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pinco58 last won the day on October 21 2017

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About pinco58

  • Birthday 12/30/1958

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    Milan ( Italy)

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  1. No doors opening? The IXEG is the only aircraft that flies always empty! [emoji16] Inviato dal mio SM-T719 utilizzando Tapatalk
  2. Sorry, but the IXEG sound menu is the one inside the preference? Only master and cockpit sound vòlume? Inviato dal mio SM-T719 utilizzando Tapatalk
  3. The bug is solved also for me ! But I have noted this problem ( I don't think was present before the update ) : The sound setting in X-Plane menu don't have any effect on the IXEG sounds : I can increase or decrease the exterior/interior/enviroment sound level, but I don't listen to any sound variation during the flight.
  4. Thankyou mmerelles. I will do in this mode. Inviato dal mio SM-T719 utilizzando Tapatalk
  5. No answer, no support from X-Aviation or Aviotek? Inviato dal mio SM-T719 utilizzando Tapatalk
  6. I'd like to buy the Skiathos airport. But I don't find the following information : Are there the ground routes for Skiathos airport? Is it suitable for World Traffic? Thanks
  7. Very nice video! Are there the ground routes for Skiathos airport? Is it suitable for World Traffic? Inviato dal mio SM-T719 utilizzando Tapatalk
  8. Of course, it was a my opinion. I have the A320FF and I have done many flight with it. It's a very good aircraft and the systems run very well. But I was talking about the level of graphic details in the cockpit : the texture of the instruments, the shades, the metal colors of the various panels, the surfaces in relief or in depression or worn out... In short, there is a maniacal search for all the small details that I don't see in any other aircraft.
  9. Yes, I totally agree with @foobar The IXEG is the best aircraft add-on for X-Plane, the level of details is amazing and the flight simulation is at the top. In my opinion there isn't any comparison with the others good add-on like A320 JAR, A320FF or B737-800 Zibo mod.. I wish to the IXEG team long life and good news about their wonderful project. I will wait with a lot of patience the next patch, hoping to have also the doors opening....
  10. I hope for next release something more about the cabin doors opening. This is the only aircraft where it isn't possibile to load passengers because the doors are always closed...[emoji4] Inviato dal mio SM-G900F utilizzando Tapatalk
  11. I've solved the problem ! I've selected IXEG 737 from the XP10 aircraft in NavDataPro ( even if I have only XP11 on my PC ) and I've put the XP11 path in the path selection. Then I've selected "Update and download" for the IXEG
  12. Thanks to all for the answers. But my problem is that I use XP11 and NavDataPro (Areosoft) like Crisk73 and if I select the tab "X-Plane11 aircraft" I don't see in the list the IXEG. And I don't know how to add it to the list....
  13. I reopen again this old post... because I've bought from Areosoft the last navdata cycle (1711 ) and upgraded all my pay aircraft BUT IXEG NO !!!!! The IXEG is not recognized from the Areosoft NavDataPro tool !! If I select from "Dataset-Filter" the IXEG, nothing appear. And another year is passed ! Please could someone help me and say WHERE and WHICH FILES do I have to copy inside the " IXEG 737 Classic " folder ? Thanks in advance
  14. Thanks a lot! I'll do this.😀 Inviato dal mio SM-G900F utilizzando Tapatalk
  15. I use N1 button for take-off.... Inviato dal mio SM-T719 utilizzando Tapatalk
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