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  1. Totally understandable if this is whats causing the delay, but again without IXEG communicating with us and giving us accurate information they just have 5000 customers guessing and distributing false information and guessing as to whats going on. None of which is good for a company reputation.
  2. Yes here we go again, and if this is continuing to be obviously a constant ongoing issue with multiple paying customers and have been acknowledged multiple times than maybe that says something. Again we're not DEMANDING an update but 5 minutes to keep customers who have spent more money than the actual sim itself is not asking much. Weeks-Months-Years is not an acceptable response when asking about a product that you have paid a premium for. I have less expensive planes with better support and more customer interaction than IXEG. Yes the quality is sub-par compared to IXEG but why buy something thats obsolete for many who have been complaining. Not a very good business plan in most cases.
  3. So first let me say I absolutely loved this plane (Past tense) when I bought it. Even with the little bugs it was still relatively flyable with some workarounds. The team did a good job keeping up with updates and keeping everyone informed. HOWEVER these past few months have been anything but enjoyable. While $70+ is a steep price for an add on I will agree that this plane has held up to the reputation as being one of the best that Xplane has to offer. With that being said though I feel the developers are drastically gaining an image of "Well we have your money so now we're going to relax" Now I highly doubt that is the case as I know they are probably very dedicated to it and are working hard to patch this aircraft as flyable in Xplane 11. First response was that Xplane was still in beta and understandably why put a lot of time into something that may be changed by Laminar and have to rewrite everything. But that was the excuse in the past and now Xplane has been in final for almost 2 months and we have yet to hear ANY progress the developers are having with actually getting this plane at least flyable in Xplane 11. The cosmetic appearances and little details that we have been given a first look at means nothing if the aircraft isn't flyable in X-Plane 11. Most serious simmers have already migrated to the Xplane 11 platform or at the very least are in the process of it. With scenery taking a huge chunk out of most systems it's inconceivable to have both X-Plane 10 and 11 installed. So basically the ones who paid for the IXEG at release have either 2 options. Stay with an inferior X-Plane 10 or Migrate to X-Plane 11 and throw this plane in the hanger for who knows how long until the developers decide to give us any kind of update as to when this plane will be stable in X-Plane 11. Currently mines a hit or miss 20% of the time I can get it to work with minimal problems, but the majority it's constant issues (mostly with one of the engines not responding when I apply throttle even though the Throttle moves normal in plane, Throwing it into reverse until the engine is at 30% and then slamming it back forward is the only way to get any response out of it. Secondly the aircraft tends to jump around like crazy while applying thrust at low idle until the plane gets above 60% and starts moving at 5 kts) If anyone knows why it does this and a fix please tell. Again this is not meant to be a negative post, it was a great plane in X-Plane 10 but falls flat on it's face in Xplane 11 as far as stability and is one of the worst planes in Xplane 11. I havent really had to many issues with others except the Airfoil Labs 172 which "They Fixed". But as paying customers I think we should be kept in the know. With the amount of time that has gone by since the last update and the countless things that have been told I fear that IXEG is in a position to hurt their reputation even further if the next release isn't anything other than a game changer with a cabin and working doors, and should be completely stable with most if not all major issues fixed. Anything less with the amount of time and hush hush I feel would be another negative blow to a company that did make one of the best Xplane products to date. I know many people who have decided not to purchase this plane for this simple reason which is sad due to lost revenue for future products from IXEG. So as a paying customer I hope we can expect an update from the developers soon.
  4. I am the same way, anxious about another update. I keep checking in hopes of seeing that .8 update but sigh everytime I check when its MIA. Of course they want to do it the right way but the anticipation is killing me....lol Hopefully we will see or hear something soon
  5. Thanks for the info, great information and I will follow this procedure in the future. !
  6. I'm not sure if this has been addressed or not but I have noticed that during startup procedures as well as in flight it doesn't make any difference if the fuel pumps are switched on or off. I have mistakenly started and flown with all fuel pump switches in the off position. Turning these switches off I would imagine would prevent the engines from starting/stay on with lack of fuel. Not sure if the 737-300 has a safety to kick them on regardless of switch position, or if this is a bug in the aircraft. If it is a bug I would say its a pretty major one considering it's a big step in startup/flying. I've also noticed that the Fuel Crossfeed switch doesn't make a difference either because it fails to balance out tanks when they are inbalanced. Does this panel have any functionality at all or is it just a static panel for the motions?
  7. Thanks for the info guys. Really helps out !!
  8. All the fuel pumps we're on, I did have X-plane random failures turned on. I just turned them off and will update with the next flight. Thanks !!!
  9. Is anyone else having this issue? During long flights my Right fuel tank seems to be the only tank being used. I started out with 10k in each tank and during a 2.5 hour flight my #1 tank has 8870 gal vs 3090 gal in my #2 tank. Turning on the cross feed valve to try and balance the tanks doesn't seem to be working as there not balancing out at all. Is this valve operational? Its difficult to land on long hauls due to the imbalance. I've also notices that the # 2 Engine seems to have lower oil pressure as opposed to the #1 engine. Yet both are running at the same N1 and N2.
  10. Ok dumb question maybe but where/what chart do I find the ADI references to set the height.
  11. Ive been wondering the same thing? any news on when we can expect to get the release??
  12. Does anyone know how to get my Key reset for Skymaxx Pro. Thanks to Xplane crashing and having to reinstall it several times it now says my keys have all been used. Any help with this??
  13. Progress report will be that they are working on it...lol
  14. really looking forward to this, The clouds not showing the landing lights going through was something I always disliked for most sims. That alone will ramp up the realism effect to a new level. I hope that it's done in a way that it doesn't kill frame rate though. Will you also be able to see the strobes flashing off of the clouds??
  15. Thanks I will def try that. I should have included my system specs as well. I currently use an iMac 27" with the 3.5 i5 Processor with 8Gb of onboard RAM and the Nvidia GTX775 with 2Gb Dedicated memory. Here is a screenshot of my settings for Skymaxx
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