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Everything posted by Defiance_co

  1. Hiya, What i would try is ............ If you've installed custom scenery for London City, you will have to hunt down what it requires, some require specific items (two libraries off the top of my head as an example) eg : R2_Library or THE-FAIB Aircraft Library etc If you have added items to the custon scenery folder, try removing them for testing purposes, don't worry about your ini, removed items will 'drop off' the ini Also mentioning the ini, imagine the ini as a victorian sponge, it has layers, google to see what i mean, and correct the layering is needbe Now to throw a spanner in the works, if you've not added any items to the custom scenery folder, and you still have missing items (i'm sure this rings a bell a while ago for luton or gatwick) even though i got missing warning/s it didn't cause a crash, so i think i ended up installing a custom scenery for it, making sure i had all the required libraries And on about libraries, you may find especially now, some custom items require say a version 1 of an item, while another requires version 3a etc, you have to have the older one/s installed too, don't imagine the latest is the greatest, items were created using the version/s that were available at that time, and things move on so to speak and not always updated to carry on forward (if that makes sense) If you can, put your ini up here so i can have a look over it, anything obvious will stick out like a sore thumb, the less obvious will require cross referencing for missing libraries Also, put your rig specs up, cpu/ram/gpu and oc settings Your ini will be the best place to start, as this shows what if any, and in which order custom items are being used, and of course you x-plane version number, if you're not on the betas and have the latest it will be v 10.45 After typing this and thinking i'm, sure my non-crashing missing item/s error was for Luton Food for thought Tony
  2. Hiya, Thanks again for another livery Tony
  3. Hiya Steve, Thankyou Sadly a short lived airline from your details Tony
  4. Hola, Cheers Steve Tony
  5. Heya, Many Thanks Tony
  6. LMAO Another coffee splatter on my monitor to be cleaned up Cheers Jan !
  7. Hiya, Thanks for this livery Looks sweet Cheers Tony
  8. Hiya, Thanks for the update Cheers Tony
  9. Or the 'other' site Not actually looked on the downloads here for tell you the truth Never much messed with them thus far Have Fun Tony
  10. Cameron stated the latest download version will be the 1.07 version So just download, install, enjoy the goodness, become an addict of the IXEG persuasion or ................. If you have it already installed, just use the updater if not on 1.07 Have Fun Tony
  11. Hiya Andy, I meant speeding the game up via the local map option, it's rare i do speed things up but did notice i was afk a long while and came back to lovely blueness If you do ever speed the game up, which obviously you've not previously done, just be aware that you can get blank blue ocean looking areas ahead or around Over time, i'd imagine it's game-speed vs data processing, and the processing loses as the time progresses hehe Onto your above settings, i've never tested or even googled it, but a well known x-plane guy i subbed to on yt said with DSF ticked/checked then whatever Anisotropic settings you choose have no input above the 1x setting I still use 2x ssaa+fxaa and aniso at 1x, i tried raising them, fine n dandy until real heavy scenery or mega clouds, i've found my settings even with the new gpu is fine for me, like always, what one person likes another might dislike Have Fun Tony
  12. Hiya Andy, The only time i've seen that ocean effect is when i'd done some mega distance on x6 speed It cleared rapidly after going back to 'normal' game speed Sounds like kickremi is right though Hope you get it sorted Tony
  13. Hiya's, Some clouds for you Frank and the crew So far 10.50 beta 6b has been stable for me using hd mesh v3, so i've upped the anti and placed back in smp+rwc Few pics, then i'll link a vid when it's uploaded The vid will show sim settings plus SMP RWC Cheers Tony
  14. I'll throw in overclocking and/or heat issues too Tony
  15. Hiya, Another to the vast livery folder hehe Thanks Tony
  16. Hiya Cameron, Looks like my next upgrade is a g-sync monitor then And who knows, maybe the start of a dual or triple mon setup ! (maybe oneday hehe) Thanks Have Fun Tony
  17. Hiya, Yeah, you've got a great combo I have the v-sync set to 50% of monitor, so 30fps but it nudges up to 32fps on occasions for a second or two, also i made a profile for x-plane, single monitor/threaded optimisation Off (only ever used one monitor, but i can dream of a three mon setup) My 5820k at 4.7 is the bottleneck now for ground eye-candy hehe Maybe invest in the latest cpu, but i'm not sure on the overclocking potential as i've not searched and got nowhere that money saved yet lol My opinion is now after having a 1080, the anticipated titan/ti version coupled with a somewhat faster cpu (just around the corner i guess lol) then x-plane 10 may just may be about to be matched hardware-wise I'm just touring the world for eye-candy now lmao A small wish, maybe now we can have a larger render distance option for the road lighting effects, seems now with the power to render those further, they look out of place now being somewhat of a low radius Great pics btw Enjoy your new hardware Have Fun Tony ps : You ever used free-sync or more to the point g-sync ? i've no idea if a g-sync monitor is worth my next wad i shell out Tony
  18. Thankyou Wakey0 Left a like on t'other site Tony
  19. Hiya, ps : If you notice small jitters using the 1080 you can set via nvidia control panel the 1/2 fresh rate setting, kinda really slows the juddering The 3rd n latest 1080/1070 driver seems solid, but i've found for eg: scrolling on youtube or webpages it seems laggy lol Edited for link Tony
  20. Hiya's, You never know so here's to asking Any simmers from Fighter Ace 1.5 or 2.0 Or from Aces-High I was in a Barclays Bank in LLandrindod Wells 1997 ? i think it was, i was behind a rather tall middle aged texan guy, he wanted to wire-transfer some money, the cashier (teller to people across the pond) was a bit bemused He mentioned a mainframe and the internet amongst other things The chat being rather hard to miss got me thinking, i did my banking and went into a news agents by the bank, got me a pc magazine, later that evening i got reading A few days later i was on dialup at 1p min off-peak 2p min peak (after a fast run down to Cardiff for a modem) I stumbled across Fighter Ace 1.5 i think it was on a cd from the magazine, got into that, after a while i was asked to be in a beta, had input and spoke with amazing pilots Ended up doing beta FA 2.0, at the same time a tester put me onto Aces-High, got in that beta, ended up doing weird stuff with Hi-Tech lol, if anyone remembers when vehicles came into the sim, he would let me use invisible tanks, for testing without being seen in the arena, his coding passion was trajectory coding, hence tanks etc, the aircraft seemed to be a means to an end for him I ended up flying that sim right after getting in from work and through til the small hours, weekends i was like a zombie flying, but heck, i had a blast for years If anyone did use those sims and remember any of my nicks, drop a post by. it'd be good to chat with guys i used to fly with there Nicks across all sims ranged from to name a few gumpygumpy Titanium Defiance Defiance_co The Flying Musketeers besides my own squad i flew in in AH, used to fly for Rooks mainly Maybe someone on here had the same passion especially for AH all those years ago Ohh, i don't miss the quarterly 600+ sterling phone bills though And of course, good old Roger Wilko chats hehe Have Fun Tony
  21. Hiya, Only tried vs a handful of times, i'm pretty deaf from industrial hearing damage, and as i daren't risk using voice i stick to text on vs (the times i've tried it) Maybe pluck more courage up and get more into it lol To your mic, well, a way i see you can test it better other than the obvious settings test in windose is, try teamspeak 3 etc just to rule out a mic fault If you know someone in your flying circle of friends, maybe try with one/several Maybe this can define if/what the fault is/or not lol (does that make sense even lol) I know what you mean about only testing in vs, again, a downer for me hehe Maybe you could contact support at vs and explain your problem, you never know, you may get a decent reply where you could actually have a 1 on 1 to attempt to sort the mic, no idea how likely this is, but worth a try if they do support queries Hope you get it sorted Tony
  22. Hiya, Thanks again Kotovas Have Fun Tony
  23. Hiya Kotavas, Thankyou Have Fun Tony
  24. Kissed n cuddled her Though i'm starting to get concerned in case she starts to call me Jan !! Women ehh, and they say men have roving eyes hehe Thank heavens she can't even use a mouse let alone my pc But if i ever catch her on external view gazing into the cockpit, that's it ! in the hanger the classic goes Have Fun All Tony
  25. Hiya, Yes, use the download hotfix 1.07 The link is ...... Have Fun Tony
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