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Everything posted by motoadve

  1. I have downloaded it 3 times and keep getting this message. Now I ran out of downloads Any ideas whats going on?
  2. Thanks for the update, beautiful but still have visibility issues. If you go to Enviroment/Weather/Set uniform weather for the entire world, you can select a CAT I or II or III approach. Visibility is a lot more than 1 mile or even 3 miles. Im talking about the kind of approack that you are doing an ILS in the soup the break out in low visibility close to the runway. So far not possible with SKYMAXX Pro.
  3. I know there are no refunds, but you should warn customers that IMC doesnt work, low visibility doesnt work. Simply I cannot practice instrument flying with this product. For the moment until there is a fix Im uninstalling Skymaxx. Hope you can fix it, or else I would feel I wasted $40.
  4. Me too I want it back.
  5. Can you go to Weather and select a CATIII weather and fly it? The visibility its never reduced. Its not working for my IFR training, yes I can put clouds in between but as soon as you break out of the clouds you have plenty of visibility. Can you fix this?
  6. It helps a bit , is it possible to make it more grey? Looks kind of light blue
  7. JohnMAXX what tweaks do I need to make to the sim? That video is what I expected to have with SkyMAXX
  8. JohnMAXX I bought SkyMAXX because I wanted to make my IFR training experience more realistic in X plane 10. Im a real pilot and like to practice ILS s approaches in nasty realistic IMC conditions. X plane 10 so far has been the best simulator I have tried and the IMC conditions were quite good. But now I cannot get IMC conditions anymore. Is it possible to have this option Grey Screen of Death" back?
  9. Yes I can get that kind of overcast. Im referring to low visibility to fly IFR approaches. So I cannot see out the window but white. I practice ILSs in X plane but now its not IFR anymore, even if I set visibility to 0.5 miles , there is like 6 miles or more visibility. No matter what I do I cannot get IMC , I always have like 5 or 6 miles visibility.
  10. For some reason I cannot get minimums or low visibility. Any ideas?
  11. I e mailed him and no reply. I re downloaded the plane and when I want to fly it is there, but a message pops up asking for activation asking for the serial and I paste the serial and nothing happens. The pop up message just stays there.
  12. No one??? Not much of a support for the product eh?
  13. I did copy/paste from my old PC to the new one. I have the serial and when upload the Bae 32 in X plane asks me for activation. I paste the number, click next and nothing happens. Can you help please?
  14. Sometimes just after take off, sometimes after 20 minutes. Im not running at 100%, just take off , then back to 70%. Wha am I doing wrong? Is there a cowl flap or something I need to do?
  15. Very easy to work with the radios thru the Yoke menu. You should start a thread about this. Saitek Does work Beautifull plane. I hate how the plane keeps rolling right though
  16. I want to buy, but before want to know how difficult is to make the Saitek COMM and NAV work. Not very good with computers.
  17. Where can I download this?
  18. Its Costa Rica
  19. Piloted: Cerokee Warrior 161 Cherokee 180 C 172 N C 172 XP C 172 SP Super Cub on floats Citabria C182 N C 182 P C 182 S Husky Piper Seminole Here is a video of last week's flight in my C 182 P.
  20. I have the latest beta and still wants to roll in flight. Not realistic!
  21. Thanks before I e mailed to Cameron at orders, just e mailed you know.
  22. Does anyone know how does this work? E mailed the developers with a copy of the e mail when I did purchased the Duchess but no replies. My hard drive stopped working so had to do it all over again, no problem downloading the Carenado Mooney again or Chandler's 182. Duchess so far no luck
  23. Got the serial cable Sim mode Also selected Aviaiton In mode, selected it on Xplane settings menu and cannot make it to work. Can anyone please help?
  24. It is 1 year old. I took apart some CH rudder pedal and never worked again so Im afraid to touch it.
  25. All aircraft. Mixture and propeller levers work fine though
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