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Everything posted by MercuryOneOne

  1. The Thunder Storm representation seems a bit excessive - I've been testing different aspects it's weather generation and if you are in a mid size GA aircraft (PC-12)flying into a T-storm.... well forget about it. There's no warning, no clouds, and nothing on radar... Then all of a sudden you right in the middle of a cell... no chance to turn away, it just slams you to the ground. Outside of that poorly represented aspect.. The CLOUDS are AWESOME looking and a much better looking sky. Just watch out for the sneaky t-storms that slam you to the ground.
  2. Thanks - I think everything is working
  3. Also I get an error during the install of 4.5 - " v4.5/vcredit_x64.exe/q/norestart: Program ended with an error exit code " Any Ideas?
  4. That new X-Aviation Licencing Update keeps popping-up after I close it (X-out) and it says I have version 3 after installing version 4. Any Ideas????
  5. I got the email and it says, version SkyMaxx Pro 3.3.2??? I thought it was going to be version 4.5?
  6. Time to add some space in the hanger!
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