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Everything posted by Captain_Crow

  1. Hi, I can´t solve the problem with no gears, also after clearing all security stuff... What happened to x-Aviation? All other products runs very well... Steff Log.txt
  2. Set your departure time at the FBO to a shorter one, (10 min) and they will come earlier.. Steff
  3. Seat position ? Steff
  4. To test what the problem is, just think about what you changed at least. I for myself installed Skymaxx5.0 and in the log I found an entry abour Silverlining, which is a part of Skymaxx. After deinstalling Skymaxx I had no further problem til now... So to speak: Solved ! And: CL650 is not to blame... Best Steff
  5. Sorry but I have to report a CTD after appr. 200hrs flying this great aircraft without ana problems. Situation: Approch to LSZA (Lugano) CTd see attached files Hope there is some explanation.. Best Steff Log.txt CL650_Log.txt
  6. Yes it is Maximum Take Off Flaps. move it to "1" and save all config´s. Worked on my side.. Steff
  7. There is a slider for flaps warning in X-RAAS in the right below corner, I think you have to move it far right... and save the stuff. Just remembering... Steff
  8. Hi, I am always wondering what criteria user lays on a simulated arcraft in Flightsimulations. For me I am sitting in the cockpit and try to study all the technical stuff what Hotstart provided in a very impressing way. There is a lot to learn about. Until now I had not one look to the wings, to see if or how much they move.. Imaging real pilots are practicing in a real simulator, and complain about no wingflex. Funny.. Sorry this is my humble opinion, take it as a joke... Best Steff
  9. Hi Jr, thank you for the explanation. Best Steff
  10. ..inflight? Yes, I know, in the study I can find a sheet with all informations, but, how obtain real pilots the amount of oil? Best Steff
  11. Hi, I can move the door, but not lock... Best Steff
  12. Hi, what means this in my log file ? 2022-01-11 19:09:16 CL650[waas_api.c:205]: Failed to download WAAS API data: server responded with error 404 (Not Found) Best Steff
  13. Look into the menues, at Config Steff
  14. https://www.smartcockpit.com/plane/BOMBARDIER/CHALLENGER 605.html A source for some stuff Best Steff
  15. A reset of the CG helped me. Just typed the 25 in again. Try this.. Best Steff
  16. Hi, I just purchased this aircraft. Ovation III : On G1000 I can not set the Com Frequencies e.g 128.125: I can set the 128 but not the 125 part. no chance, so the a/c is unflyable for me. Same on the Garmin 530... Better explained. The inner ring don´t move, also not with a joystick button programmed. Any help ? Best Steff P.S.: Checked the behaviour at the default Cessna, it´s the same. So, no Mooney Problem...Solution: FlyWithLua switched off and it works now...
  17. After loading deefault Cessna loaded the TBM and : Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  18. Dear Goran, I highly appreciate you engagment. I remember we had a chat years ago at my first visit on x-aviation and you suggested the SF340 to me, which I immediately purchased after the chat. So I know that you are serious in clients relations. But my time to use the simulation is short, and if I go into the sim, I just want to fly and learn about systems, handling IFR stuff using Vatsim etc. I have no fun to test all the time, what I did with the TBM, knowing that this bird is obvously the best in its class for X-Plane. Yes it is. But unfortunately not for me. It is how it is. Thanks again and best wishes Steff
  19. Dear Goran, I did all of this. Again and again. It seems this aircraft ist made for better pilots than me. I never had such difficulties to handle a machine since ever. I just want to fly an aircraft not fiddeling around to get it run straight forward on ground for days and days. Thats not my intention using simulators. So, as great as this aircraft is made by you. I am out for that. Thanks and best wishes. Steff
  20. Guys, for me with CH stuff it´s impossible to roll on the runways. Neither at take off nor at landings. I tried it now for several days hours for hours. I for myself have no chance. Simmer since the late 80-ies, but this aircraft is to much for me. I quit. back to the hangar with it. I tried all settings step by step and found out: this aircraft isn´t made for me. I am sorry... Best Steff
  21. Okay, everything works with GTN750 and the 530 switched on. Good to know how to handle. Thanks for advising me ! Steff
  22. So. Flying using the 530 and everything works. Your guess seems to be the problem. Next I`ll try to use GTN750 and switch the 530 to on. lets have a look... Will report.. Steff
  23. Yes that can be the reason, I will test. I used the GTN 750 and switched off the 530. Just wanted to prepare my arrival at the destination and set the course of VOR 1. I´ll give it a try, but unfortuantely I am busy today with real life things... so... Thanks!! Steff
  24. Found it... thx. Steff
  25. ..trying to set Nav Course for VOR 1. Xp 11.26, Saab 340 1.5.1. On every flight. Where can I find thre Gizmo.log? Best Steff Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
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