LANDINGLIGHT1", "ixeg/733/lighting/l_outboard_ll_act", "writable") dataref("LANDINGLIGHT2", "ixeg/733/lighting/r_outboard_ll_act", "writable") dataref("LANDINGLIGHT3", "ixeg/733/lighting/l_inboard_ll_act", "writable") dataref("LANDINGLIGHT4", "ixeg/733/lighting/r_inboard_ll_act", "writable") dataref("RWYTURNOFF1", "ixeg/733/lighting/l_rwy_turnoff_act", "writable") dataref("RWYTURNOFF2", "ixeg/733/lighting/r_rwy_turnoff_act", "writable") function b733functions() --------------------------------- -- SQUAWK --------------------------------- -- WARTHOG THROTTLE UNTERE REIHE KIPPSCHALTER LINKS if button(HotasThrottle+24) then -- Schalter oben (Squawk C, Strobes an) [BTN 145] if STROBELIGHT ~= 1 then STROBELIGHT = 1 end if TRANSPONDER ~= 2 then TRANSPONDER = 2 end else -- Schalter unten (Squawk Stby, Strobes aus) if STROBELIGHT ~= then STROBELIGHT = end if TRANSPONDER ~= 1 then TRANSPONDER = 1 end end -- WARTHOG THROTTLE UNTERE REIHE KIPPSCHALTER MITTE if button(HotasThrottle+23) then -- Schalter oben (Nav und Beacon an) [BTN 144] if NAVLOGOLIGHT ~= 1 then NAVLOGOLIGHT = 1 end if BEACONLIGHT ~= 1 then BEACONLIGHT = 1 end else -- Schalter unten (Nav und Beacon aus) if NAVLOGOLIGHT ~= then NAVLOGOLIGHT = end if BEACONLIGHT ~= then BEACONLIGHT = end end -- WARTHOG THROTTLE UNTERE REIHE 3-WEGE SCHALTER RECHTS if button(HotasThrottle+27) then -- Schalter unten (Beleuchtung aus) [BTN 148] if LANDINGLIGHT1 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT1 = end if LANDINGLIGHT2 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT2 = end if LANDINGLIGHT3 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT3 = end if LANDINGLIGHT4 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT4 = end if RWYTURNOFF1 ~= then RWYTURNOFF1 = end if RWYTURNOFF2 ~= then RWYTURNOFF2 = end if TAXILIGHT ~= then TAXILIGHT = end else if not button(HotasThrottle+26) and not button(HotasThrottle+27) then -- Schalter Mitte (Nose auf Taxi) if LANDINGLIGHT1 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT1 = end if LANDINGLIGHT2 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT2 = end if LANDINGLIGHT3 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT3 = end if LANDINGLIGHT4 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT4 = end if RWYTURNOFF1 ~= then RWYTURNOFF1 = end if RWYTURNOFF2 ~= then RWYTURNOFF2 = end if TAXILIGHT ~=1 then TAXILIGHT = 1 end else -- Schalter Oben (Nose auf TO, Landing Lights, RW Turnoff Lights) [BTN 147] if LANDINGLIGHT1 ~=2 then LANDINGLIGHT1 = 2 end if LANDINGLIGHT2 ~=2 then LANDINGLIGHT2 = 2 end if LANDINGLIGHT3 ~=1 then LANDINGLIGHT3 = 1 end if LANDINGLIGHT4 ~=1 then LANDINGLIGHT4 = 1 end if RWYTURNOFF1 ~=1 then RWYTURNOFF1 = 1 end if RWYTURNOFF2 ~=1 then RWYTURNOFF2 = 1 end if TAXILIGHT ~=1 then TAXILIGHT = 1 end end end end do_often ("b733functions()") end I know it's not the best solution - so many IF-Statements - I added them to lower the rate of setting new dataref values.
  12. Hi, quick info for EFASS users: The Flightplan-Export plugin for the IXEG is ready. How to install: Start EFASS Click File -> Addon Downloader Double-Click the plugin "Export to IXEG 737" to download it Click away all those messages and restart EFASS Export-Path for flightplans: <X-Plane-Folder>\Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic\coroutes Loading the flightplan: Go to the RTE-Page of the FMC and enter the Departure-ICAO and the Destination-ICAO without space into the Co-Rte-Field. Example EDDLDTTA ALWAYS USE THE SAME AIRAC CYCLE FOR EFASS AND THE 737! ALSO THE SAME PUBLISHER (NAVIGRAPH/AEROSOFT). OTHERWISE YOU MAY GET A MESSAGE LIKE "AIRPORTS MISSING" Cheers, Cosmo
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