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Everything posted by wired521

  1. Thanks @Coop, Attached, but probably not a priority. Adjusting my Anti-aliasing seems to have resolved the problem, and I can live with it as-is. The new state tracking seems to be working flawlessly - very happy with this plane! Log.txt
  2. Setting my anti-aliasing to disabled seemed to resolve the problem (I don't recall running into this with other planes). My FPS is mostly stable ~40-50. If anyone else runs into this hopefully this will help you as well.
  3. Hey guys, Really happy to see the bug fixes in V1.1. Since updating, I'm having frequent stutters and generally low (~20 where I'm typically around 40) FPS. I've been testing with clear skies, and even lowered my texture quality and object density to be sure it wasn't something else. When the stutters occur, my FPS drops to under 5 and almost freezes for about 2-3 seconds. I've tried disabling reflective dials and windscreen - no impact that I can tell. I'm using OpenGL (Vulkan always causes me problems); any thoughts on what I can try?
  4. @Coop any updates on this issue? I may have missed an update; if so sorry for that.
  5. @Coop No, Windows 10. Anything else I can provide that would be helpful?
  6. Hey @Coop any thoughts on when the fix will be released for this problem?
  7. I ran into this as well during a cruise (TN version), Still learning the proper procedures... but what seemed to fix it for me was briefly engaging the high boost pump. I had been cruising with the pump in low boost; when I switched to high the irregularity got worse briefly so I turned the pump off entirely. After that, power and MP were stable. For reference, I was cruising at 3K feet MSL, OAT was 24C. Mixture was leaned slightly above the point where power loss occured (FFlow GPH indication slightly above the teal marker)
  8. I've noticed this as well, In the interim, there is an aileron trim reset control you can bind (default is 9 I believe). I've been using that as a work around for the time being.
  9. Hey @Coop , Thanks for the 1.0.1 update. Here's what I'm seeing: The remaining oil yesterday was below 8 qts; today when I loaded a new flight it's filled back to capacity (FIXED) The tie-downs and cover were no longer set (Will test) The Hobs and Flight Time were back to the default (5.6 hours and 3.2 respectively, this is what they were yesterday before the flight). (FIXED) Safety pin was reinstalled for the "Oh crap" parachute handle (I know I forgot this yesterday... oops ) (Will test) Fuel state was back to full (FIXED) Oxygen state was back to full (FIXED) Really enjoying this aircraft!
  10. Hey @Coop just checking in - do you have a release date in-mind for the patch to address these problems? All the best, Matt
  11. I was wondering this myself; are there plans for rain effects?
  12. Great - thanks @Coop! Great aircraft overall - I've already quite enjoyed my short time with it.
  13. Hey everyone, Not sure if it's just me... but I did 1 (only 1 so far) flight yesterday and quite a few items did not persist. I looked at doing another flight today at noticed the following: The remaining oil yesterday was below 8 qts; today when I loaded a new flight it's filled back to capacity The tie-downs and cover were no longer set The Hobs and Flight Time were back to the default (5.6 hours and 3.2 respectively, this is what they were yesterday before the flight). Safety pin was reinstalled for the "Oh crap" parachute handle (I know I forgot this yesterday... oops ) Fuel state was back to full Oxygen state was back to full Interestingly enough, some other items did persist: Custom tail number Wear and tear settings are still enabled (were enabled yesterday as well). Fuel shutoff lever position Oxygen flow setting This was the TN version if that helps. Any ideas?
  14. I picked up this plane when it released several years ago. One feature I've been waiting for is failure modeling, as mentioned in this blog post from 2014: https://ixeg.net/blog/item/35-failures Is failure modeling still on the roadmap? If so, to what level and when is the expected release date? All the best, Matt
  15. Thanks for the quick reply Goran - the Saab is wonderful to fly; I'll stop trying to break her haha . You guys have done a fantastic job with this aircraft! Main reason I was asking about failures is, for me at least, it adds a whole new level to the sim when mismanagement can come back to haunt you. Plus, distaster management is always a good time when you have to make an unexpected diversion 'somewhere' because of failure. Sure, I hate it when that happens in the real world but it's fun in a sim for some reason haha. I know failures can be a controversional subject, some people love em and some people hate em. I'll gladly take any insight as to what types of criteria can cause problems. Anyway, thanks again for the quick reply. You guys are definately top-shelf! @Ben I haven't seen any yet in the Saab; maybe in the Citation someone will add one...( [X] Seed Planted)
  16. Hi guys, I just picked up this aircraft yesterday and so far I've had a lot of fun with it! One thing I noticed was when I poorly managing my engines (~985 degrees) for about 10-15 minutes. Nothing 'broke' on me. I did a test this evening (on the ground this time) where I ran up engine 1 to max power (full throttle and condition set to max) for about 20 minutes and still no failures. The Torque was @ 120%, ENG RPM was over the redline and Temp was 985. I then did a couple hot starts on engine 2 where the temp was well over 1k but no failures were observed. Does this plane have any failure modes that can be caused by the pilot's poor system management?
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