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Files posted by Tom Stian
Enable random failures for HotStart Challenger 650
By Tom Stian in Plugins and Utilities
This LUA script enables random failures for the HotStart Challenger 650.
The script requires FlyWithLua: Download the correct version for your simulator.
FlyWithLua for X-Plane 11:
- https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38445-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-edition-for-x-plane-11-win-lin-mac/
FlyWithLua for X-Plane 12:
- https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/82888-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-plus-edition-for-x-plane-12-win-lin-mac/
- Unzip the files in [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts
Settings: (edit the lua script)
-- Here you set if the failures should be default enabled or disabled when your starting up X-Plane.
-- You can also enable and disable this option (for the current session) in the FlyWithLua menu.
-- Set true to enable failures, false to disable. Default is true. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.
EnableFailures_WizVar = true
-- Mean time between failures (MTBF) is the predicted elapsed time between inherent failures of a system during operation.
-- Default is MTBF_hours = 10.0
local MTBF_hours = 10.0
-- Max failures pr session
-- Default is Max_Failures = 2
local Max_Failures = 2
-- Severity 1 to 5. 1 least severe, 5 most severe. i.e. if you select 3, you will get failures from severity 1 to 3.
local Severity = 5
-- Clear all failures when starting x-plane. Default is false. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.
local ClearAllFailures = false
When a failure occurs it will log the event to the logfile Wizball_CL650_Failures.log in your X-Plane root folder.
This graph shows a example how often you can expect a failure when you set the MTBF to 10 hours.
Failures included in the script:
CL650/failures/systems/ats/failed/state Auto Throttle System has failed CL650/failures/systems/ats/msd/1/failed/state Left ATS MSD has failed CL650/failures/systems/ats/msd/2/failed/state Right ATS MSD has failed CL650/failures/systems/afcs/yd/1/failed/state Yaw Damper Channel 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/afcs/yd/2/failed/state Yaw Damper Channel 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HTR_L_WSHLD_1/failed/state Left windshield heater 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HTR_L_WSHLD_2/failed/state Left windshield heater 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/R_WSHLD_1/failed/state R windshield heater 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/R_WSHLD_2/failed/state R windshield heater 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HTR_R_WIND/failed/state Right window heater has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/CABIN_TEMP_SENSE/failed/state Cabin temperature sensor has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/LDG_TAXI_LTS_R_NOSE/failed/state Right nose LDG-taxi lights has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/LDG_TAXI_LTS_R_WING/failed/state Right wing LDG-taxi lights has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HTR_L_WIND/failed/state Left window heater has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/ANTI_SKID_1/failed/state Anti-skid 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/AUTO_THROTTLE/failed/state Autothrottle has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/CABIN_TEMP_CONT_AUTO/failed/state Cabin temp ctrl (auto) has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/ANTI_SKID_2/failed/state Anti-skid 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/STAB_CH_1_HSTCU/failed/state Stab trim channel 1 ctrl has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/STAB_CH_2_HSTCU/failed/state Stab trim channel 2 controller has failed CL650/failures/systems/iceprot/wnd_heat/1/failed/state Left window heat has failed CL650/failures/systems/iceprot/wnd_heat/2/failed/state Left windshield heat has failed CL650/failures/systems/iceprot/wnd_heat/3/failed/state Right windshield heat has failed CL650/failures/systems/iceprot/wnd_heat/4/failed/state Right window heat has failed CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/strike/state Birdstrike that doesn't lead to any damage CL650/failures/env/smoke/baggage/state Smoke in the baggage bay CL650/failures/env/smoke/lavatory/state Smoke in the toilet CL650/failures/systems/elec/ac/gen/1/failed/state Generator 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/ac/gen/2/failed/state Generator 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HYD_PMP_3B/failed/state Hydraulic pump 3B has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HYD_PMP_2B/failed/state Hydraulic pump 2B has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HYD_PMP_3A/failed/state Hydraulic pump 3A has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HYD_PMP_1B/failed/state Hydraulic pump 1B has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FLAP_MOTOR_2/failed/state Flap motor 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FLAP_MOTOR_1/failed/state Flap motor 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HUD/failed/state Heads Up Display has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/1/pump/A/state Engine-driven pump 1A has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/1/pump/B/state AC electric pump 1B has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/2/pump/A/state Engine-driven pump 2A has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/2/pump/B/state AC electric pump 2B has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/3/pump/A/state AC electric pump 3A has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/3/pump/B/state AC electric pump 3B has failed CL650/failures/sensors/ads/pitot/3/leak_small/state Standby pitot tube is leaking pressure (inaccurate speed reading) CL650/failures/avionics/efis/hud/failed/state Heads Up Display has failed CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/compr/stall/trans/state Left engine compressor stall (transient, self-clearing) CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/compr/stall/trans/state Right engine compressor stall (transient, self-clearing) CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/oil/pump/weak/state Left engine oil pump is producing low pressure and low flow CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/oil/pump/weak/state Right engine oil pump is producing low pressure and low flow CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/windshield/state Birdstrike that leads to the left windshield's outer pane shattering CL650/failures/systems/aircond/leak/500/state Cabin is leaking pressure at ~500 ft/min CL650/failures/systems/comm/sdu/1/failed/state Satellite Data Unit 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/comm/sdu/2/failed/state Satellite Data Unit 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/aux/leak/slow/state Auxiliary tank is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/main/left/leak/slow/state Left main tank is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/main/right/leak/slow/state Right main tank is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/tail/leak/slow/state Tail tank system is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/1/leak_slow/state Hydraulic system 1 is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/2/leak_slow/state Hydraulic system 2 is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/3/leak_slow/state Hydraulic system 3 is leaking slowly CL650/failures/sensors/ads/pitot/1/leak_small/state ADC 1 pitot tube is leaking pressure (inaccurate speed reading) CL650/failures/sensors/ads/pitot/2/leak_small/state ADC 2 pitot tube is leaking pressure (inaccurate speed reading) CL650/failures/avionics/efis/pfd/1/failed/state PFD 1 has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/mfd/1/failed/state MFD 1 has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/mfd/2/failed/state MFD 2 has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/pfd/2/failed/state PFD 2 has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/failed/state ISI has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/pitot/state ISI pitot sensor has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/static/state ISI static sensor has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/att_fail/state ISI attitude indication has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/att_drift/state ISI attitude indication is drifting randomly CL650/failures/systems/oxygen/tank/leak/slow/state Oxygen tank is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/n1_vib_high/state Left engine is experiencing excessive N1 vibration CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/n2_vib_high/state Left engine is experiencing excessive N2 vibration CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/combust/flameout/trans/state Left engine combustion has flamed out (momentarily) CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/n1_vib_high/state Right engine is experiencing excessive N1 vibration CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/n2_vib_high/state Right engine is experiencing excessive N2 vibration CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/combust/flameout/trans/state Right engine combustion has flamed out (momentarily) CL650/failures/systems/aircond/leak/1000/state Cabin is leaking pressure at ~1000 ft/min CL650/failures/systems/ats/svo/1/failed/state Left ATS Servo has failed CL650/failures/systems/ats/svo/2/failed/state Right ATS Servo has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FMS_CDU_2/failed/state CDU 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FMS_CDU_3/failed/state CDU 3 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FMS_CDU_1/failed/state CDU 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/aux/leak/fast/state Auxiliary tank is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/main/left/leak/fast/state Left main tank is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/main/right/leak/fast/state Right main tank is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/tail/leak/fast/state Tail tank system is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/1/leak_fast/state Hydraulic system 1 is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/2/leak_fast/state Hydraulic system 2 is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/3/leak_fast/state Hydraulic system 3 is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/oxygen/tank/leak/fast/state Oxygen tank is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/compr/stall/clear/state Left engine compressor stall (clearable by reducing power) CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/compr/stall/clear/state Right engine compressor stall (clearable by reducing power) CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/pitot/left/state Birdstrike that leads to the left pitot tube becoming blocked CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/pitot/right/state Birdstrike that leads to the right pitot tube becoming blocked CL650/failures/systems/aircond/leak/fast/state Cabin is leaking pressure quickly CL650/failures/systems/gear/handle/failed/state Landing gear handle failed CL650/failures/systems/gear/nose/leg/act/failed/state Nose gear leg actuator has failed CL650/failures/systems/gear/main/left/leg/act/failed/state Left gear leg actuator has failed CL650/failures/systems/gear/main/right/leg/act/failed/state Right gear leg actuator has failed CL650/failures/sensors/rss/gps/1/failed/state GPS 1 receiver has failed CL650/failures/sensors/rss/gps/2/failed/state GPS 2 receiver has failed CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/combust/flameout/perm/state Left engine combustion has flamed out (permanently) CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/combust/flameout/perm/state Right engine combustion has flamed out (permanently) CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/eng/left/state Birdstrike that leads to a non-recoverable left engine failure CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/eng/right/state Birdstrike that leads to a non-recoverable right engine failure168 downloads
vSpeed callouts for HotStart Challenger 650
By Tom Stian in Plugins and Utilities
Hello Captains!
A LUA-script for v-speed callouts for the HotStart Challenger 650 v1.2 or higher.
It includes callouts for 80 knots, V1, Vr, V2 (V2 is optional) and positiv rate / gear up.
Feel free to leave a comment if you liked the script (or not)
The script requires FlyWithLua: Download the correct version for your simulator.
FlyWithLua for X-Plane 11:
- https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38445-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-edition-for-x-plane-11-win-lin-mac/
FlyWithLua for X-Plane 12:
- https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/82888-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-plus-edition-for-x-plane-12-win-lin-mac/
- Unzip the files in [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts
You should get a structure something like this.
Edit the Wizball_CL650_vSpeed.lua for the settings.
-- Set to true to enable "V2" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.
local Enable_V2 = false
-- Set to true to enable "Positive rate/Gear up" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.
local EnablePosGearUp = true
-- Set to 1 for callout by totoritko(HotStart). Set 2 for callout by xplana.
local CalloutVoice = 1
-- Change "SoundLevel" to adjust volume for the callouts. Adjust between 0.10 min - 1.00 max.
-- Recommended value for CalloutVoice 1 - 0.70 - For CalloutVoice 2 - 0.30
local SoundLevel = 0.70
How to use:
Just make sure you set the vSpeeds in the FMS and you will get the callouts.
Known bugs/limitations:
- Non at the moment.
totoritko and xplana for the callouts
Randomly enable the built-in IXEG failures
By Tom Stian in Plugins and Utilities
I made this LUA-script for randomly enable the built-in IXEG failures.
The script enables the built-in IXEG failures + engine fire, engine failure and oil pumps.
Have your QRH ready.
Available failures by IXEG.
The script activates when your GroundSpeed is higher then 40 knots.
Settings: (edit the IXEG_Failures.lua)
-- Here you set if the failures should be default enabled or disabled when your starting up X-Plane.
-- Set true to enable failures, false to disable. Default is true. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.
EnableFailures_WizVar = true
-- Mean time between failures (MTBF) is the predicted elapsed time between inherent failures of a system during operation.
-- Default is MTBF_hours = 20.0. See further down for of a example of MTBF set to 10 hours.
MTBF_hours = 20.0
-- Max simultaneous failures pr session
-- Default is Max_Failures = 2 -- The highest numbers of failures is 27 -- setting above this can crash x-plane
Max_Failures = 2
-- Set the level of failures you want.
-- 1 = Minor failures, 2 = Minor and Major failures, 3 Minor, Major and Critical failures.
FailureSeverity = 3
-- Set 'ImminentFailure' to 1 to enable the imminent failure option. When this option is enabled you can trigger a imminent failure with setting the SERVICE INTERPHONE to ON position on the overhead panel.
-- The SERVICE INTERPHONE will switch back to OFF when a failure is triggered.
-- The 'ImminentFailureMTBF' (in minutes) is the MTBF used when you enable the 'ImminentFailure' and set the SERVICE INTERPHONE to on.
-- Default is 0.
ImminentFailure = 0
-- Default is 5 (in minutes)
ImminentFailureMTBF = 5
The Service Interphone switch
How to enable or disable failures (for the session) with FlywithLua menu.
This graph shows a example how often you can expect a failure when you set the MTBF to 10 hours.
- You need FlyWithLua installed -
XP10: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/17468-flywithlua-for-xp9-and-xp10/
XP11: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/35579-flywithlua-for-x-plane-11-and-10-windows-linux-mac-os-x-version/
- Tested on X-Plane 11 with Windows 10.
- Simply place the script in [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts
Every failure is logged. You can find the logfile in your X-Plane root folder. The logfile is called IXEG_Failures.log
Here is a sample of the logfile.
Known bugs/limitations:
- None. But please report if you find one
For support please visit: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/11350-lua-script-randomly-enables-ixeg-failures/
TCAS CleanUp for the IXEG 733
By Tom Stian in Plugins and Utilities
TCAS CleanUp for the IXEG 733.
This script is ment for version 1.2.
IF you have problems with TCAS targets not disappearing while using IVAO, VATSIM or PILOTEDGE, then this script may help you.
If you dont have any issues, dont use this script.
This script will only run when you are connected to IVAO, VATSIM or PILOTEDGE.
- You will need FlyWithLua installed -
XP10: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/17468-flywithlua-for-xp9-and-xp10/
XP11: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/35579-flywithlua-for-x-plane-11-and-10-windows-linux-mac-os-x-version/
- copy IXEG_TCAS_CleanUp.lua to [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts
vSpeed callouts for IXEG 733
By Tom Stian in Plugins and Utilities
Hello Captains!
I made a simple LUA-script for v-speed callouts.
It includes callouts for 80 knots, V1, Vr, V2 (V2 is optional) and positiv rate / gear up.
The script is tested on X-Plane 10.51 and X-Plane 11 on Windows 10.
Feel free to leave a comment if you liked the script (or not)
- You will need FlyWithLua installed - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/17468-flywithlua-for-xp9-and-xp10/
- Unzip the files in [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts
You should get a structure something like this.
Edit the IXEG_vSpeed.lua for the settings.
Set to true to enable "V2" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.
Enable_V2 = false
Set to true to enable "Positive rate/Gear up" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.
EnablePosGearUp = true
Sync the First Officers speedbugs with what you set on Captain side. Default = false. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.
SyncSpeedBugs = false
Change "SoundLevel" to adjust volume for the callouts. Adjust between 0.10 min - 1.00 max (default 0.55)
SoundLevel = 0.55
How to use:
This is how I use the bugs. It may not be correct compared to real procedures.
The required bugs you need to set for the call out to work is Bug_2 to V1 speed, Bug_3 to Vr speed, and set the MCP speed to V2 (if you use V2 callout).
You can set the other bugs to whatever you prefere.
Known bugs/limitations:
- Speed bugs can only be set on Captains side.
@xplana for his excellent voice for the callouts
For support, please visit: