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Everything posted by Breyne

  1. As a rule on thumb in taildraggers you never apply both brakes at the same time, you alternate between the two. You will use both brakes at same time only when holding position, engine test. Other thing on taildraggers you always hold elevators up when taxing so the tail wheel have more autorite.
  2. Looks like a weather radar that also display a moving map. And i think that the Carenado Caravan is using the some model.
  3. Now, this is a bit of a twists
  4. We gone have something at this level when the IXEG release there 737 classic, the CRJ-200 is probably near. This 737 is a Standard for the X-Plane airliners to mach.
  5. Awesome indeed
  6. You Got A Grand Star!!!
  7. The airport is in the FMS database?
  8. This probably is a navdata issue, there are other places where procedures are missing, but if you have the charts you can still fly then.
  9. Awesome work. About your Bonanza sound pack, you did a amazing work on it, i already flew on this plane, and with your sound pack like be inside the real thing.
  10. Now i see only planes ;D
  11. You see "frozen frogs" in every one of your posts. Have you seen an optometrist yet? Here's a lovely example of Leen's Robin (though it might appear as a large frozen frog to those who need their eyes tested) ;D I'll see optometrist regularly because of my medical certificate, this visions could be something new, but your frozen frog is much cooler from the ones i see regularly ;D
  12. I just see frozen frogs.
  13. With your GS, TAS and your Heading you can discover you wind velocity and direction in a flight computer, but you don't want to do this when you are flying, just slide your nose to the wind.
  14. Yea!!! No more more frozen frogs. outstanding work, keep it coming.
  15. More frogs on ice cubes.
  16. Love the frozen frogs!
  17. I already flown a Bonanza, and I must say that pretty darn good, the interior sounds are very well made.
  18. Breyne

    Project 3

    This plane will have real co-pilot instruments? like if the captain ADI fail the co-pilot will still work, alot o planes that i see out there if the captain instruments fail booth will fail.
  19. I suggest you find dome more modeling tutorials and stick with the basics, here are some good resources: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro - Try here for the basics http://www.military-meshes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2232 - Nieuport 11 Modelling tutorial http://www.blendercookie.com/ - A very good resource for beginners
  20. Competition is always good, just make the products better and is the consumer who wins. Looking their site, they have very good planes, hope other developer from FS do the some.
  21. Posted by the uploader on the comments. "Lupineproductions: @HDOnlive Correct! IT IS NOT XP10! It just features some of the planes from XP10. I was going to include some clips from XP10 but we couldn't get them ready in time."
  22. Thanks for the answers.
  23. I have X-Plane installed in a Desktop and a Macbook, I want to now if I can buy the MU-2 and instal the plane in booth machines?
  24. I flew one of these
  25. Viewing your screenshots I can see somethings off, like the windshield and passager windows size, and the passager door are low. Check some photos: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Shangdong-Airlines/Canadair-CL-600-2C10-Regional/1668878/L/&sid=a9c327cfa08fabae6e22986396123cd6 http://www.airliners.net/photo/Lufthansa-Regional-(Lufthansa/Canadair-CL-600-2C10-Regional/1668413/L/&sid=a9c327cfa08fabae6e22986396123cd6 http://www.airliners.net/photo/CR-Airways/Canadair-CL-600-2C10-Regional/1665832/L/&sid=a9c327cfa08fabae6e22986396123cd6
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