Once again after stopping XP which was working well, after restarting XP the maps are not displayed, despite waiting for the alignment of the GNSS
Here's how I did it:
This morning :
Installing a new version of XP / No plugins
Installing the CL650
Launch XP and cl 650
Click on "visit website" Navigraph several times
After two to three minutes opening pop'up window in XP indicating the launch of Navigraph.
Navigraph screen asking me to authorize the link with XP --> OK
XP shutdown
Log after these operations: 1_Log après navigraph ok.txt
XP reboot
CL650 loading with same airframe, same airport
Battery , AC/DC , APU started
Came an FPL (without loading airacs, because not installed)
Departure, sid, star, arrival
Deleted discontinuity
Charts visible on the co-driver side
Stop XP
Log after these operations: 2_Log après avoir entré FPL.txt
Airacs Update Feb 2022
Booted XP and CL 650
Changed airframe
Activate airacs in "Status"
Entered same FPL (idem 2)
Charts visible on the co-driver side
Log after these operations:3_Graphes d'affichage des logs OK.txt
Closing XP
This afternoon :
Getting Started XP
Joystick Calibration
Started CL 650 with new aiframe on new airport
GNSS aligned
Entered FPL (Start, sid, star, finish, deleted discontinuity)
No maps displayed on the pilot side !!!!!!!!!!!
Log after these operations:
4_Log NO CHARTS.txt
Hoping that with all this you can find a solution
Thank you